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Everything posted by kipper

  1. Many of the balloon titty and overdone make up trollips you post are not worthy of this thread. But every once in awhile you get one right, and Elizabeth Montgomery is waaaay more beautiful than most women of today.
  2. Whaaaaat??? They were serious about that stuff???? Yeah, I was clearly being facetious, but they should have never done that film. I'm so glad the lads in Zeppelin never went down that path of having cameras rolling where they rehearsed or talked about "their feelings", or any other crap where anyone would be shown in a bad light. This is why Peter Grant was such a great manager. I saw many of the film outtakes and b-roll from Shine A Light which was never released or available to the public. Bunch of old geezer grandpas and "EX rock and rollers" still acting on stage like they are 25 when they should have died (professionally speaking) like dinosaurs with some dignity decades ago. There was embarrassing shit in that film footage too. Old men dribbling yogurt and falling asleep in their chairs, and talking about their grandchildren's diapers. Nobody wants to know this SHIT about the Stones! I'm glad Scorsese didn't put it into the film. It is a tricky thing when people choose to do a reveal of themselves, and you have to be careful. As long as they talk about the music, or their process--- either up or down, as they created the music, I'm fine with that. Page discussing the acoustics inside of Medley Grange--- very compelling and interesting. Or Townshend talking about his rocky path trying to create Lifehouse, or then the way Daltry or Entwistle experienced Townshend's "process" from their perspectives is all good. But James Hetfield whining about missing his daughter's ballet lesson..... how lame is that? Pretty sad when you realize that Glen Campbell was MORE ROCK AND ROLL than members of Metallica.
  3. Just watched Fast Times again with director commentary on. Amy Heckerling director and Cameron Crowe screenwriter. I'm amazed that Heckerling (from the Bronx NY), and Crowe (grew up in Palm Springs and then later San Diego), was able to pull of a film set in Los Angeles (the Valley) so well. But what we learn from the commentary, is how much Sean Penn brought to the film by "seasoning" the story with his own brand of SoCal "spice". Penn being born here in SoCal and growing up in Santa Monica, he made the difference.
  4. California has better weather than Texas, and our energy infrastructure isn't so hot either. My first shot went well today. In and out. Small line of only people with appointments. A friend tried to book an appointment today and every thing is filled up for weeks, and then after that they are pushing the Johnson & Johnson shot, which only takes one shot but I hear isn't as effective. I got the Moderna version.
  5. Triumph bikes have always been cool. Problem with hogs aren't so much about the bikes, but the stupid shit so many add to them. Saw a guy on Harley on the freeway a few years ago rolling along with just about every after market chunk of shit he could put on the thing, and then also wearing one of these (see below). My first inclination was to run him off the road and beat him senseless with his own shoes for his own good. Thought maybe he just buy a little girl's dress, and strap a box of tampons on his bike--- to complete "the look" he was going for with the orange crossing guard vest. Hell, he's on a damn Harley for Pete's sake; he isn't collecting shopping carts at Walmart!
  6. Great scene. So funny! I love Spinal Tap and other rock mockumentaries like 'Some Kind of Monster'. For a long time I thought Bob Rock was Micheal McKeen... .actually looks and sounds a lot like him. Both very funny movies. Like the scene in SKOM where they were sitting around a table debating about their "feelings" on having to work an 8 hour day. So funny. Not sure how they were able to stay in character without laughing. Metallica: great band, and even funnier actors.
  7. Now Japanese stuff is the good stuff. Chinese is the junk now.
  8. Watching Donovan's Reef (1963) right now. Fun John Wayne / John Ford film. Film in Kauai. Beautiful scenery .
  9. Just bagged an appointment for my first shot tomorrow (Moderna). Had to pull some strings since here in wonderful commiefornia, they are putting drug addicts, prisoners and felons, and lots of others before regular folk. California is a beautiful but stupid place. They are playing politics a plenty with what should just be come and get your shot.
  10. I agree with you about the census. The census should do one thing and one thing only, and that is count the number of people who live in each state/district for the purpose of assigning representation. But that isn't what they do, they want to know race, ethnicity, age, your phone number, how you are related to other people in the home.... and that is just for the short census form. On the long form they want to know what language you speak, where you immigrated here from, what your level of education is, if you have a disability, if you have trouble concentrating or putting your own clothes on..... I'm not making this up. They ask questions about what kind of work you do, how you commute to work or school (car, motorcycle, bus, train... etc.); they ask about how many rooms are in your house, what your house is worth, do you have gas, electric, or solar energy, how many toilets. ALL is BULLSHIT! And I don't participate. I don't care how people identify, but why are they asking those questions in the first place? They don't need to know your race. And if people can just bullshit that response anyway, then don't even ask it. Just count how many people and be done.
