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Everything posted by Kiwi_Zep_Fan87

  1. It feels so good to do absolutely nothing for one whole day!
  2. I heard Ramble On on The Sound, a few days ago. http://www.thesound.co.nz/
  3. I actually figured out your Zep abbreviations, Sath!
  4. No offence to Kiss fans out there, but this is so funny!
  5. I love writing reviews for various products and services that I use. It's a hobby! The site for which I write, rewards its users monetarily and all the review points that I accumulated these past two months, were transferred to my account a couple of days ago, as real moolah! Always cool to receive some pocket money on the side for a hobby that I love!
  6. Thanks to Sath's new avatar, this song has been playing in my head for the last hour or so!
  7. I was actually supposed to purchase two fantastic albums by Tool : Undertow and Aenima, but fate had other plans. After waiting for almost three weeks, I suddenly got an email from the concerned seller, telling me that his sales partner in the U.S had inventory issues! I was pretty disappointed and then I came across the deal of a lifetime! At least it seemed that way to me! 7 albums for the price of 1! These albums were by my favourite band of all time!! I was a young girl, I couldn't resist
  8. I know that this documentary is old news, but this is for all those Rush fans out there who (like me) enjoy snippets of vintage footage of the band performing live and footage from rare music videos from the 80's and 90's! This doco sure is a gem!
  9. Stand-up comedy tomorrow night. Looking forward to it!
  10. Thanks, Morgan! I had a gift card saved up from my birthday, last year and didn't want to let it go to waste!
  11. Oh, I forgot about Opiate! I think I'll give it another listen. I agree with you about Lateralus, Sath! When I heard about it being the most progressive album that Tool has ever done, I couldn't help but get excited, being the progressive rock fan, that I am. I gave that album not one, but two listens and it just didn't click with me! I have ordered for the CD versions Undertow and Aenima and I hope to get my hands on those albums soon!
  12. That No Quarter cover is the stuff that legends are made of, Sath! I've seen it around here so many times and I don't blame fellow Zep Heads for loving it so much! I'm with you, regarding the whole aspect of taking time to get into the music of bands like this. For instance, In high school, while I was busy getting into Led Zeppelin, CSNY, The Baker Gurvitz Army, Cream, The Who, etc., the majority of my peers, were into bands who were the quintessential dark, heavy metal driven outfits like Metallica, Linkin' Park and HIM. Needless to say, I couldn't stomach any these bands, but as I got older, I (like you) really began appreciating various incarnations of rock. When I listened to the songs Prison Sex and H, for the first time, I was hooked and that's when I knew that there was something wild, foreboding and cool about Tool! Stinkfist is such a cool song! I have to ask, Sath. What's your favourite album? After careful consideration (after listening to Aenima, Undertow, Lateralus and 10,000 days), my favourite album (so far), is Undertow followed extremely closely by Aenima!
  13. Was listening to Cygnus X-1 Book 1: The Voyage, the other day on YT and I came across this comment by a fellow YT user, talking about how much this song, reminded him of the band Tool. Curious, I searched for Tool and lo and behold, I came across Undertow and Aenima! WOW! What brilliantly dark albums! Just the thing that I was looking for! To me, these guys seem like a heavy metal version of Pink Floyd I know that Aenima is a classic among Tool fans, but Undertow is right up there too, IMHO! Can't wait to sink my teeth into their entire discography and hopefully, the band will come up with a brand new album, soon, what with all those obstacles out of the way.
  14. Big day tomorrow, as I (along with family and a bunch of friends), will be treating myself to a local adaptation of the hilarious, hit off-Broadway comedy of errors, You've Got Hate Mail! Can't wait!!
  15. Right, before I retire to my shell for the weekend and get off the grid, I just want to extend my birthday wishes to you, Sean! I'll be having a beer in your honour, this Saturday, my friend! Cheers! A little song for you: Oh and happy birthday to a one Mr. Geddy Lee!!
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