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Everything posted by Kiwi_Zep_Fan87

  1. Hope I get to see this band in concert, within the next couple of years!
  2. Thank you, Strider! I will take that as a compliment! Perhaps with a little administrative help, I might even start a sub-forum dedicated to Rush!
  3. Man! This song just speaks to me! I don't care how harsh or pompous this sounds. I will say it. In my opinion, whoever says that Rush didn't make a single decent album after Moving Pictures, is either too lazy to explore their discography post 1981 or just unfairly chooses to dismiss their work, just because of their synth-centric leanings in the 80's! Check out albums like Grace Under Pressure, Signals, Presto, Roll The Bones, Test For Echo, Counterparts, Vapor Trails, Snakes and Arrows and Clockwork Angels! At least one of these albums will blow your mind! If not, well, I surrender!
  4. This Mother's Day was very special, Debbie! The play was really powerful, in terms of the succinct depiction of the profound struggles that Dietrich Bonhoeffer and his family faced in ridding Germany of its fascist leanings! The play did not have a happy ending. But nonetheless, watching a play like this in the company of my mom, was what made the occasion really special! And a big congratulations to your son graduating from college! He must be over the moon! I hope you enjoyed the graduation celebrations, Debbie! And a big congratulations to your daughter on her upcoming graduation! Talk about twice the joy of such wonderful occasions like these!
  5. Watching the season premier of a reality show that has actually got heart: Master Chef Australia Man! I love this show so freakin' much! Been a loyal viewer since season 3. With that being said, I hate both Master Chef USA and Master Chef Canada! The judges are mean, brash and condescending. The contestants behave as if they want nothing more than to kill each other! Sheesh! Honestly, if Donald Trump's former show The Apprentice, had been held in a kitchen, then I guess this is what it would have looked like!
  6. "It is my eyes which see and the sight of my eyes grants beauty to the earth. It is my ears which hear and the hearing of my ears gives its song to the world. It is my mind which thinks and the judgment of my mind is the only searchlight that can find the truth. It is my will which chooses, and the choice of my will is the only edict I must respect." - Equality 7-2521 "Whatever road I take, the guiding star is within me. The guiding star and the load stone which point the way. They point in but one direction. They point to me." - Equality 7-2521
  7. Cheers, Walter! A big congratulations to Walter Jr.! You must be so proud!
  8. Yes, I know. I in fact, noticed Ayn Rand being mentioned in the liner notes of 2112, the day I sat down to examine the album's CD booklet, for the first time. I also read an article, that was posted recently on the Rush thread, to celebrate 40 years since 2112 came out and in that article, Alex Lifeson specifically mentioned two books by Ayn Rand that really influenced Neil Peart's lyrical themes : The Fountainhead and Anthem. Needless to say, my curiosity got the better of me and I began reading Anthem and I thoroughly enjoyed it! Despite her views on feminism and gay rights (which I absolutely disagree with and despise), I am still a fan of some of Ayn Rand's work.
  9. I would have done the exact same thing as this poor old gentleman, if my significant other had forced me to attend a Beyoncé concert with her!
  10. Wonderful photo, Debbie! I echo the sentiments expressed by PageFan55
  11. I know it's still early, but nevertheless........................... To all the moms out there, in this forum and beyond, Happy Mother's Day! Hope you have a lovely day! Also, a special shout out to my mom! I love you and I feel really blessed and proud to call you, my mom!
  12. Early Mother's Day celebrations with my mom. I took her out to lunch and we both saw a wonderfully touching World War II historical play, at our local theater. The day couldn't have been better!
  13. The comic book makes a fantastic album like this, even more enjoyable, although I had different visualizations of the stories behind the songs in my mind's eye! Also, the song 2112 per se, makes even more sense to me now, in terms of its lyrical contents , after reading Ayn Rand's Anthem! Edited to add: The entire 40 page comic book for the deluxe version of the album, was created by story artist Tom Hodges.
  14. That's great, Strider! Hope your commute was enjoyable! The strangest part was the fact that, I hadn't listened to this album in more than 3 months and I just suddenly, felt the urge to take my CD copy of Queen II, out and listen to the entire album, in order to relax after a long day!
  15. Celebrating Mother's Day, a tad bit early, by treating my mom to brunch and a World War Two Historical Play at the local theater. Will be checking in to the forums again, later
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