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Everything posted by Kiwi_Zep_Fan87

  1. In view of National Video Games Day A shout out to my fellow gamer: Sath!!
  2. Thanks for the tip, Virginia! The last 24 hours have been rather annoying, but I do feel like my old self again!
  3. Looking good, Res! Love the effects! Rock on!
  4. PMS sucks!!! Most months, I'm absolutely fine and then, this demon just sneaks up on me so unexpectedly!
  5. Based on the fairly recent experiences of a close buddy of mine from Uni, I will never ever date an insecure woman, especially if she has the fucked up habit of snooping, by checking private emails, texts, etc. Jeez! If I catch someone I am dating snooping, I'll end it then and there! Look lady, if you want to read my emails and texts, then just ask! It is that simple! Be open about it, not secretive for cryin' out loud! It's bloody annoying! Jealousy and insecurity are ugly traits.
  6. Good golly, Miss Molly! This is just way too good to resist! Sorry about my weekend clowning around! Blimey! Now, I know what Uncle Arthur must have felt like! Aren't water and the power of magic wonderful?
  7. Well, my watch tells me that it's officially Blues O'Clock till Sunday night!
  8. Nothing like some classic pre-war blues to soothe one's soul, at the end of the day!
  9. Whew! Thank goodness, CP! I was actually getting a bit worried there! I think Chalks would be spooked even by my roasted vermicelli and veggies!
  10. I don't know whether to laugh or feel sorry for you, CP! Care for some roasted vermicelli and veggies? Or maybe Strider might have something even yummier for you to eat? If this is a person's idea of dieting, they can just take it and shove it! I really don't want to be a part of it. This is downright scary and preposterous! I don't want to one day, find myself standing on the terrace of my apartment building, singing at the top of my lungs: Food, Food, Glorious Food!!
  11. Sure haven't heard this in a while........ It's been a while since I listened to the Blues! Gotta take a break from progressive rock at least once in a while! Currently, I am listening to a mishmash of songs from the following CD's:
  12. Dinner tonight: Roasted Vermicelli with peas, onion, tomato, beans and cauliflower. Ginger garlic paste and pav bhaji masala are (as usual), my secret weapons of choice!
  13. Why, thank you, Strider! I'm honoured! Besides, I will be a poor excuse for a Millennial, if I wasn't! For more of my eccentric meme related fun, go here: It's a doozy, I tell ya! It's all about dear old Elmer Fudd inteoducing Led Zepwin to the masses! Edited to add: Hmmm...it looks like the spelling of introduce in the above thread's title has been corrected (from inteoduce) after all! I guess such is the power of meme comedy!
  14. Oooh, yes! That's him! Oh Lordy! My mom celebrates this festival, every year. I participate just to keep her happy. Besides, the food is just way too good to pass up! Like the old saying goes: I command your very souls you unbelievers
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