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Everything posted by Kiwi_Zep_Fan87

  1. Hi, res! I'm doing great! Thanks for asking! Hope you're having a great day! Many thanks for the compliment! Interestingly, even though my roots lie in Southern India, a lot of people have asked me whether my origins lie in Goa or in Northern India! Needless to say, I was flattered!
  2. Whoa! That is some wicked cool art, you've created there, res! Many many congratulations for getting these paintings exhibited!
  3. One of the greatest dance records ever made! Time to boogie baby!
  4. You will be hearing from me very soon, Andy! I cannot even begin to imagine what you must be going through! *HUGS My thoughts are with you, your brother and the rest of your family!
  5. I first need to complete the task of paying my bills. Ugh! And then, it is off to the local music store, to explore and buy some new music CD's! The last time I actually shopped at a record store was back in 2012! Sheesh! Haven't got into the habit of collecting vinyls, yet. Honestly, the required storage space and expenses involved, just puts me off! Now, if only my mom had kept her old record player! *Sigh!
  6. The weather is just right, for a change! No trace of that wretched sizzling sun and no trace of that irritating winter chill!
  7. This arrived via Fedex, today!!! I was really on the fence about this particular album (what with people warning me about the 80's synth + guitar sound, blah blah blah), but after listening to songs like Distant Early Warning, Red Sector A, Afterimage, The Enemy Within and Between The Wheels, I knew that I just had to have this album in my collection! Oh and as a Rush fan, I would gladly recommend this album to even the most casual fan!
  8. You're right about TCV, Pat! It's been what, 6 years now, since their last album?! Sheesh! Hope there are more TCV projects on the way, in the not so distant future and not projects that point to Dave, kick-starting his rapping career! But then again, Dave's new 'song' Phoney Baloney (which could perhaps be employed as the official campaign song for Donald Trump ) sounds much better than some of the mainstream shit, of today! Yeah, I appreciated Sonic Highways even more thanks to that series, especially since honest to goodness concept albums, are unfortunately, such a rarity, these days!
  9. Today was a very hard day. I found really difficult to smile and be happy about anything, until I found this. Man! How I love the Foos! One of the most EPIC Band Announcements in the history of band announcements, especially with Dave rapping!
  10. Leave it to Dave and the boys to address the break-up rumours in such an EPIC way!!!
  11. My childhood cricket hero died today, aged just 53, from a wretched disease called Cancer. Absolutely gutted. RIP Martin Crowe. Edited to add: To add insult to injury, I thought one of my favourite bands from modern times, was breaking up. Thank goodness that rumour turned out to be false.
  12. RIP Martin Crowe. He, IMHO, was one of the greatest batsmen that I ever lived! I am deeply crushed by this, as he was my childhood cricket hero. I know his death was imminent given how much suffering he had to undergo, but that fact doesn't make it any easier. http://www.stuff.co.nz/sport/cricket/77508007/new-zealand-cricket-great-martin-crowe-has-died Fuck you, Cancer, you wretched disease!!!
  13. By underrated, I meant that in some pockets of the world, people know who Rush is. But in other pockets of the world, Rush sadly, remains pretty unknown, even today. Ask Geddy Lee. He himself, stated this very very clearly, in an interview, fairly recently. Can you honestly tell me that the same can be said about bands like Led Zeppelin and The Beatles?! Even I did not know about Rush until June of last year, considering the fact that I have discovered so many other bands from the 60's and 70's (all thanks to my dad's and mom's music collection), through the decades like Led Zeppelin, Cream, The Jimi Hendrix Experience, Blind Faith, Traffic, Queen, The Beatles, Pink Floyd, Deep Purple, Lynyrd Skynyrd, The Who, CSNY, The Rolling Stones, The Sonics, The Stooges, MC5, Uriah Heep, The Baker Gurvitz Army, Derek And The Dominos, The Allman Brothers Band, Fleetwood Mac, Jethro Tull, Yes and countless and virtually unknown 60's Garage Rock bands. Had you asked my dad at the beginning of last year, who Rush is, my dad would have blinked and said he doesn't have a clue! This is coming from a guy who has been a fan of Led Zeppelin, The Beatles and all those other bands that I have mentioned, for 30 odd years. Oh and I think it's absurd to dismiss all of Rush's albums, after Signals. But hey, we can agree to disagree.
  14. You asked me to give you the name of the band that I mentioned and I did that. And now, you try to over analyze my post to such an extent that you have got my opinion on Rush, to be absolutely wrong. Make no mistake. Rush is my favourite band of all time. They mean way, way, way more to me than any other band on this planet! Strangely enough, you seem to think that I regard Rush as a cult band and that they are not good enough? I said they have been regarded as a cult band. I did not say that I regard them as a cult band. Please read my post carefully before making such assumptions. Oh and did I mention how much they actually mean to me? And yes, it does surprise me that there are some who regard them to be a cult band after all the wonderful albums they have put out over the years! They have such an incredible body of work. Your analysis of my post is way off.
  15. I can think of at least 1 band that is as good as Led Zeppelin in terms of factors such as musicianship and (who in my opinion) is better than Led Zeppelin in terms of factors such as album themes and lyrics. Now, Led Zeppelin triumphed in terms of marketability and mass appeal. The band that I am speaking of, remains pretty underrated even today and has been regarded as a cult band for quite a while because of its song themes (apart from other things) and has been declared by some to be an acquired taste.
  16. Just a little song for all those we have lost.
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