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Everything posted by Kiwi_Zep_Fan87

  1. I know cover versions of YYZ have been added to this thread before, but this particular cover version is so good that it has to be added to the list (courtesy of my friend and Primus enthusiast Sathington Willougby). Please pardon any repetition that may have resulted from my post
  2. Morgan, that was awesome!!! Kudos to Primus for adding their own spin on a classic! I am adding this to the Good Cover Songs thread, right now!
  3. Really love this bluesy and wild side of Rush, but boy, am I glad that they evolved into something much more brilliant than the usual stereotypical blues rock band!
  4. I have been resisting the urge to sing this, all morning! CUCARAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACHAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. I love Rush for not only their wonderful music, but also for their fantastic sense of humour! Being a goofball, I love a band which doesn't take themselves too seriously! Here are quite a few clips that depict exactly that and consider my post as my way of sprinkling some humour on this thread
  6. Hmmm...let's see: 1. Presence 2. In Through The Out Door 3. Houses Of The Holy 4. Physical Graffiti 5. Led Zeppelin III 6. Led Zeppelin IV 7. Led Zeppelin I 8. Led Zeppelin II 9. CODA Well, I like the quirkier albums more, you know?
  7. I am really digging Graveyard's latest offering but Hisingen Blues will always be my favourite album! But these awesome Swedes have done it again!
  8. Getting my second (incredibly unexpected!) helping of Downton Abbey Season 6! Yes, yes, YES!!!! With Downton Abbey at 10 PM and Mad Men at 11 PM, my weeknights are incredibly exciting, these days! Oh joy!
  9. Like the great comedian Frank Nelson once said, 'Ooooh! You mean man!' Indeed he did!
  10. Yes, well, I guess Pig's Brain is as common in China as Alligator seems to be common in the U.S! I'm definitely staying away from both! That's for sure! Sheesh!
  11. Nippy??! You call that nippy? I classify a temperature of 1 degree Celsius to be freezing, so I cannot begin to imagine what it must be like to experience temps like -33 degrees! Gosh! Hats off to you, Pat for being able to withstand such extreme weather! But please take care of yourself at all times! Please please please stay warm!!!
  12. I completely agree, Walter! Experiencing a band like Rush or Led Zeppelin in concert, is like an experience in itself. No amount of YT vids or DVDs can ever replace the priceless experience of actually being there! I have come to terms with the fact that I sadly, might not get to see Rush live, ever. But you know what? I am just so damn thankful that I discovered this great band, in the first place, adding so much of colour and happiness to my little world! It is so strange to know that these guys (as Geddy mentioned in an interview) are so well known in certain pockets of the world, but can hardly be recognized in other pockets. Hell, their music almost slipped through my fingers (not even the name Rush rang a bell, in my head, sometime ago ) and I do sometimes shudder to think what might have happened, if I had never discovered them. Before, I used to really be intrigued by the sort of love and rabid admiration shown by folks like Strider, towards the music of Led Zeppelin and how much the band actually meant to folks like him, but now, I finally understand where he's coming from, because I feel the exact same way about Rush! One day, Walter (hopefully in the near future), I think I'm actually going to sit down and write a small letter of gratitude to the guys and send it as fan mail to Canada. I know that the chances of them reading it, will be pretty slim, but I think I'll take my chances!
  13. Thanks, mate!! I just wrote what I felt, straight from the heart or should I say closer to the heart! Oh my gosh!!! You sir, have made my year! Thank you so much! I didn't even know about that goldmine till you told me! Wow! I have subscribed to that fantastic channel!
  14. ¡Ay, caramba! Alligator????!! Really?! As in the creepy, ugly and scary reptile that sometimes invades people's homes?! Damn, Strider! My respect and admiration for you, just grew exponentially! You're kinda bad ass (if you don't mind my saying it!) Care to appear on the show called Bizarre Foods? I thought that my dad was a total bad ass, when he ate a dish at a restaurant in Beijing, whose literal translation in English, was Pig's Brain, but you, sir, have taken it to a whole new level! I applaud you, man!
  15. ^^^I feel Rush is practically Canada's greatest gift to the world, Walter! You're right! Their music is so timeless and so many of their albums are such a delight to listen to! For me, one of the most difficult tasks in the world, would be to name my favourite Rush album! I mean, I love almost all of their albums for a different reason (except for some from the synth-driven era, but I probably might start appreciating those, as the years go by). Hell, even if the task is made easier by asking me to name my favourite album from each era of the band, I sure will have plenty of indecisive moments! I think it is very sweet and romantic that you and Mrs. Walter fell in love with Rush, together! Gosh! Going to a Rush concert, is probably one of the best ways to spend a wedding anniversary! I am so glad that you guys got to see them all those times! I bet Walter Jr. is a fan, too! I haven't even scratched the surface yet, as far as their live stuff goes! I do hunt around (A LOT!) for clips on good old YT, but I guess it's high time that I started paying attention to all the live albums that they have released over the years! To me, their concerts seem like theatrical productions (from what I've seen on YT) and that's another aspect that I find so fascinating about them! I also find myself giggling at some of their intro vids at concerts, for songs like Tom Sawyer, for instance! I have so much of Rush to look forward to and discover! It's crazy but so exciting!!
