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Everything posted by Kiwi_Zep_Fan87

  1. I was just about to post that, but then again, I am so glad you beat me to it! This little girl is so adorable! She is so enthusiastic about Led Zeppelin and it shows! A truly timeless band and timeless music! I guess there is plenty of hope for future generations after all!
  2. Wonderful comfort food! Combine this with a cup of hot chocolate and this will be perfect for a rainy day!
  3. There is so much hope for the future! Meet a sweet little 3 year old, who is a fan of Led Zeppelin! This video is so adorable that it warmed my heart! Just the way that this little girl named all the tunes in such an adorable way and so eagerly, as her dad played some of the riffs on the guitar, just to test her knowledge, was a delight to see!
  4. Time for a 60's Garage Rock and Punk Blowout!!

  5. Thanks, Walter! That's very kind of you. But, my passionate (and sometimes rather prickly) points of view, do get me into quite a bit of trouble, sometimes! BTW, I hope your family home project is going well! I just saw your post on the Happy thread and I wanted to say congratulations and good luck on your new family home!
  6. Thanks, Kate! That's exactly what happened! Oh and do let the other Keyboard Warrior know, that a fellow Keyboard Warrior from the forums, says hello!
  7. Getting back to topic: the weather out here is pleasant and warm, but rather on the humid side.
  8. I apologize, Kate. I shouldn't have said such things. I however, don't really think I deserve to be named a keyboard warrior, just because of my remarks about the Queen. If you do remember me and our conversations from the past, well, just say hi to Danny and the rest of your family, from me. If on the other hand, you can't stand the sight of me or my posts, well then, fair enough. I guess I deserve it. Thanks and regards, Kiwi Sorry for going off topic. I just felt the need to respond, that's all.
  9. It was a joke CP and if I'm being very honest with you, I don't care for the royals, either. After the loss of so many music, sports and comedy legends of late, when I saw a news item last night, on the old wind bag turning 90, my first reaction was : How the hell are you still here?! Haven't you lived long enough? If it were up to me, I'll trade you, in exchange for Lemmy, David Bowie, Martin Crowe and Prince! As morbid as this sounds, this is exactly how I feel. Anyway, the weather here is pleasant and I hope this trend continues for at least a week.
  10. First Lemmy, then David Bowie, then Ronnie Corbett and now Prince?! Gosh, Mr. Grim Reaper! You're one greedy and selfish rat bastard, now, aren't you?! http://metro.co.uk/2016/04/21/dear-2016-stop-robbing-us-of-talent-5832999/
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