  11. It all comes down to how you define "white" today. In 1960 "white" meant WHITE- not so much today. In the USA today, the census has two categories of white. There is 'white' and "non-Hispanic white". And the reason is because many people for example from Mexico or other parts of Latin America who are only part "white" (many not white at all-- mostly Indian) are free to put on the census form that they are "white"--- when in fact they would probably be considered mixed at best... maybe. In addition, people from North Africa, Turkey, other parts of the middle east can also self identify as white based on being west of the caucus mountains. If Anwar Sadat was still alive and was an American citizen he would be able to say he is "white". I don't trust any numbers on the census reports today; the are a worthless fraud. They say right upfront that 'race' and 'ethnicity' are mutually independent---- so then, what is the point? I'd actually call it false advertising at it's worst. When a city like Dearborn Michigan shows that it is nearly 90% "white" today, then maybe there needs to be a new definition of what "white" is? Why do they do this is my question, other than an attempt to mask the reality of how open borders and chain migration are changing the actual nature of our landscape. There is a city not far from where I live which says it is 79% "white", which is actually 80% middle eastern, and half of the population doesn't even speak English. I'm white (non-Hispanic white), and I would call myself "Celto-Germanic" if that were a choice on the census (which BTW I never participate in because it is utter BULLSHIT all designed to direct tax dollars to so called under served communities). I'm actually a bit offended by the people who claim they are "white" when they really aren't that. Seems like it doesn't go the other way if a white woman for example wears hoop earrings, and she is then accused of cultural appropriation. But seem fair game for MILLIONS of people to dye their hair blonde, wear blue contact lenses, and "appropriate" Celto-Germanc/Ango-Saxon styles---and nobody whines about that kind of "appropriation"???? When I think "white" I think like Amy Adams white, and not Shakira "white". When Shakira dyed her hair blonde and started lightning her skin, nobody said a word.... NOT that some of us didn't notice the "appropriation" anyway. I'm not saying Shakira isn't pretty, I'm just saying she isn't "white". What if Amy Adams started dying her hair dark and wore make up like certain other ethnic women wear--- or even worse tried to claim she was "Latina"..... there would cities burned to the ground if that happened. Steve, in order to find places in America like that American you describe from 1960, you would have to go to places like Maine, or West Virginia. Look up non Hispanic white demographics. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-Hispanic_whites
  12. I don't think there is any chance for a Zep song getting into a Tarantino film at this point. I could have seen Melanie in Jackie Brown listening to a Zep song... maybe "The Ocean".
  13. Technology is getting weird. Hadn't even considered how cellphones affect dating. I guess the only hope now would be to date an Amish girl to avoid those dopamine phone junkie gals.
  14. I have them in the same order as you, and for pretty much the same reasons. Yes, Claire Trevor was a good actress, but an average looker in her time. I never got the Lana Turner appeal either, but I know she was one of the actresses considered a "gay icon" for some reason.
  15. I'm sure YOU are seeing those results in Florida Wally, because you LIVE IN A RED STATE!!!! I haven't even been able to get vaccine appointments for several elderly relatives; two in their 80s and one in their 90s. Their problem is they don't live in an "under-served community" where they are prioritizing the vaccinations to "people of color"---- because we all know pandemics discriminate based on race, right? Want to switch governors with me Wally? I'll trade you Newscum for DeSantis any day,--- and I'll throw in the Sacramento state house in exchange for Tallahassee too. How hysterical that you can't even see why thing are better right now in your state. Why would think DC is making the difference? PS, You can keep your lousy humid hurricane and mosquito weather. On that California has you beat at least. BTW, RIP whoever just died...
  16. No, the riffs from Hot Dog if what he was going for was to ruin the song. I liked Eddie, but a tendency toward excess often too much. I'm glad Eruption came BEFORE 'You Really Got me" on the album, and not in the middle of the song. If it came in the middle it would be like that scene with Michael J. Fox in the film 'Back to the Future' shredding a solo in the middle of Johnny B. Goode --- and everyone going WTF?
  17. Great stuff Strider! How would rank the leading ladies in those 5 films? Lauren Bacall, Claire Trevor, Joan Crawford, Rita Hayworth, and Lana Turner? Looks wise I mean? I would rank Bacall even above Hayworth. I think Bacall was one of sexiest women in film. Crawford at the bottom. Something about those weird eyebrows. Bogart and Bacall, doesn't get much better than that.
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