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Everything posted by jabe

  1. Just last Thursday, I dealt with an older couple in B'ham,AL who had just returned from attending their granddaughter's graduation from a university in Wales. They were in the UK for two weeks,loved the weather,said it didn't rain,beautiful flowers,and most of all,extremely nice folks wherever they were. They did say that most people walked to their destination in whatever this city or town this was.Cars much smaller than in US,and price of fuel around $10/gallon. Granddaughter loves it there,going for doctorate(three more years)and is dating(in love with) a local. They said she would be paid equivalent to $80/hour US to teach undergraduate class at the university. Maybe it's all relative.
  2. Paying $3.68 per gallon for gas.Extreme irony.
  3. The Godfather--heavy movie Shawshank Redemption--heavy movie Race with The Devil(1975)-campy and heavy movie--search it out if you've never seen it.
  4. Who's the fine babe you bagged? (Ya saw that one coming at cha from 250 miles,more or less,didn't cha?Love your work...) Mount her on the wall...in the dining room,at the mall...go Chucky,go!go!go!
  5. Thanks for your response.I've got a couple more questions(mysteries)I want to toss your way at a later time about Plant's solo career.
  6. Holy shit batman..er..Speed Racer.Fontana Dam.Many family vacations there as a kid.Tex Brownlee and his squaredancing gigs.Residing in the dam builders cottages.Horseback riding...bunches of pretty girls.Catching trout out of the Little Tennessee(?)flowing out below the dam.Beautiful,beautiful country.Next time Tangy visits,consider working your way to Franklin and the Cowee Valley to get some ruby and sapphire mining in.It can be muddy,but it's a fun way to spend a day.Extremely nice area of our fruited plain.
  7. Heaven Knows...Robert Plant
  8. Because a minority of us are not as astute on the computer as you,Round Robin.I apologize to you for my lack of skill. I envy your ability.Please accept my apology.
  9. Steve,this probably doesn't belong on your thread,but if anyone knows,it's gotta be you. Do Page and Plant have direct lines of communication with each other? I mean,could Jimmy dial Robert up and say,"Robert,what's with this 'watch your sorghum drip,can't keep away'stuff?Has Nashville muddled your belfry?" Or Robert.."Jimmy, we're a little east of Tupelo,eating a fine meal of pork chops and fried okra.They have velvet Elvis tapestries here.How many do you need?" Kidding aside,I'm curious if they can dial each other up...or do they have to go through "handlers"to talk one on one? I can just about picture JPJ number listed in the public directory.Unassuming. Is it a situation of "have my people get in touch with your people"or is it more personable when rock royalty deals with rock royalty?
  10. Night Flight...Led Honey Drippin'Black Dog
  11. Yep Rorer.I was glad to see the carnage last night didn't see the light of a new day.
  12. Find that damn beach she's on,and then shark your way up.What a beauty she is.
  13. Birmingham 1977,before the opening licks of Nobody's Fault But Mine. "Not too much talkin' tonight...a little bit more playing than usual."
  14. Reminds me of this line from long ago. What did Pattie Boyd give to George Harrison? The Clapton.
  15. This was a probable pipe dream fantasy I experienced a few minutes ago as a thunderstorm passed overhead.Steve, my guess is that your archival memorabilia on Led Zeppelin is close to the top rung, if not the very top.I was visualizing your collection(or a portion of it) on display at Jimmy's boathouse.A step further,have other collectors' memorabilia on display on a revolving basis,like museums do.I have no idea if the boathouse would be conducive for a situation like this,or if local codes would permit such a situation to exist.I could picture ,JP,RP,JPJ,and the estate of JHB,donating pieces permanantly,or on loan for this.To have a connection to events and to actually see documents and artifacts at what most of us consider a quite historical site....I may be off the edge on this...
  16. Yes,that Greg.He was ahead of the curve.Had a blond sister or two who were possible seduction material,yet he gravitated for his stepmother,Carol,aka Florence Henderson on account that Mr.Brady dug the male species and he knew it was his job to keep "the bunch" intact. Blame Robert's shoes for this digression,which have little relevance to the scope of insight which we all have acquired(most of us)from the SAJ Mystery Thread.
  17. I believe Greg Brady sported a pair similar to Roberts.Greg was was quite the babe magnet as well.Don't recall any Zep posters on his bedroom wall though.
  18. jabe

    Whisky Tread

    I stick with beer these days, but in my liquor daze... I prefered an Evan Williams or some lesser known name.The Canadian blends are fine as well,somewhat milder. And I've gotta say,try to disregard the Coke or 7-Up etc. Grab an 8-12 oz.tumbler or facsimile.Fill with cubed ice.Pour two (make it one to two fingers) fingers of adult beverage in glass.Allow ice to meld with liquor for a couple of minutes,or add a splash of water to dilute the concentration. Appreciation of the taste is not bastardized by introducing sweet additives,etc. If an appreciation of the taste is acheived,you may find some of the high end names pale compared to the lesser knowns. Tread slowly,sip slowly,don't drive,fire up Led ZeppelinII.I repeat,sip slowly and don't drive.
  19. This post jogged my memory when Plant performed "Rockin' At Midnight, on SNL back in the 80's. Brian Setzer on guitar. Do you have any info in your vaults Steve, about how the two got along,etc. The stud cat and the stray cat. I could easily picture a fine album or two from these two collaborating.Just curious.To me it seems it could have been a tight fit. Apologies again if this horse has been shin kicked and traversed the track adnauseam.
  20. Is your nickname Kramer? Just kidding, that was good for my gut and I needed it.
  21. I don't mean to be rude and crude...well maybe,sort of. If an old college buddy of mine saw these pics... "Pull up my face and have a seat!"
  22. Any of you connoisseurs of beautiful women like Maria Bartiromo? Something about her looks makes my Dow Jones rise.
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