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Everything posted by jabe

  1. Steve,my search came up empty and it's something I don't recollect,but... Are there any published interviews or snippets by the parents of the members of Led Zeppelin upon having witnessed a Led Zeppelin concert? Their thoughts on the enormity of the Led Zeppelin machine, ... did they realize how huge Led Zeppelin was, and how were they as parents affected? Did any of the band's parents ever see a concert in North America?
  2. Consuming a big ,fat.juicy cheeseburger off my charcoal fired grill, post Earth Day.Also on the menu, organically grown broccoli and beet greens from my backyard vegetable garden.Go figure...I know what works for me.
  3. A two-fer ninelives You Know My Name (Look Up The Number) - The Beatles
  4. If we're lucky,SteveAJones, will invite us over for a"look and touch"session with the guitar.
  5. Epilogue...the saint is much wiser than the scorpion, or in "Godfather"terms,"keep your friends close,keep your enemies closer." Peace and Eternal Contentment to you,PlanetPage. Enjoy if you are able , the purple writings. Ness Yah contributes to the forum in trippy ways. ebk is right on...this is a "pictures"thread.
  6. Most of the purple writing is beyond me ,but what the fuck.It wouldn't bother me at all to see it continue.It never chafes my ass.Have a great evening,everyone!
  7. My wife agrees with you,Virginia.Even better with age,she wants to add.One of her "favorite things?"
  8. "No, really girlfriend,it was about this long." Flavia bragging about a red snapper she caught recently on a private charter.
  9. Cheers to you, Knebby! Any way your "friend" could describe the situation in which the autograph was obtained? (Historical purposes) When,where,random,pre/post concert? I also look forward to a book you hopefully one day write. I hope the autographed denims fetch a tidy sum,a sure centerpiece for an avid collector.
  10. A flat tire. Not really the flat tire,but I luckily made it to one of the national tire chains after a dose of "Fix a Flat," and was I quite pressed for time. They jumped right on it. After about 10 minutes,I exited the showroom and headed to the workbay to inquire what caused the flat,as the tires were only like five months old.It couldn't be salvaged. Low and behold,an attractive young blond dressed in company attire was attending to my now two new tires.Chatted with her a bit ,then headed back to the showroom. My curiosity had a grip on me,so I asked the guys up front about her. They said she was probably the fastest and most efficient employee at what she did. The young woman's work had me on the road at least 20 minutes sooner than I had been promised. I tipped her a 20 but wish I'd had a 50 on me because she deserved it. My day went well from there thanks in part to this experience. Go figure. A flat tire.
  11. Go Away Little Girl-Donny Osmond
  12. I pictured you to be a scrawney wimp with a dorkish clean shaven enabler face.I can't tell how happy I am that I was so off the mark.
  13. You truly are the Sorcerer's Apprentice.Long live your apprentriceship.I'm consuming a hardy toast in your honor Mr.Jones.
  14. Man Yukon,you and your wife make a damn great looking couple! It's always cool when folks post their photos,because they are rarely close to your mental image of that person. In your case Yukon,I notice little resemblance to Scott Norwood,and that made my day.
  15. No doubt I would crane my neck if I passed you on the street.
  16. Bravo!My southern cousin,Bravo!
  17. 32 degrees and snowing.Two inches on the ground at the present. Don't see the white stuff often here.
  18. Hey Stealth Jed,Mr. Jones might be able to solve your mystery if you put it in the form of a question.Na-Nu Na-Nu.
  19. Lucky you MissHoneydripper! Great photo. Brilliance does run in the Bonham family.
  20. Brilliant! Expect me to exchange pleasantries with you if our paths ever cross.
  21. The last few concerts I've attended,which I could count on five(four) fingers,I've shelled out the cash to obtain 12th row or better seats,third row being best.I always pack ear plugs just in case. Maybe my ears are fried from yesteryear,but I have not needed the plugs. It seems to me now, that the brunt of the volume thud increases further from the stage. When I experienced Led Zeppelin in 1977,I was in an upper tier of the coloseum and in football terms,on the 35 yard line facing the stage. And like ZepFanForever,my ears ring to this very day.
  22. Similar to the chameleons in my backyard garden I see in the summer.Cool critters and a cool tatoo. ~Bonnie~,you have a resemblance to Reese Witherspoon to me,or Reese Witherspoon has a resemblance to you.It's one or the other.
  23. Cool photo docron.Worthy of a debut album cover.
  24. She's built sure enough.I bet her old man puts any hardleg in a half nelson who's scoping her out. spats, I'm with you on women who wear their hair up.That look can get the motor running.
  25. I would say Barracuda is closer to resembling The Journey To The Center Of The Mind(1968) by the Amboy Dukes,a band which,in another thread I facetiously suggested might reform. The tempo of Barracuda runs a bit sluggish when compared to the tempo Ted Nugent is driving,but there is a distinct similarity present. Back to topic. Achilles Last Stand,is a universe unto itself.Other bands may have nicked a planet or a comet from this masterpiece,but they remain light years behind Led Zeppelin.
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