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Everything posted by Jahfin

  1. I posted about it earlier today in the Monkees thread. Don Kirshner's Rock Concert, In Concert and The Midnight Special were virtually the only places on television back in the 70s that gave any significant amount of coverage to rock n' roll.
  2. RIP Davy Jones, Monkees Singer And Pop Idol
  3. Maybe it's just me but I've always thought of YouTube as a visual medium not an aural one. Obviously people can just listen to YouTube clips but speaking from my own personal experience, I'm usually watching them as well.
  4. I really appreciate his passion. I was talking with someone online just the other day about mp3's and Neil Young's stance on them. Their response? I can't really hear a difference between a mp3 and an uncompressed music file so I don't see what all of the fuss is about. Well, I don't really hear a difference either but it doesn't mean there isn't one. By the way, this person is a "musician". It's exactly that type of lackadaisical attitude that will lead to the prevalence of mp3's. Once they become the only format available, then people will be wondering how it ever got that way. I'm not an audiophile but I say more power to people like Neil, Lou Reed and T Bone Burnett who have been pleading with the music industry bigwigs for years about the preservation of music in the highest quality available. Some people may be ok with only hearing 5% of the music when listening to mp3's but I'm not.
  5. In honor of War which was released 28 years ago today.
  6. I remember Better Than Ezra but I can't say I was ever really a fan. Looks like their last album (an EP actually) came just this past Fall.
  7. I just hope he's able to find a proper home for it. It's a shame that there's been little to no interest in it.
  8. I like Lucky but don't find myself revisiting it as much as The Weight Is A Gift (my favorite of theirs) or Let Go. I should probably give their next to most recent album, If I Had A Hi-Fi, another chance especially since I haven't listened to it in a while. I remember when "Popular" was all over the MTV but I honestly didn't pay them much attention back then. It was until a friend started talking them up circa The Weight Is A Gift that I really sat up and took notice. I think it was hearing "Concrete Bed" on XM's XMU channel that really cinched it for me. I still need to go back and catch up on their albums pre-Let Go.
  9. Nada Surf performs live on KEXP from The Triple Door. Recorded 2/2/2012. More info here. Songs: Clear Eye Clouded Mind Waiting For Something Whose Authority Weightless Jules And Jim The Future When I Was Young See These Bones Always Love Looking Through
  10. Some of you have probably heard of this guy (Paul Mawhinney) before. If not (or even if you have), I think you will enjoy this short presentation from PBS' Online Festival Series called The Archive.
  11. I usually go for the arty type films but this one really didn't do too much for me. I'm not sure if it was the violence or the overall lack of emotion by Gosling (which I realize was part of his character) or a combination of the two but something about the film left me feeling very empty at the end.
  12. This is an entry from a Tres Chicas fan that he submitted to NPR as part of their Why Music Matters series. Even if you're not a fan of alt.country or Tres Chicas, it's still well worth taking the time to read.
  13. No problem, it snuck up on me too. By the way, he's performing on Letterman tonight.
  14. The Truckers announce a new, temporary bassist.
  15. Jahfin

    The Destroyers

    I may be wrong but they look like the same style as the person that did the cover for several of the Molly Hatchet albums, Frank Frazetta.
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