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Everything posted by Kiwi_Zep_Fan87

  1. Surprisingly pleasant! It is the end of summer!
  2. I swear by this place, when I wish to get my fill of food from around the world (apart from Indian dishes, these guys specialize in gourmet food from around the world - Thailand, the US, Portugal, Britain, Mexico, China, Japan and many more) and feel too lazy to dine out. The menu changes every day. There is no telling what the chefs have in store! https://freshmenu.com
  3. If all goes well tomorrow, the mail man should deliver my copy of Power Windows Wish I had bought this album way sooner, instead of listening to 'advice'! People who declare Power Windows as too synth driven, are really misinformed and are missing out on something brilliant! This is definitely one of Rush's finer moments! The quality of the lyrics and the musicianship are astounding, to say the least! This easily is among my top 5 Rush albums of all time! And yes, Alex Lifeson IS playing on this album! Open your ears and listen!! Edited to add: I love this album more than Signals and Grace Under Pressure
  4. I know I am extremely late with the Congratulations and I feel like an absolute jerk , but anyway, Walter, your new home looks so gorgeous! Thanks for sharing a photo with all of us! Congratulations and may you, the Mrs. and Walter Jr. have many wonderful memories!
  5. You're Too Good (To Me Baby) - The Hellacopters
  6. Somehow, Power Windows was never an album that I took seriously, until now. I heard some tracks being performed live during the Clockwork Angels tour and I thought, "Hmmm...there maybe something to this album, after all"
  7. Tomorrow, I am hoping to implement a day of total technological detox. No computer. No phone. And obviously, no internet. Hope to spend the day reading (as in a real book and not some strange, eye straining device) in the sun
  8. Just a little heads up from the world of unofficial releases. Some very interesting titles became available of late : These CD's can be purchased via the following links: https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B06Y4RXNS5 https://www.amazon.co.uk/Missed-Missing-Radio-Shows-1976-81/dp/B071LGQ1LR
  9. Been feeling like absolute shit, lately. Went down with the flu last week. And now, my energy levels are nearly zero. So glad I didn't have to work today. Pure torture.
  10. I am with Jen (the mom) on this one. I think these cookies look like 1's, Sath! Very sweet of her to do something like that for her son!
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