  16. Another fabulous album that I am waiting to get my hands on (that I forgot to mention in my post from yesterday) is Snakes and Arrows! Man! I love this band so freakin' much that it's effing crazy! It's like an obsession, I tell you! I surrender! I give up! Rush is my favourite band of all time, beating Queen and Led Zeppelin by a small margin! Hope Geddy, Alex and Neil enjoy retired life! They deserve it after decades of hard work in the form of wonderful music and putting a smile on the faces of millions of fans across the globe!
  17. My participation in this thread has been incredibly quiet and that's because words fail me when I try and describe how much I love Rush! Nevertheless, after months of lurking, I'm going to try and give it a go! I discovered Rock's greatest trio, back in June, 2015, thanks to a nifty little website called Youtube. It was (what began as) an ordinary and lazy Sunday morning. I have this immense thirst to discover 'new' music during my spare time and Youtube, thankfully, obliges my request through its incredible Recommended For You mechanism. I am a huge fan of Queen (got into their music, when I was just 3 years old, thanks to my dad) and I do love bands like Yes (again, thanks to my dad). I was listening to a couple of songs from Queen II and The Yes Album on constant rotation, when a few videos with song titles like 2112, Bastille Day, The Fountain of Lamneth, Anthem, Fly By Night, Xanadu and The Trees caught my attention. Out of curiosity, I picked the song 2112 to listen to first, as the album cover really fascinated me, no end! And then it hit me! The Sci-fi sounds, the aggressive and awe-inspiring guitar riffs, the out of this world lyrics and the goosebumps inducing vocal range of the front man (the last time someone's vocal abilities inspired that sort of a reaction from me, was when I listened to Black Dog, for the first time)! I was floored! I thought to myself 'who are these guys?!'. I wanted more and more and more. I spent the entire morning, greedily looking for songs by Rush and time and time again, I experienced a plethora of emotions like joy, awe, euphoria, admiration and absolute contentment. It was like an obsession that fine Sunday morning and probably the best Sunday that I ever had! I then felt the incredible need to see what the band looked like and I of course, came across the video for the song Anthem! Again, this was another song that left me gobsmacked! I then, got to watch the brilliant documentary Beyond The Lighted Stage (I now own a DVD copy) and I was thrilled that I got to know the band even better and they struck me as incredibly humble guys, with a great sense of humour and immense passion for music! One aspect that struck me was the so-called Down The Tubes Tour and how much the album Caress of Steel, got them into trouble. I was incredibly shocked to hear all the criticism against that album! To me, it sounded like one of the greatest progressive rock albums that I ever had the pleasure of listening to (apart from gems like Moving Pictures, of course)! I even loved kick-ass songs like I Think I'm Going Bald! It was like every song had a story to tell and a message to convey! I had to own that album!! Sadly, no record store near me, had it in stock, so I had to resort to Amazon and after 6 agonizing weeks (at one point, I even thought that the shipment had got lost in the mail!), I finally had the CD in my hand! Within the next 6 months, I then proceeded to stock up on Fly By Night, 2112, A Farewell To Kings, Hemispheres, Permanent Waves and Moving Pictures. It's been such a wonderful musical journey so far and it always excites me, to witness the evolution of the band's incredible sound, through the years! I am taking my time to explore this brilliant band's catalog, as IMHO, each Rush album is like fine wine and exploration of this catalog, must by no means, be rushed (no pun intended)! I am now, going to be stocking up on Signals, Test For Echo, Roll The Bones, Counterparts, Vapor Trails and Clockwork Angels within the next couple of months! With each passing month, as my love for Rush deepened, I have come to realize what a massive void there was, in my music collection! I guess there has always been a feeling that something vital was missing and that something, was Rush! My only regret is not discovering them, sooner! I am one of those fans who teared up, when she watched the video for the song Subdivisions, for the first time. I was that kid in the video. A (proud) misfit. It was as if this song had been written for me, practically depicting all my experiences, in high school! I was practically laughing and crying at the same time, when I came across Alex's magnificent Blah Blah Blah speech at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame induction ceremony, practically telling all the critics, to get stuffed! His speech will go down as one of the all-time greatest, as time passes by! Never have I ever identified myself with a band, this much and I have never felt this excited about any band, before (no, not even about the mighty Led Zeppelin)! I am beginning to regard Rush as my band! I discovered and fell in love with this band, all on my own with no recommendations from anyone and that feels so good, as I used to depend heavily on my mom's and dad's music collection, to familiarize myself with music from the 60's and 70's! Hell, even my dad (who introduced me to bands like Queen, Led Zeppelin, Yes, Pink Floyd, The Who, The Jimi Hendrix Experience, The Doors, The Baker-Gurvitz Army, Cream and many more), is now a fan! We even listened to 2112, A Farewell To Kings and Hemispheres together, on my 28th birthday and it filled me with such joy to have been able to introduce my dad, to such a great band! All in all, I became a fan, not because of any hype or bullshit, but just because of honest to goodness brilliant music straight from the heart, with each song having a wonderful story to tell or a message to convey! I mean which band, creates a song that is based on a poem by literary legend Samuel Coleridge or asked its fans to be themselves through fantastic lyrics like I will choose a path that's clear, I will choose Freewill? Rush did, baby!! Edited to add: Happy 35th Birthday, Moving Pictures!
  18. Very very 80's oriented, but I like! Trust David Bowie to take a fantastic song and make it even better! What an artist!
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