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Everything posted by Jahfin

  1. Anyone heard these guys yet? Dhani Harrison's new band with Ben Harper and Joseph Arthur called Fistful of Mercy. Compared to the recent clip I saw from Sean Lennon's new band, Ghost of A Saber Tooth Tiger, I think I like this one better:
  2. I wasn't looking for any sort of thanks or a pat on the back. I was merely trying to help you out.
  3. Jahfin


    New Album From Jason Isbell & The 400 Unit Coming April 12 Here We Rest, new album from Jason Isbell & The 400 Unit, is set for an April 12th release on Lightning Rod Records. Here We Rest is the second album from Jason Isbell & The 400 Unit, and Isbell’s third. Their 2009 self-titled debut received high praise from the press, including Rolling Stone, Spin, Paste, Blurt, Details, Washington Post and many more. An Alabama native, Isbell comes from a tradition of Southern music. He proudly embraces his roots, which shine through in his songs and even in the title of the new album. Here We Rest was Alabama’s original motto. However, instead of resting comfortably within its boundaries, Isbell, along with keyboardist Derry deBorja, guitarist Browan Lollar, drummer Chad Gamble and bassist Jimbo Hart transcend them. His thoughtful songwriting and warm, soulful voice are genuine, natural abilities that come through in the music. From the soulful heartache of “We’ve Met” and “Save It For Sunday” to the country-infused folk of “Alabama Pines” and “Daisy Mae” to the old school R&B of Candi Staton’s “Heart On A String”, Here We Rest is steeped in the best of southern American music. Isbell’s songs continue to reveal themselves the more you listen. From his lyrical depth to his vocals, his songs penetrate the heart and the mind, and stay with you. A true sign of great songwriting. Here We Rest was produced by Jason Isbell & The 400 Unit and recorded at the legendary Fame Studios in Muscle Shoals, AL and at The NuttHouse in Sheffield, AL. Jason Isbell & The 400 Unit will be previewing the Here We Rest during South By Southwest in Austin, TX on March 17th. A full tour will follow the April release. Stay tuned for dates. See track listing below. Jason Isbell & The 400 Unit Here We Rest – Track Listing 1.) Alabama Pines 2.) Go It Alone 3.) We’ve Met 4.) Codeine 5.) Stopping By 6.) Daisy Mae 7.) The Ballad Of Nobeard 8.) Never Could Believe 9.) Heart On A String 10.) Save It For Sunday 11.) Tour Of Duty
  4. I have a very low tolerance for Retchin' Wilson myself but the episode of Crossroads she did with Heart was proof positive that she'd be much better off singing rock n' roll.
  5. One thing I really despise is when people put words in my mouth and this is exactly what you're doing here. I have nothing against you, that's all in your head. When we all first signed up here we agreed to the abide by the forum guidelines and first on that list is searching for topics that have been discussed previously before starting a new thread so I would think it's a very important one or Sam wouldn't have put it there. You admit yourself to trolling which is another rule here and a very important one at that. So, basically it was a waste of my time to even search for a duplicate thread. More talking out of your ass here. I could care less about hierarchy, post counts, quickest to respond, etc. I never even pay attention to my post count and it could stay at zero as far as I'm concerned. Nor do I think I have any sort of hierarchy over anyone else. I've learned more about Zeppelin here than I ever have from reading books and magazines over the years. All I did was try to help you out only to get slapped in the face for my efforts. How does that make me some sort of bad guy? As for my avatar, I've been using it here for about as long as I remember and have never once been asked to remove it by Admin. If you're offended by it by all means take that matter up with Sam and if he wants me to remove it I will be all too happy to do so.
  6. The local record calling to say they had finally received the new EP from the War on Drugs called Future Weather. This EP has been next impossible to find locally. Since they're playing here in March I had just resigned myself to waiting until their gig to pick up a copy.
  7. Out of all the movies I've rented recently this one is by far my favorite. It reminded me a bit of Little Miss Sunshine as far as it's indie film on a mainstream level feel. I also loved the soundtrack, which oddly enough, I heard long before I ever actually saw the movie.
  8. Looking forward to Hayes' new record which is due on 2.15.11, here's the EPK for it:
  9. They're supposed to be guesting on the next ZZ Top record which Rick Rubin is producing but that album has yet to materialize. Just heard on XM's Deep Tracks channel tonight that CSN's new record of cover songs has been held up because Rubin is so busy producing other artists. No hard feelings towards him as they understand his dilemma so they're moving on with a new producer. Perhaps that's been the holdup in regards to the new ZZ Top album as well.
  10. If anyone hasn't it watched it yet, I strongly suggest watching the Louis CK clip above where he expresses his thoughts on saying the "n" word rather than just coming out and saying "nigger".
  11. The Grateful Dead talked down their performance at Woodstock for years but finally, a few songs from it surfaced ("Dark Star" is available on the Rhino box set Woodstock: 40 Years On: Back to Yasgur's Farm while "Turn on Your Lovelight" and "Mama Tried" are included as bonus material on the 40th anniversary edition of the movie). In regards to Zeppelin's performance at Live Aid, I don't remember it being all that bad myself but it's been years ago since I last saw it. Still, with the innertubes and the abundance of bootlegs out there, it's just a click away if someone really wants to see it bad enough. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9AzIsSHJJq4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VD7ysELB5xo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aReWlouaXuA
  12. When one is missing they simply cease to be Led Zeppelin. The sort of chemistry they had together can't be replicated or duplicated. That's not just true of Zeppelin but of many bands who've tried to carry on even though they've lost a vital member of the band.
  13. No, I'm not but what's the need in even asking if there's another thread if you're not going to post in it? It's not as though this very topic isn't covered in the Forum Guidelines which aren't at all hard to find. While some rules are made to be broken, I personally find it much easier to locate topics if they're all under one thread as opposed to 10 or 12 different threads all devoted to the same exact band/artist.
