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Everything posted by Kiwi_Zep_Fan87

  1. Yeah, it is a rather early variant and I got introduced to it when I was around 11! And man, was it addictive!! Speaking of NES, I practically grew up playing the classics like 'Duck Hunt', 'Wild Gunman' and 'Bomberman' and so, I totally understand your nostalgia! Oh, to be a kid in the 90's! *sigh!
  2. You betcha, Morgan! Stay tuned! BTW, cool looking old school video game purchase there! Speaking of old school games, I am hoping to get this for my birthday, next month (I love brick games! ):
  3. Damn right, mate! Also, if a person is brave enough to write a book / manual, on how to systematically destroy the ISIS / Caliphate Army, I will be one of the first people on this earth, to purchase a copy!
  4. Mine too! I could watch that movie again and again!
  5. Not a recent purchase, but a fairly recent one. Was really happy to finally get my hands on this pretty obscure compilation, called 'Cry of Atlantis : Volume 2'. It is packed with some of the most obscure 60's Garage Rock, 60's Garage Punk, 50's Rockabilly and Surf Music! Highly recommended for fans of Rockabilly, Surf and Garage Rock!
  6. Was it even legal for 'reporters' from the Hollywood Reporter to be high on the job?! Get your facts straight cowboy, before attempting to write a review on a Led Zeppelin concert! If making a mistake about the name of a song (it's 'Dazed And Confused' buddy boy and not 'Days That Confuse' ), wasn't bad enough, this bugger clearly, couldn't even bother to name the front-man correctly! Jeez!
  7. This is a really cool cover version of 'Sugar Mama' called 'Sugar Plum', by Swamp Blues master, Lightnin' Slim
  8. Interesting mini-series but rather historically inaccurate! Nevertheless, it is really fun to watch!
  9. Don't forget her swingin' cousin, Serena, mate! One of the original hippie chicks!
  10. Really really LOVE this song (and the video!!). I can totally relate to it as I was considered to be a 'misfit' and a 'geek' (by the folks higher up in the social hierarchy, that was high school). But then again, I would much rather be a misfit, than conform to societal 'norms' and 'pressures'!
  11. Apart from Samantha (the beautiful Elizabeth Montgomery ), here are my favourite witches: The Good Witch The Bad Witch Aren't they adorable? Yeah, yeah, I know that they are cartoon characters, but they are legends! Happy Halloween, everyone!
  12. Cheers to the newest member of the Addams Family! Great costume, TypeO!! Way to go, getting into the Halloween spirit!
  13. A Very Happy Birthday to you, Walter! Hope you had a great one and got to take the day off to spend time with family and friends!
  14. Had a chance to get a good view of the full moon, while going for an evening stroll on Tuesday night. Initially, the moon got hidden behind the clouds, but (thankfully!) emerged a few minutes later, in all its glory, casting some lovely silvery light, onto the street that I was walking on!
  15. Hi Strider! Nice to see you! Cool sun glasses!
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