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Everything posted by Jahfin

  1. Love to have this but at $14 at the local B & N, that's a bit steep.
  2. Thanks for chiming in. I believe this is the first time I've seen you post without providing a link to your site. Still, not sure how you couldn't see the original post...even if you didn't, it's right there in the title of the thread.
  3. Don't mind him, it's just Major X 2 trolling again.
  4. I think it's more than telling that McSeven's threads are always in the Newbies section. Rock n' roll isn't a competition...
  5. We got the info we need about the DVD from the info Sam posted at the start of the thread. There's really no need to continue to spam the board with links to your site.
  6. I don't think Plant was "aping" Zeppelin at all with Pictures At Eleven. If it sounds like Zeppelin it's only natural since he'd been a member of that band for eleven years of his life. If it didn't bear some sort of sonic resemblance to his former band, I would have been surprised. Not matter what the guy does there's always going to be some asswipe out there such as Major x2 to give him shit.
  7. I don't think "Radio Song" was an attempt at "street cred" as they has been friends with KRS-One long before that. And, while I certainly understand that a lot of folks don't like "Shiny Happy People" it's far from my least favorite R.E.M. song. Out of Time may not be my favorite R.E.M. record, nor do I hate it. Some of my favorite tracks from it include "Belong", "Half A World Away" and "Country Feedback". I love the version of "Country Feedback" they did with Neil Young at one of his Bridge School Benefits back in '98 which was recently released on a Bridge School best of CD/DVD. That tune would make definitely be considered one of my favorite R.E.M. tracks, ever. http://youtu.be/IgYUOufehQU
  8. Aside from Buddy Miller and Marc Ribot.
  9. Meanwhile, at the X Games...
  10. Where's the FAQ's section for fans who still believe and continue to perpetuate this horseshit?
  11. Apparently you don't even need any original members to tour or record. Just look at Blackfoot for instance (though they're far from the first to do it). Hell, even Kiss and Skynyrd plan to continue with all new members once the current members die or retire. Thankfully, Zeppelin knew when to call it quits as an ongoing creative entity (which means that I know about their reunion shows).
  12. The first ten years of the 00's was also a great time for new music as is the present day. Nowadays with commercial radio pretty much being a corporate arm controlled by the likes of Clear Channel you have to explore other options to get your musical fix. With the advent of the internet and access to radio stations from around the world, that really isn't much of a problem. Add satellite radio in there as well as a means of being exposed to new music and you have even more options than before.
  13. Never have cared for Oasis a whole lot but I do love Ryan Adams' version of "Wonderwall". As for Shaken n' Stirred, I never revisited it until a few years ago when the Nine Lives box set came out. Lots of good stuff there as well as his more recent material. Some love to hate on that too but I'm not one of them. Plant and Zeppelin have led me down many other musical paths including blues, rockabilly and Tinariwen. Of course they alone weren't always responsible for that but their music and influences certainly played a part and continue to do so all these many years later.
  14. Shaken n' Stirred is one of my favorite records by Plant. As for those that are stuck in the past or those that believe rock n' roll is "dead", I've never been one for that as I'm constantly seeking out new music and have never stopped doing so. Like I've said countless times, the train of thought that no good music was made after 1980 or that there is no good music currently being made are unique to boards such as this one. Good rock n' roll didn't stop being created just because Led Zeppelin came to an end in 1980.
  15. DBTs get a shoutout in this new song from PE (check the third verse), "play it LOUD motherfucker!"
  16. In memory of the late, great Mr. Lowell George 4/13/1945 - 6/29/1979
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