  14. The direction this thread has taken has made me think of at least a couple of songs, the first of which is by Drivin' n' Cryin', the second one is by James McMurtry (son of Lonesome Dove author Larry McMurtry). James' song was banned from American radio, probably more for his use of the word "shit" than anything but some folks also like to silence the truth. Thankfully, satellite radio gave it lots and lots of airplay. "If you can make it here, why don’t you make it here?" "The song title for (Whatever Happened to the) Great American Bubble Factory? hit me one afternoon when I was at the dollar store getting some bubbles for the neighborhood kids. As I was standing in line, I looked down at the 'made in' label and noticed that those bubbles were made in China…..China!! That’s a long way for a bottle of freakin’ soap to travel. Come on, maybe we can’t make TVs or refrigerators or cars here anymore, but bubbles? In my world, the first step to a renewed America and our deliverance from an unspeakable disrespect of the American workforce would be the opening of The Great American Bubble Factory. They would come from miles around to see the Willie Wonka of the New Deal….There’s hope again!!! If you can make it here, why don’t you make it here….. We started demos for this record back in 2001 on September 10th. The next day the world was upside down and traitors were everywhere, underneath every coffee cup. Joe McCarthy was back and I just didn’t feel like I was ready to tell the story of the blue-collared optimist…" -Kevn Kinney of the Atlanta, Georgia band Drivin' n' Cryin' "We Can't Make It Here" Vietnam Vet with a cardboard sign Sitting there by the left turn line Flag on the wheelchair flapping in the breeze One leg missing, both hands free No one's paying much mind to him The V.A. budget's stretched so thin And there's more comin' home from the Mideast war We can't make it here anymore That big ol' building was the textile mill It fed our kids and it paid our bills But they turned us out and they closed the doors We can't make it here anymore See all those pallets piled up on the loading dock They're just gonna set there till they rot 'Cause there's nothing to ship, nothing to pack Just busted concrete and rusted tracks Empty storefronts around the square There's a needle in the gutter and glass everywhere You don't come down here 'less you're looking to score We can't make it here anymore The bar's still open but man it's slow The tip jar's light and the register's low The bartender don't have much to say The regular crowd gets thinner each day Some have maxed out all their credit cards Some are working two jobs and living in cars Minimum wage won't pay for a roof, won't pay for a drink If you gotta have proof just try it yourself Mr. CEO See how far 5.15 an hour will go Take a part time job at one of your stores Bet you can't make it here anymore High school girl with a bourgeois dream Just like the pictures in the magazine She found on the floor of the laundromat A woman with kids can forget all that If she comes up pregnant what'll she do Forget the career, forget about school Can she live on faith? live on hope? High on Jesus or hooked on dope When it's way too late to just say no You can't make it here anymore Now I'm stocking shirts in the Wal-Mart store Just like the ones we made before 'Cept this one came from Singapore I guess we can't make it here anymore Should I hate a people for the shade of their skin Or the shape of their eyes or the shape I'm in Should I hate 'em for having our jobs today No I hate the men sent the jobs away I can see them all now, they haunt my dreams All lily white and squeaky clean They've never known want, they'll never know need Their sh@# don't stink and their kids won't bleed Their kids won't bleed in the da$% little war And we can't make it here anymore Will work for food Will die for oil Will kill for power and to us the spoils The billionaires get to pay less tax The working poor get to fall through the cracks Let 'em eat jellybeans let 'em eat cake Let 'em eat sh$%, whatever it takes They can join the Air Force, or join the Corps If they can't make it here anymore And that's how it is That's what we got If the president wants to admit it or not You can read it in the paper Read it on the wall Hear it on the wind If you're listening at all Get out of that limo Look us in the eye Call us on the cell phone Tell us all why In Dayton, Ohio Or Portland, Maine Or a cotton gin out on the great high plains That's done closed down along with the school And the hospital and the swimming pool Dust devils dance in the noonday heat There's rats in the alley And trash in the street Gang graffiti on a boxcar door We can't make it here anymore Music and lyrics © 2004 by James McMurtry
  15. Not sure what the point in asking if there's another thread on Yes, only continue posting in the new one.
  16. Though very gruesome and violent, I enjoyed this movie very much but I was very disappointed by how the ending leaves the viewer hanging. I immediately watched the bonus features searching for clues and finally came to understand why it needed to end that way. Unlike Donnie Darko (which also had a puzzling ending) I would like to see this one again to try to piece things together a little more thoroughly. I rented this one mainly because it was directed by Michel Gondry, the same person behind one of my very favorite films, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind but this wasn't nearly as good. I got the part about dreams and reality mixing but beyond that there didn't really seem to be any sort of discernable plot. Maybe that was a point he meant to get across as well but halfway through the movie I just wanted it to be over.
  17. Jahfin


    Here it is. When searching for previous threads it's never easy to find them with the most obvious terms sometimes. I believe some words like "yes" aren't even searchable because they're too short or because it's such a common word that the amount of results would be astronomical. I found the thread by using a band member's name (in this case "Wakeman").
  18. Which has exactly what to do with the shooting in Arizona and someone trying to blame the shooter's motivations on a song? "Bodies" was also on the list of songs Clear Channel suggested should be banned from airplay after the terrorist attacks on September 11th, 2001. Seems you're also severely misinformed as to the origins of mosh pits which have absolutely nothing to do with fans of gothic or emo music, mosh pits started at punk rock shows. I'm also not sure how any of that is supposed to relate to Led Zeppelin or the actual topic at hand.
  19. A better question would be, what's not wrong with it?
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