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Everything posted by jabe

  1. Well, you get an A+ in my book for putting something like that together. I've been to few over the years, and it can be interesting what they reveal. Hope you had an enjoyable time.
  2. Wow! I thought I had detected a slight southern twang in your posts of late Aqua. Mucho congrats on becoming an American citizen. Word of caution though. A double celebration can possibly lead to bed rest the following day. Not to imply that would happen in your case. Though, it would in mine...
  3. Thanks for the nice words. It's beer o'clock at my house as well.
  4. Reconnected on facebook with a dude I have had no contact with in 25 years. He claimed I bore a strong resemblance to Sir Richard Branson, which I've heard a time or two. It's cool to meet up with long ago friends on facebook.(most of the time)
  5. I bought a two CD boot of this concert 10-12 years ago at a music/headshop. It was titled, "Footstomping Graffiti."
  6. Damn glad to see ya Dzldoc!! Was just thinking about you and hope things are going well. Our southern heat and humidity that the rest of the world is envious of, seems to here for all to enjoy. Take care,my brother.
  7. ~Bonnie~ what a true jewel you are!
  8. Poetry threads irk the hell out of me as well. Expose the thread, then maybe we can mobilize, and expulse it, before it spreads like the swine flu. You're right on.There should be an explanation regarding the deadbeats and their motives on this forum.I have yet to find their mission statement,if indeed they have one. Above all,slave to zep, do not get depressed about this situation. We've got to keep this dirigible steady.
  9. I wonder if "medium" things can make one happy. I'm kinda baffled on this...
  10. MissHoneydripper, how is it you become more and more attractive as the days stretch into the future? It's not supoosed to work that way. I look forward to reading your book!
  11. If you dig "juicy" climate, come to Bama. It can be almost religious if you let it . The weak may need to reconsider.
  12. Slightly post dusk. Low humidity, an even 70 degrees.
  13. "Moving Averages Simplified" by Clif Droke. Now that's sexy reading if you're into technical analysis.
  14. I declare,Aquamarine!!! As pretty and colorful as your name suggests.Love your hair! Love the setting. Great photo!
  15. So I suppose the caption below this photo was something like, " Hot Dog thrusts into setlist of Led Zeppelin Knebworth concerts."
  16. Percy wears a tie similar to the Kentucky Colonel tie in the Little By Little video. A bit more formal though. He'll probably wind up moving to Tennessee.
  17. One of my favorite non stage Led Zeppelin group photos regardless of the date it was taken.I have a magazine with the photo. The caption below the photo says something like,"will the weeds be chest high before the next Led Zeppelin album?"
  18. If I walked in other shoes, I believe I'd be open for a citric acid flashback.
  19. Holy freakin' cow! Aquamarine,this post makes loads of sense. I know it was touched on many months ago that "spats" diatribe was some sort of post graduate mission statement. It never entered my mind that spats could be another regular member under another name. I've always thought "spats," was a cool name.How could an unhappy, go unlucky type have one of the coolest names on the forum? And he's damn well-written as you say...but ,if he is another contributor to the forum under another name, who the heck could he (or she) be? The damn spats intrigue continues.
  20. oh... i'm sure there's a grill and it's smokin' when it's gets fired up.
  21. absolutely,you're stove is quite hot as well. A very attractive kitchen.
  22. Please disrerard my above post. Off topic and not relevant to Wolfman's query and SAJ 's reply. Apologies to to all.
  23. ok, so was the last wrestling match,sans mask ,in the bay area? I could just about picture a toe to toe in every city on the tours due to the massiveness of what Led Zeppelin had become. I would venture the band's security detail had to be on top of things 24 hours a day, and then some.
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