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Everything posted by BIGDAN


    Oh CANADA!

    Hi Patrycja, You are correct, i have no love of the Tudors, but i do i have a deep fondness for the Middle Ages, but the Renaissance that came about with Henry VIII leaves me cold, the chivlary has gone to be replaced with what? Culture!!! Where my interests stop i know yours begin. I have been witness to the rebuilding of the Globe Theatre on Londons Southbank but alas i have never been inside, i am rather an uncultured oaf when i comes to Shakespeare, more's the pity, but you have me right again when ask if i watch the videos, which i do and i love them all, even if i dont understand them as much as i should. And yes again i must agree with you again, there is more to tie us together than to break us apart. I was brought up in a family that actually hated being called English, my grandfather was a 3rd generation Irish Catholic, named George and was born on Orangemans day, he was not too pleased with that, but English i am, not too proud though but i will always support my country unless she deserves not to be. I have only good things to say about Canada, excepting the Seal hunt. Kind Regards, Danny "Dziękuję" PS, you have a PM from me unanswered, no big deal but if you have forgotten about it i can resend it?

    Oh CANADA!

    Hi Patrycja, so what are you saying? Shakespeare was an arselicking coward then? I was just joshing, you should have had an inkling by my use of this, . Many years ago i read an Irish autobiography of Richard III called "Dick Shit" (Richard the Turd) and he came out as a very different kinda guy from the one Shakespeare portrayed, a family man who loved children and horses, no hunch and and the last of our PLANTagenet Kings, a must read for all Zeppelin and RP fanatics. Now the question you asked, "You'd really dismiss all he has contributed over RIII's portrayal then?" Well my answer would be "No" he did write some good stuff, i even have his videos of Richard III and Henry V in my collection, i just love they way Olivier plays them, one of my favourite actors of all time. But I still dont get along with Shakespeare's writings, but i do have all his video's. Regards, Danny

    Oh CANADA!

    Hi Juliet, So sorry, no offence from you, but i have no time for Shakespeare after the way he trashed Richard III, just to get in with the Tudors, and what abunch of no good bastards they turned out to be hey? I dont think i can get CBC so i wont be able to see the show. Glad you liked the debate, please fell free to chip in and disgrace yourself like the rest of us. Regards, Danny
  4. Hi Wolfman, amen to that, the only thing i disagree with you about is i would have used the word "all" rather than the word "most", but you all knew that didnt you? For all its faults, like not being 4 hours long and missing out on some songs, i have and will watch it a least once a month, religiously, untill the day i die, and maybe even longer. Regards, Danny

    Oh CANADA!

    Hi Ally, Thanks for clearing that up, i had no idea i was having a go at Ronniedawg, really, sorry Ronnie, i was more interested in COs views on seperateism, to break up in too smaller pieces is to become weaker in my view. But if anyone should have soverignity over Quebec then maybe the Frogs should all go back to France and leave Quebec to be governed by its first conqurers, the Red Skins, well it was theirs first wasnt it? it seems only fair doesnt it? and Quebec even takes its name from an Indian word, "kébec" meaning "where the river narrows", or didnt that enter into anybodys head, only thinking of yourselves, shame on you for being so selfish. I have many relatives in Canada, Australia and New Zealand, and i would love to see England along with Scotland, Ireland and Wales, throw off the yoke of this European Union and get back together with our Colonial Brothers, not to rule them but to rule with them as equals, in one big English Speaking Confederation, yea and i'll even let the US come in and Chair all the meetings. Now that would be something to see, something worth dying for, but alas its only a pipe dream of mine, it will never happen and the English Speaking World will be eclipsed by one that speaks Mandarin, i can see it now, a laundry or a take away on every street corner. Regards, Danny

    Oh CANADA!

