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Everything posted by Jahfin

  1. I fell asleep within the first five minutes. While perhaps it's a bit ironic that I nodded off so quickly, when I awoke I was still able to follow the film. Still, it's probably one of those films that'll be worth watching again someday, I'm just in no hurry to do so right away.
  2. I found the article that mentions Buddy's laptop but there's nothing in there about the release of a new Band of Joy record.
  3. Are the Stones "the World's Greatest Rock n' Roll Band"? Is Michael Jackson the "King of Pop"? With all due respect, Chuck Berry is no more the "King" of rock n' roll than Elvis Presley, such titles are useless and largely inventions of the media. No one artist is worthy of the title because no one artist is single-handedly responsible for creating and/or popularizing the genre. The birth of rock n' roll came about through a culmination of diverging influences that can't be pinned on just one artist. That's my perspective on it anyway. I also don't think an artist that doesn't write their own material in any way lessens their impact. Waylon Jennings, arguably one of most talented artists to come along at roughly the same time mainly performed material written by other people. Emmylou Harris, one of the most recognizable voices in country music is also known more as an interpretor than a songwriter but that in no way lessens her impact on the genre. Those are but two examples, there are many, many more.
  4. Yes, she does. As for any sort of disagreement with you, I can't say I recall having one.
  5. I read it in an interview with Plant that was posted here several months back. Where did you read about the next album being out so soon?
  6. The documentary is not about the Ozark Mountain Daredevils, it's about Jesco White, "If You Wanna Get To Heaven" is just used in the opening sequence. Yep, never really cared all that much for "Jackie Blue" but the radio was filled with those kind of songs back then. By the same token, I never really cared for "Wildfire" by Michael Murphy either but it was in no way indicative of his entire oeuvre. I'm not sure if you're familiar with Bobby Bare, Jr. but he's done an EP of covers from America and Bread called American Bread that at least makes those kinds of tunes somewhat listenable. I know all those bands were pretty much inescapable on AM radio back in the 70s.
  7. I'm a huge Joni fan and think it's very cool that she, along with CSN & Y were such a big influence on Zep back in the day. I've always wanted to see her live but due to stage fright apparently she doesn't like to tour. I would have loved to have seen one of the dates she did with Van Morrison and Dylan back in '98 but the tour never came here. Speaking of Bob & Joni, has anyone ever heard about this? Is Bob Dylan a 'Fake?' Joni Mitchell Sure Thinks So By Michael Lopez Bob Dylan's fake? Them's fightin' words, Joni Mitchell ​In an interview with the LA Times, noted folk singer Joni Mitchell called out Bob Dylan, telling the interviewer she thought the celebrated musician was "not authentic at all." The two folk artists are no strangers, having spent plenty of time on the road together, playing shows throughout the 70s as the Rolling Thunder Revue and again in 1998 when she co-headlined a tour with Van Morrison and Dylan. While it's unclear whether Mitchell has spoken to Dylan in those 12 years since they last played together, it's pretty evident that she's some unfinished business with him. To read the remainder of the article, click here.
  8. Highly recommended, as is the CD that comes with it. I was surprised to learn when reading a recent Robert Plant interview that he was so inspired by one of the songs on a previous Oxford American Southern Music Sampler that he included it on one of his records.
  9. Thank goodness for the Teapot Party:
  10. If everyone here were asked to compile a similar list they would all be different and people would still bitch about them. It's just a list.
  11. Yes, I do. Never cared much for "Jackie Blue" (which was probably their biggest hit) but I do like the rest of their stuff. Gazing through the selections on my iPod tends to make me think of all the stuff I don't have so I recently ordered some vintage Ozark Mountain Daredevils to add to the collection. Speaking of which, have you seen the documentary Dancing Outlaw? If not, they put "If You Wanna Get To Heaven" to great use in the opening sequence: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y0h3a7MmMss Now Playing: The first solo record from the Gourds' Jimmy Smith. It's pretty much a Gourds album since all of them play on it, it's just that Jimmy sings lead on all of the songs.
  12. Reminds me of the whole controversy surrounding the word "niggardly" a few years back which isn't even derived from the word "nigger", still people were fired for using it. Another example of political correctness gone wrong.
  13. I don't really get the hate for In Through the Out Door in general or this song specifically. Can't say I hear even the slightest hint of "disco" in it either. Maybe not one of my fave Zep tracks overall but it's definitely one of my favorites from In Through the Out Door.
  14. Actually there is one right here. I used "Joni" as the keyword and found the original thread right away.
  15. Tea Party Wants Slavery Removed From Student Textbooks By Kirsten West Savali When politically correct pundits and journalists defended the censorship of Mark Twain's novel 'The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn,' I watched in disappointed disbelief. At that moment, I predicted propaganda to entirely whitewash this country's history. I didn't realize it would be only a matter of days. After GOP members felt inspired to read the clean version of the Constitution on the House floor last week, conveniently ignoring such seismic events as slavery and prohibition, the theatrical buffoonery gave their tea-drinking stepchildren in Tennessee a brilliant idea: Why not erase any and all mention of slavery and genocide from United States textbooks all together? Envision it, America! Textbooks scrubbed free of slaves' blood and government-sanctioned murder, ensuring that history books are palatable for generations of bright-eyed schoolchildren for generations to come. After a news conference on Wednesday, about two dozen members of the Tea Party of Tennessee presented lawmakers with a list of "priorities and "demands" for the 2011 legislative session. According to the Party, it would "besmirch the image of the Founding Fathers" to be honest about this nation's history. To read the rest of the article, click here.
  16. When all else fails there's always the good ol' Flounce Generator.
  17. I'm not sure if you're being sarcastic or if you're referring to Page's penchant for perfectionism or Axl keeping his audiences waiting; if it's the latter, all you have to do is do an internet search for "Guns n' Roses riot". You'll get results from G n' R's first run as well as the current version of the band. The common denominator? Axl.
  18. This is all news to me. All I've read is that Plant and Buddy Miller had already starting writing some brand new original material for the next record but that's it, I don't recall any mention of when it would be released or if would even be called "Band of Joy". As for how often artists release albums these days, there are some out there such as Ryan Adams and the Drive-By Truckers that have tried to release more than one record a year but were shot down by their respective record companies. That would also help explain why both of those artists have since left those labels (the Truckers signed to ATO, Adams started up Pax-American). Meanwhile, Willie Nelson continues to release at least 2-3 albums year, sometimes on separate labels.
  19. "Mine Smell Like Honey", the new single, was released to radio today.
  20. Evidently they weren't happy with their performance at Live Aid, that's why they didn't want it included on the DVD. Given Page's perfectionism, it's really no surprise. As for Axl Rose, he's been notorious for keeping audiences waiting throughout his career with Guns n' Roses.
  21. Dude on the right and Bill Crudup from Almost Famous: Separated at Birth?
  22. Have you picked up Manassas' Pieces record that came out a couple of years ago? If not, it's really good stuff, at least to my ears. Bought these yesterday, the Tony Joe White came from the budget bin so it was a steal. Been waiting on The War of Drugs since I first ordered it back in October. They were one of many highlights for me from last year's Hopscotch Music Festival in Raleigh. I can't wait to see them again when they open for Destroyer at the Cat's Cradle in Carrboro in April. The War on Drugs Future Weather EP (Vinyl) Tony Joe White The Shine (Promo)
  23. Nothing like some spicy reggae to break up the monotony of a long trip. Quintessential listening for crisp, clear autumn days with "Kohoutek" blasting and the windows rolled down. Crank this one up to 11 and rip the volume knob off. "This highway's mean..." See Highway To Hell above for complete instructions.
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