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Everything posted by kipper

  1. kipper


    No way man! Pedro is a hack promising "all your wildest dreams will come true". Pedro will destroy the economy and make us the laughing stock of he world. And did you totally miss the fact that Pedro did that very violent pinata thing with a pinata made to look like Summer? We don't need leaders like Pedro. VOTE FOR SUMMER!!!!
  2. I believe that Q-anon is a internet hive of bored little old ladies who spend their days and nights flooding the internet with ever more wild conspiracies for their own personal amusement, and to out do the other members of their knitting club.
  3. Being a So Cal native Fast Times was a great film for us here. So many things in there very accurate to the era. So many locations we were all very familiar with. Everybody had a Spicolli or a Hamilton or a Mr Hand that they knew. Jennifer was very sexy in that film. She portrayed a certain innocence, but we all knew she was a wildcat underneath--- which I guess was how she really was. The director (Amy Ketterling) said that in the pool house scene between her and Dimone, Leigh was willing to have done even more sexually explicit things than the director was asking for. So, you bagged groceries at Alpha Beta? One of SoCals many former grocery chains. But did I hear you say you refer to your mother as " me mum"? I've never heard anyone from SoCal say it like that who wasn't from the UK or Jamaica. LOL - no worries. But your phrasing reminded me of the basement scene from Inglorious Basterds when the undercover British officer used the wrong fingers to ask for 3 glasses in a way Germans would not do... and we all know how that ended up.... hehe Now if you had said, "my moms"--- then that is how the brothers would say it. And if you said, "my mah" that could be either East coast (NYC, Boston, Philly) or southern and/or Midwest, but not SoCal. Factoid: Alpha Beta grocery stores started in Pomona California 100 years ago. The owner decided to use "Alpha Beta" (first two letters of the Greek alphabet) because in their store they stocked everything alphabetically-- assuming easier for shoppers to find. So: applesauce, then bleach, then canned carrots, then dish soap--- and so forth. What a terrible idea, and it didn't last that way for long. When I was a kid there was a grand opening for a new Alpha Beta down the street (around 1966) and the sign said that there would be a "special appearance by Batman" from the TV show. Turned out to be very disappointing, as it was just some pot bellied flunky with coffee and cigarette breath in a Batman costume. Always hated Alpha Beta after that. Like "The Dude" (Big Lewbowski) we shopped at Ralphs.
  4. I always thought Jennifer Jason Leigh way hotter. Cates has the kind of body that will keep any guy happy through the first two months of summer. But Jennifer had the kind of body that will take you all the way through the long winter and back to spring.
  5. kipper


    Don't blame me, I voted for Summer
  6. Make Alabama Great Again (MAGA) It's a joke. No letters to the editor - please! Doh!
  7. Some Europeans leave tips. When I was a waiter a Scotsman once left me a quarter... but in his defense I lied to him and convinced him it was an American nickle. ~natch
  8. I prefer duckduckgo earth not as much detail as google, but doesn't take as much time for images to load on my commodore 64
  9. I switched to 100% streaming last year, then signed up for Youtube TV. $65 per month.
  10. Ted Nugent says, "never eat anything that is dead out of a can".
  11. I believe that Taco Bell taco meat is ground up unicorn meat roadkill.
  12. I read in the news that about 1/3 of healthcare workers in some locations are refusing the vaccine. Not a good sign, and very typical of the hoards of stupid people out there. I also read that at some vaccination locations they are allowing for people who are willing to show up and get the shot after other people who are supposed to be first line folks don't show up, so that the vaccines are not wasted as they have a limited shelf life .
  13. Fatman (2020) I really enjoyed this dark comedy Christmas tale with Mel Gibson. This now is my favorite Christmas film after Bad Santa (2003) with Billy Bob Thorton. If you like films that are "in the style of" a Coen Brothers type of story, you may enjoy this film.
  14. Pete Townshend broken SG special
  15. Sad result, but when people get caught up in a mob mentality even people who may think they aren't being threatening, may not be fully aware of the consequences which may occur. I watched the video of this shooting and it appeared that the security person in plain clothes may have been a secret service agent. Maybe not, but it was not a uniformed Capital guard. Therefore, it should be expected that at this point where they were protecting an "inner permiter" where it might have even been to protect the Speaker of the House (number 3 in line of executive government after the President and VIce President) then there would be no fooling around with some person, part of a large crowd breaking down doors, and in this case the woman shot---as well as others in that mob wearing backpacks. Yes, the woman seemed surprised when she was shot, but she never contemplated in the heat of the moment how hers and others might have easily been perceived as a lethal threat to top level government. It would be no different than someone storming into the White House, 10 Downing Street, Buckingham Palace, The Kremlin, a high asset military base, or the cockpit of a commercial airplane in flight. This group was not breaking into a Walmart to steal tennis shoes and security deciding not to use deadly force. It was a grave miscalculation for this woman and others who may have been "caught up in the moment" to have been there. From the perspective of the inner perimeter security person who fired the one shot, that woman could have had an explosive device or some chemical agent to be released. He made the appropriate decision sadly in this case, and the one shot pretty much stopped the crowd from attempting further incursion into that secured area. The officer did not fire until the woman attempted to enter through the broken door/window. And when she fell backward, he then held subsequent fire. I think he did what he felt he had to do.
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