    Hi Mangani, and all, The more i read your posts the more i like them. The one thing that the small minded, biggoted, god-botherers on this forum dont like or want to hear is a witty, well educated know it all like yourself (or me) giving them a lesson in history. They would rather believe all the intentionaly misguided crap that their family, friends, and thier society in general spews out to justify their petty war on what keeps them in their place and what made the English speaking world so great. I have no time for the whinging minnows who keep going on about how hard done by their ancestors were treated by the English, as you said they all did it themselves, raping, pillaging, slavery, land grabbing, centuries before the English turned the tables on them, just like Corporal Jones said in Dads Army, "they dont like it up em do they Mr Mainwaring?" Now before you get all shirty with me let me say this, without the Scotch, the Irish Paddies, the Welchers, and all, we wouldnt be called "Great Britain" would we, we need each other. However much we detest what we did to each other in the past we can only stay "Great" if we put aside our differences and get along, because together we can rule the world again, but if we let the separatists have their way we will all be consigned to history as a bit part player in world politics, and as England is the centre of the the modern worlds civilisation we must not let that happen must we. It wasnt the Queen of England who opened the floodgates of immigrants to this country of ours, nor did she give away jobs to eastern european migrants over her own subjects, nor destroy our coal or manufacturing industry, nor sell of our utilities to foreign companies, nor sell our gold reserve, that was the political traitors that we elected, rich, unscrupulous, profit hungry, TRAITORS. If we were to bring back the death penalty i hope these so called politicans are quaking in their boots for thats a job i would willingly do free overtime to get. The French have always been our Old Enemy, the Germany envy our Greatness and beating them in 1918-1945-1966, the Spanish cant forgive us for the Armada and nicking their Gold that they nicked from the Incas and Aztecs, the Scotch, Irish and Welchers have always forgot that they started this centuries old conflict with the English and have always joined our enemies out of spite, still we can forgive them all, because to be Great is to be benevolent to all, however much you hate us we will not recipricate your hatred but rather feel sorry for your misunderstanding and intolerance of our mission to bring peace and wisdom to your barbaric lands. Regards, Danny PS, it was bad enough having the Scotch, Irish and Welchers keep on about seperatism, now the Frogs want to chime in, still i supose we only have ourselves to blame for not wipeing them all out when we had the chance, you would think they would be happy that we didnt behave or treat them like the French, Germans, Russians, Spanish, Chineese, Romans, Mongols, or Americans would, wouldnt you? Just goes to show how benevolent we really are in England doesnt it?
  7. Hi 'Jimmy's A Legend' That happened to me, i went to the doctor and said "doctor, when i lift my arm up like this, agh, it hurts" he said "dont lift your arm up then" I didnt know chocolate sooths pain. I have never heard of the jab you had, you OK to talk about it? Regards, Danny PS, Do Penguins work the same as chockolate?
  8. Hi 'Jimmy's A Legend' And thats exactly where it came from, with a little doctoring by myself to avoid plagiarism, my son asked me to post it for him on here, he's only 21 so not old enough for all this grown up talk. And thanks for outing me as a Flake, or was that a Fake. Regards, Danny
  9. At which Aunts house does a Penguin love to stay at? Aunt-Arctica.
  10. BIGDAN


