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Everything posted by Kiwi_Zep_Fan87

  1. Experiencing beautiful sunshine, at the moment But with that being said, my heart goes out to my East Coast American friends. Stay safe and warm, everyone!
  2. A few beers, a couple of slices of pizza and good old fashioned American style radio comedy from the 1930's, 1940's and 1950's, courtesy of Jack Benny, Mel Blanc, Don Wilson, Phil Harris, Frank Nelson, Dennis Day and Eddie Anderson! They sure as hell, don't make'em like they used to.
  3. I unfortunately, have to complete the horrid task of fumigating the kitchen in my apartment, just because some incredibly careless individuals (who call themselves 'my neighbours' ), just cannot be bothered to keep their bloody homes clean!!!
  4. I too had some trouble with loading the forums page just last week, Sath. Sometimes I've had to wait for 5 to 10 minutes, after entering forums.ledzeppelin.com as the URL in my browser. Sometimes, while the main page used to load pretty quickly, it was the access to forum sub-sections like the Ramble On section that used to take forever and I had to keep refreshing the damn page, so many times! It really used to annoy me but I used to tell myself, that if I could survive with dial-up internet speed in the 90's, I can pretty much survive with anything! Ah, to be a kid of the 90's!
  5. Wow! That looks fantastic, Debbie! Being a pretty big fan of the legendary Robert Johnson, the song Crossroads started echoing in my head! You can just sense the beautiful sound of the slide guitar echoing every where! Thank you so much for sharing these awesome photos! I really enjoyed looking at them! I hope to one day, visit these places myself. I also hope to visit the Dockery Plantation, where it all began!
  6. Finally got down to watching this. Personally, I can't stand Alec Baldwin, but I was willing to put my dislike aside, just to watch this movie.
  7. Don't forget to add that maggot Justin Beaver to that memo! Honestly, this is one of the most epic posts I've read in a while. Thank you for that!
  8. To say that I'm a 'Downton Abbey fanatic', will most certainly be, the understatement of the century! I usually don't care this much about T.V shows, but there was something incredibly special about this one! Edited to add: If it were solely up to me, I would have gladly, watched the 6th season of Downton Abbey, one episode at a time, each week night (like I have always done for the past 5 years or so), but sadly, my local T.V channel had other plans this time around and has officially confirmed that it won't be bothering to air the series, ever again. So, this 12 hour weekend binge (6 hours on Saturday and 6 hours on Sunday), was pretty much, a one in a lifetime opportunity.
  9. Watching the series finale of Downton Abbey. It was a beautifully crafted Christmas Special that really made my day!
  10. The series finale of one of my all-time favourite T.V shows: Downton Abbey
  11. I have a 6 hour marathon of the entire 6th season of Downton Abbey, to look forward to, on T.V, this Saturday!! After such a horrible fuckin' week (beginning from Sunday, the 10th of January, 2016), at long last, something to look forward to and be happy about, for a change!!
  12. Brilliant. Just bloody brilliant. A fuckin' masterpiece from start to finish. I could listen to this album, over and over again!!! Thank you, Mr. Bowie! My all-time favourite album by David Bowie, hands down!
  13. After everything that's happened over the last 24 hours or so, 'Lazarus' seems so beautifully tragic. A poignant final testament. The last time that I got so damn emotional over a music video, was when I first saw this: Two legends, bidding the world farewell.
  14. Yeah! I mean it's just so mind-blowingly creative and I also really dig the dude's fashion sense in that video clip! The first album by David Bowie that I ever purchased was a compilation called 'The Best of David Bowie : 1969 - 1974' and 'Rebel Rebel', was the first song by David Bowie that I fell madly in love with!
  15. Hi Sam and Sath Thank you for your help. Apparently, the forum software works differently for different browsers. I use two browsers : Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge. The Smiley Icon appears as it should, when I use Microsoft Edge (I am using this browser right now to reply to both of you). Here is a screenshot: On the other hand, when I use Google Chrome, the smiley icon disappears and in its place, is a weird cog shaped icon Here is a screenshot:
  16. Hi Sam, How do we insert a specific smiley? I know that there was a list of smilies before, but that list seems to have disappeared.
  17. Hi there, Speaking for myself, I've been a fan of Motörhead since 2014, ever since I discovered the classic British comedy show called 'The Young Ones'. There is an episode featuring a highly energetic version of 'Ace of Spades' and it was ground breaking, to say the least. Oh and in order to put your theory to the test, if you look at threads discussing bands like 'Rush' and 'Queen' (for instance), you will find that I have hardly contributed to any of the threads discussing these bands. Does that mean I haven't heard of these particular bands? Or that I will start posting on threads in an internet forum or become a 'fan' if (like you proclaimed) 'someone dies'? Ha! Not even close, Sherlock! FYI, I've been a fan of 'Rush' for over 7 months now and a fan of 'Queen' since 1990, (I was just a three year old kid, at the time). I even wrote a pretty long two part email to a forum friend, telling him why the music of these bands, mean so much to me.
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