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Everything posted by Kiwi_Zep_Fan87

  1. If you think Rush's work from the 1970's is incredibly special, then I urge you to consider songs like this one from the 1980's! Don't be quick to dismiss it as synth-centric, blah, blah, blah!
  2. Yep! My dad discovered it in 1973. Thank goodness it is still around, 'cause I can definitely tell you that, it is bloody 'effin good!!
  3. Oh, you lucky so and so! I am craving for that kind of weather!
  4. Going to a birthday party for my boss's daughter. Going to shop for a new pair of glasses And then, it will be time for some quality time, with family!!
  5. TGIF!! One of the smoothest whiskies I've had, in a while! The peatiness is downright sexy!
  6. Thank you so much for the encouragement and words of wisdom, Walter and Debbie! I've really learnt some important lessons in life, while looking for my dream job! I also refused a couple of job offers as these weren't in keeping with my goals. I really couldn't have been that gutsy, had it not been for my lovely mom and dad!
  7. Just got off work and after a long day, this put a big smile on my face!! Three cheers for Mrs. Walter!! Hip Hip, Hurray! Hip Hip, Hurray!! Hip Hip, Hurray!! Thanks for sharing this wonderful news with us, Walter!!
  8. Oh man! You are such a gem, Strider! You've posted two songs that have really inspired me! Here's to our friendship, mate!
  9. That Lady Gaga playlist is epic, Walter! I even listened to songs like Paparazzi, A-YO, Marry The Night, and many more! Gotta love her music and message! Such an inspiration!
  10. Thank you so very much, CP! I had so much to drink last night, but I haven't experienced a hang over today! Hope you enjoyed your Indian dinner, last night!
  11. Thanks, Debbie! I took a risk in having such a fixed career goal and I really had to be mentally strong and not let the voices of nay-sayers take over!
  12. Thank you, so much, Strider!! Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving vacation!
  13. Gee, that is so sweet!! My ultimate goal is to use my learning experiences in the field and build a youth centre for young girls from all walks of life, who want a career in Data Analytics / Data Science, but who might give up those dreams as they get older, just because they think they are not good enough as programmers and analysts or because of the incorrect notion (stemming from peer pressure) that Data Analytics is 'geeky' or that Data Analytics is a 'man's job', etc. The gender ratio in this industry is appalling. There are not enough women (relative to men) in this field and I am hoping to (in my own small way) change that, at least a little!
  14. Many thanks, ebk!! I am really excited to get started!
  15. Wonders in the world, Wonders in the world, Wonders in the world, hey!!! ROOOOOOARRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. For all those nay-sayers who smugly told me that I couldn't get the job of my dreams or that I wasn't good enough and just 'engineers' can succeed, well, fuck you guys!!! This one's for you, you bastards!!
  17. Booze, booze glorious booze in celebration of my new dream job!!! I will choose a path that's clear, I will choose freewill!!! My, my, my, I'm so happy, I'm gonna join the band, We are gonna dance and sing in celebration, We are in the promised land However drunk I might be, I ALWAYS use a fuckin' coaster!!!
  18. Thanks, Morgan! It's going to be hard work, but if you love your work, you won't even notice!!
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