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Everything posted by kipper

  1. We all watched those shows, but they were pretty dumb when you think about it. What was your favorite '70s TV show? I think mine were Barney Miller, All In The Family, SOAP, The Odd Couple, and Johnny Carson.
  2. Personally I didn't always like his contributions. A tendency to over produce some tracks as clearly seen on Let It Be.
  3. I've seen his youtube videos too. Funny guy covering a sad subject. Sad because it doesn't have to be that way. We don't have a "homeless" problem, we have a massive drug and mental health problem coupled with stupid public policy and few court decisions along with ACLU meddling that make the result we have. Warm SoCal weather adds to it too. Not too many living on the streets in North Dakota. Not trying to be political here, but drug addicts will not accept shelter if there are too many rules and requirements attached, so they stay on the streets where they can get high, and sellers bring the drugs to them. These people need help, but they need the right help.
  4. I'll have to look him up. Thanks!
  5. You learn quickly the importance of the hand brake when driving a stick on hills that steep. Hand brake, throttle, release clutch ---all 3 happen at once in the right measure or you are rolling backwards like a brick dropped into a lake.
  6. Sorry, to hear he passed. Hope they stay in business. And while I disagree that the food at Casa Vega was a lot better than El Coyote, (both I think are medicore Mexican food) I liked the ambience more. I've always like red leather boot places. But El Coyote to me has been like Pink's Hot dogs, and just to many tourists there. Ever go to Don Cucuo's in Burbank Strider? A similar throw back Mexican food place (albeit Americanized Mexican food) same as Casa Vega. Won't see as many Hollywood stars there, more of the hang out for a lot of studio people from Warners, NBC, and Disney. Also El Carmen on 3rd, Ernie's in North Hollywood, and of course El Cholo on Western--- similar in age to Casa Vega and El Coyote. Here is an article on Casa Vega. https://www.iamnotastalker.com/2020/04/15/casa-vega-from-once-upon-a-time-in-hollywood/
  7. I realize you were being rhetorical, I was being satirical. I too am aware of what you speak of to some level. When I was in college I remember studying things like the Max Luscher Color Test (now discredited), and Subliminal Seduction: Are You Being Sexually Aroused By This Picture? - by Wilson Key, and some other books on various psycho-babble theory in marketing. Today marketing is probably geared more towards the use of changing people's brain chemistry with social media triggers. Pretty much full circle back to Pavlov.
  8. I always wanted to have the Bionic Woman (played by Lindsay Wagner) jump off a building and sit on my face.
  9. Not sure if SF today is worse than much of Los Angeles. Seems to be a west coast thing, including Seattle too.
  10. I could never get used to driving in SF. Some of those street grades are so steep that at the top when you reach stop sign, you can't even see over the hood of the car (older larger cars) to see the cross traffic before pulling out.
  11. Cool old Victorian building. I'll bet that 3rd floor was blazing hot come mid August?
  12. Really, more intelligent than humans? Where would I see these species, at the library? At the university studying rocket science? But I'll give you the smart cows thing. Last time I was at McDonald's I'm pretty sure the meat patty on my burger was smarter than mental retard who forgot to put ketchup in bag.
  13. 90 degrees today in SoCal. Was out walking in shorts and t shirt getting a tan again today on my walk.
  14. "Programming" as that term applies to TV networks, means the choice of content, coupled with the order of scheduling-- based on ratings, in order to maximize the bottom line profits. But if you wanted to apply the definition of "programming" to the concept in the way you suggest, then you should apply it to advertising; that thing they do to convince you to buy a Shamwow, thigh-master, or Robot Insurance. Because on TV the REAL content isn't the Soap Operas, it is THE SOAP.
  15. The silly drunken SF Dodgers Rivalry, similar to the Red Sox vs NY "Skankies" rivalry of our time is nothing like it is today. I won't even go to a game at Dodgers stadium anymore, not even in the best seats. The idiocy now is off the scale. Even when it doesn't become a fight, there is no fun with the brand of foul drunken abusiveness today's Los Angeles "Los Doyers" fans bring to the ball park. All similar to the type mornic stuff back when The Raiders were in Los Angeles. Today if you came to a game with a Giants cap, it isn't just good natured rivalry. From the time you sit down some a hole "Los Doyers" fan would start hurling abuse at you, doesn't matter if you are with your wife and children, it is just typical low brow low rent ghetto behavior, where everything is about conflict, turf, and "respect". Even for Dodgers fans of my generation, we can't enjoy being there. Drive 30 miles over to Angel's Stadium, you can even sit in the outfield bleachers and a totally different vibe with the fans there. A complete day vs night thing with Los Angeles city vs Orange county. Before the infamous incident where a SF fan was beaten into a coma, I had complained more than once at Dodgers games to security and the LAPD to get a handle on the bad behavior. On two occasions I demanded some really bad actors be expelled by LAPD after I witnessed threats of violence. Dodgers management at the time had a policy of trying to deescalate things, offering to move people to different better seats if they complained, but that didn't stop the others from bad behavior. And the LAPD (who are just there getting paid overtime by the Dodgers organization) really don't really want to get tough on bad fans, they are there just for a extra paycheck. But we saw where the lack of order led. It was worse than any European soccer hooliganism at times. The city of Los Angeles despite some posh neighborhoods is a 3rd world shithole now.
  16. What do you mean John had been an abusive twat? The way he bullied and treated Brian Epstein for being gay was a sign of Lennon's true warped nature, nothing to celebrate there. And as to the rest of his virtue signalling, that was all shite. Today he would be "cancelled" for some of his public actions. A brilliant artist, but a horribly flawed human being. Hardly the "Imagine Strawberry Lets Give Peace A Chance Fields Forever" he sold himself as being. I recall him criticizing Mick Jagger for his "dancing style" using terminology which would have every corporate sponsor today running for the hills. No, Lennon was personally responsible for his own impulses. Yoko didn't keep the band together, everyone just got sick of him, and then he played the victim. I greatly admire the other 3, especially Harrison who put up with more than any of them. And while McCartney had an ego larger than a Himalayan mountian , nobody can deny how hard he worked. If Yoko was on a lifeboat stranded at sea for a month with 30 other people, she would the first one voted as the first "meal" and we all know it.
  17. Meh.... I think people on all sides have a right to vent a bit about last year. No one side was 100% right or 100% wrong. Most of us in the middle are just being plonked around like ping-pong balls by "the man" anyway. Sometimes our shared humanity will leak out in ways beyond just talking about Percy's bulge, or what our favorite rock and roll t- shirt was in 1973. In the end we are all in this together the way I see it. So, lets just be "rock and roll" about things. Question authority, but try to keep the mudsharkery to a minimum.... or at least make sure nobody brought a camera....
  18. I knew you would add some detail about that photo, you our resident San Francisco expert you
  19. Never rule out 70 year old Russian grandma peasants. You never know when your choices will be so limited as to it being between her or some large vodka drunken dim witted Cossack named Ivan who is your gulag cellmate in Siberia. Because then grandma pancake boobies won't seem so bad. Everybody says they would never eat dog meat... until they are really, really, REALLY hungry.
  20. Sunny and warm today here in the "Golden State" down here in SoCal aka: the center of the universe. I think it was in the mid '80s. California being the REAL "sunshine state", not that low rent hurricane and alligator filled mosquito swampland called Florida. hehehe.... Warning: This video contains racial/cultural stereotypes, rampant unfiltered misogyny, one Confederate flag, boobs, David Lee Roth, and lots of California good time girls. Therefore watch at your own discretion, otherwise or find your "safe space".😆
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