    Hi Rover, Many thanks for the info, just goes to show how little us city dwellers know of nature, i must update my memory banks, thanks again. Regards, Danny
  11. Your story and mine Doc. Dony worry Doc, i'm the Anti-Drug Templar come Tzar in my family, i can just about tolerate weed, as long as i dont know whos doing it and i cant smell it, if i can then theres hell to pay, what a nice chappie i am dont you think? He is quite a responsable 21 year old, and he said he would never touch anything like Ketamine, i believe him and give him the benefit of the doubt. But i can now see the effect this drug has on someone, and can see why it has become so popular, makes my work as the Anti-Drugs Templar even harder now i know what i'm up against doesnt it? Very Kind Regards, Danny and ROCK ON FOREVER my friend ROF ROF ROF HA HA HA PS, "you need to down play to him the effects that he experienced" are you kidding Doc? i want to have those experiances myself, really, but i'm far to Anti-Drugs to even contemplate doing it, doesnt mean that i'm not tempted though, now thats a first, a "Tempted Templar"
  12. I took my Middle Son to a Hospital Dentist today to have two wisdom teeth removed. We gets there at about 11.30, 15mins early, at 12pm he goes in, i get a call from the nurse at 12,15pm to go to the room, i'm thinking that my son is getting a bit uncontrollable or something like that. When i get in to the room my son is sitting on a low down hospital trolly with this massive smile on his face and this young nurse is in fits of laughter. I sit down and ask her whats up, she tells me that my son is having her in stitches, i ask what medication she has put him on and she tells me its Ketamine and Dopamine (i think!!) and the procedure has been completed, two wisdom teeth out inside of ten minutes must be some sort of record? Anyways there my son sitting there in oblivion, he tells me this "i'm gonna give up smoking weed if i can get some of this (Ketamine) is fcking brilliant, i can see why people take it" then he starts singing rap songs, the nurse is in fits again, and she say that everybody reacts differently, only that she has never seen someone react like my son has, she tells me not to worry and just get him home quickly and safely. Now my sons is a fcuking potential junkie, and i want some of it too. Very Kind Regards, Danny and ROCK ON FOREVER my friend ROF ROF ROF HA HA HA
  13. What Made Me Happy today? Seeing beatbo loitering in the background. Very Kind Regards, Danny and ROCK ON FOREVER my friend ROF ROF ROF HA HA HA
  14. Yes She is, and a Playstation Addict by the look of it. Very Kind Regards, Danny and ROCK ON FOREVER my friend ROF ROF ROF HA HA HA
  15. Yucan if you come from the Yukon mate. 00:00 (Wed) Partly Cloudy Temp: 12° Wind: SSE 7mph 11km/h Hum: 84% Press: 1017mB Vis: Moderate You just have too know HOW TOO mate thats all. Very Kind Regards, Danny and ROCK ON FOREVER my friend ROF ROF ROF HA HA HA
  16. A Bit Like You Then Ally? Wah da ya say M8? 21:00 GMT Clear SKY Temp: 14°C Wind: SSE 7mph 11km/h Hum: 75% Press: 1018mB Vis: Poor Very Kind Regards, Danny and ROCK ON FOREVER my friend ROF ROF ROF HA HA HA
  17. Hi 'Fan_S.' He is an Idiot, First Requirement For Being a Manager/Boss in Most Cases. Regards, Danny PS, Just look at what the Post Office Management along with the Labour Government are doing to the Post Office over here in England? I've been out of the Post Office for 20 years now, (thank god) and its the same tactics being used by Management, Sign a Deal with the Union, then Renege on it Time and Time again until the Union Membership have had enough and decied to Strike and then make out its the Lazy Workforce thats to Blame. "New Boss, Same as the Old Boss" least we forget and remember "We Wont Get Fooled Again" or Will We? My New Catch Phrase.
  18. Hi Ally, Spot On Mate, Charles, you could tell him that his Speach has made you so Depressed you will need about Another Year or so to make a Full Recover, that should set his Blood Presure Soaring. "New Boss, Same as the Old Boss" least we forget and remember "We Wont Get Fooled Again" or Will We? Kind Regards, Danny
  19. Hi ZFF, You got it mate. And I'm Sick Again Kind Regards, Danny
  20. Light RainTemp: 13°CWind: SE 6mph 10km/h (Charlton) Hum: 85%Press: 996mBVis: PoorAnother Lovely Day in Sunny London, just wish the Weather Center would Post in Fahrenheit and MPH, Poxy Europe i suppose, we Won the War not them so why should we have to be using their Scales, even if they are Easier to Read, we aint all retarded in the UK, only some of us. Retards, Danny
  21. Getting an Email from my Long Lost Brother who has resided in Japan since 1980, who now can only Speak Pidgeon English and Very Slowly. And to top it all he has become a Rice Farmer, well at least he is Very Happy. Regards, Danny
  22. I was talking about my misses you fool and she really is Somethin' Else Kind Regards, Danny
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