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Everything posted by jabe

  1. Steve,I was absent from class the day this subject was introduced,if it ever was. Who gets credit for the titles of each Led Zeppelin album,and, is there a story or meaning that goes with said title? My take..I understand LZ I and LZ II.Their immense popularity by now,I could see LZ III having a different title.Their fourth album was so far ahead of the curve with its "title",or lack thereof.Then the remaining albums with non-numeric titles.Very interested to read what you know. Anyway,I and countless others enjoy reading your historical perspectives on Led Zeppelin.
  2. Didn't you mean first cars? You've got different hood ornaments. I've had that Panama City hood ornament on a few vehicles of years gone by.Stories too boring to tell I hardly remember...
  3. Note the ever humble John Paul Jones.Seemingly content to be in the background,out of the spotlight.Some things never change...except in this case,he's on the opposite side of the drum kit.
  4. I've had a long held belief that the song is about a girlfriend of Plant's when he was 16 or 17.The kind that smacks you silly when you're coming of age. No matter.You swayed my opinion and said it all too well,"she needs to remain firmly cloaked in the mists of time." Let this one remain a mystery.
  5. Ah,the reason I posed my query to you in post 1766 in your thread.When Led Zeppelin played Birmingham in 1977,Plant ,best as I recall,introduced this as song about a love who "got away."At the end of Ten Years Gone,he says something to the effect,"And when you see this love..."Plant goes into a two or three sentence summation.I had a copy of this concert from the source back in '78 or '79.I have no clue what the hell I did with it.I guess other Birmingham boots would substantiate as much. Still, the mystery to me,do we know who the subject of the song is?Where is she now?And ,does this invade the privacy of an individual,who wishes to remain anonymous ,in which case,it's none of our damn business? Lastly,should we care who she is?By my own admission,I'm pretty damn curious.
  6. You've nailed it once again,Dzldoc. I've got the banjo on my knee.
  7. Steve, Hope all is going well. When the 1977 tour commenced,Led Zeppelin had quite an extensive catalogue of material from which to choose.I see Stairway,Kashmir,and No Quarter,as givens in the set.An abundance of great songs. I guess my question to you is,was the band as a whole,involved in selecting the setlist,or was it Jimmy's call, period?How did this process work?Would Peter Grant have had any input?
  8. The only New Year resolution I ever made and kept was giving up cigarettes when I was 18 years old. The multiple thousands of dollars big tobacco has not received from me over many years,has afforded me the opportunity to purchase and consume mass quantities of beer. In my case,this was one cool resolution.
  9. What a lovely set you have MissHoneydripper! Your pearly whites provide one of the best smiles I've ever seen,bar none. Mr. Dripper is quite the lucky man.
  10. And to see and hear Plant perform Immigant Song on this tour from twenty feet away,while he's wearing a Jimmy Page t-shirt on stage. Priceless.
  11. My incendiary device is being serviced at this time,but I wouldn't need it.Interesting question. My take,in no particular order... The song begins and ends with the same guitar theme.Extreme cool. JPJ, such a heavy,chugging force on bass. JHB,finesse drumming,while also beating the holy shit out of his kit. RP,great lyrical imagery,as well as vocal range. JP,suberb guitar,how the last solo overlays play off each other,then resolve. To me,ALS is to Presence what STH is to IV,Kashmir to Physical Grafitti. (Hmm..Mr. Clark,the kids might not be able to dance to it to keen,but it's got a good rhythm and a good beat...I'll give it a 99.)
  12. The live version of Hurting Kind from the 1990 Knebworth show is damn good. Doug Boyle adds some licks that are absent on the studio version. But,I have to agree with Mr. Jones earlier post.
  13. My Scrotum oops...... My Sharona-The Knack
  14. Ten Years Gone,a song written by Plant about a love that got away. Do you know if the subject of the song ever resurfaced and had any contact with Robert? Or did she fall into obscurity, a mystery to the masses,even though she was the inspiration behind the song?
  15. A nickname my brother gave me several years back.No idea where he came up with it.
  16. Surpassed 200,000 miles in one of my vehicles today.She's been good to me for a lotta years.
  17. Cereal with goat milk. A most excellent cheap thrill.Likely to become my latest vice.
  18. Fourth row tix to STP in Birmingham on Halloween night.The last show of their current tour.Hope it's a treat and no trick.My wife gets off when Weiland shimmies his skinny ass onstage.This will be the fourth time we've seen STP and they've always delivered.(unlike Velvet Revolver) And hey...famous frontman finds his way back to where he belongs. Oh Robert....Robert......
  19. Why Don't We Do It In The Road?..The Beatles
  20. Bet she plays a mean flute...er...ya know,like Ian......
  21. Sitting on my deck this afternoon,enjoying cold beer,and watching the hummingbirds swirl and dogfight around my two feeders.And of course,reading the viewpoints on this forum.Lower humidity,a great day to experience.
  22. SA(Scorcerer's Apprentice)Jones,you are the consummate Led Zeppelin historian.Your quest for the factual is admired by many of us on this forum. Since the events that transpired over the last 24-36 hours,I was wondering,would you speculate on possible situations 2-5 months out from today? What do you feel?What do you see? This is still a mystery in the future tense.
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