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Everything posted by kipper

  1. I love steam engines and all kinds of gear head stuff like that. Been to several railroad museums and taken steam train rides. Most run on fuel oil now (old crank case oil), I'd love to see one that runs on coal, but I'm sure Al Gore would have a cow LOL. When my father was in the Navy his first job was down in the engine room (destroyer escort with two boilers fired by bunker C, two GE steam turbine engines, and turbo electric transmission). He HATED it down there. HOT as hell he said. When he got the chance to get a job topside as part of the crew of the Mark 12 5"/38 gun as a fuze setter he took it. Said he would rather die or be injured topside than below deck anyway if things got bad. Speaking of steam engines. One day I was in Burbank Ca when I look up hearing some "clatter" and there coming down the blvd is Jay Leno with his big giant head driving some steam powered jalopy. So I yell over at him, "Hey Leno, where's your helmet?" (This was shortly after the incident where he was the passenger in a 2500 horse power Plymouth "Cuda" that rolled during a taping of his garage show). Jay smiled with that big jawed grin and then yelled out at me, "this thing has a top speed of about eleven, I think I'm safe!" Funny guy that Jay.
  2. Very interesting Stider, thanks for posting this. I'll have to look for the Nazi version of Titanic. I never saw the '50s Hollywood version until a few years ago. As a kid and then for years later the only version mainly shown on TV was 'A Night to Remember'.
  3. I guess I have always thought of Japanese women as quiet and subservient, owing to the ones I knew who were the wives of GIs and sailors here in the USA. I never thought of Cholas/Chicano gang culture as rebels. A different word than that usually applies.
  4. Lots of cool Zep art on the innerwebs, thanks!
  5. kipper

    Found Money

    You did the right thing. But I always wonder if the store clerks don't just take the money after we leave. I once found a couple hundred dollars in a small snap style leather purse with no ID, so I told the manger of the store I found some money but didn't say how much and didn't mention the type of purse, and if someone came back to give them my phone number. When a little old lady called me and described the purse and how much money, I was very glad I was able to make sure she got it back.
  6. 100% correct Steve. Decades of mismanagement by tree hugging politicians, and then another more recent decade of forcing power companies from maintaining their current infrastructure and transmission lines, and forcing them to move too quickly toward "renewables" which have proven unreliable at best while neglecting the other needed maintenance. 5th largest economy in the world (California) should have the BEST power grid in the USA, and be able to figure out this stuff long before allowing half the state to go up in flames.
  7. In the '70s the real "Kings" of the Inglewood Forum were not a band from England
  8. I hate U2 and always have. I mean I really HATE that group of virtue signalling Hollywood buttlicking assclown pusswallows. "The Edge" what the fuck kind of douchebag name is that? And Bono---- who the fuck does he think he is Elvis with his one name name shit? I hear even a small bit of a U2 song I need to clear my head by putting in a Dropkick Murphys CD
  9. Japanese women are HOT!!!! I remember when I was a kid there were several ex Navy guys in my Dad's circle who got Japanese wives after WW2-- or during the Korean war when the sailors were stationed in Japan. All very quiet submissive women and all very attractive--- no dogs in the bunch. Then after that when these American men and their Japanese wives had kids--- oh lordy the daughters even hotter than the moms. Taller lighter haired versions of the Japanese moms, but with slight Japanese features. BABES all of them! Don't know why those Japanese gals over in Japan want to get into the Chola culture thing? Japanese culture is FAR superior to that gang style crap. I get the rock-a-billy and '50s stuff. But playing hoodrat... nah, don't see the upside to that. No Japanese gal I ever knew would marry a hoodrat in real life anyway. Other than a few white guys from good families who are a raised well and who have manners, I never knew any Japanese parents who would let their daughters even date a hoodrat here in California. So are Japanese men still obsessed with "half" Japanese women? .
  10. Yeah, I saw that thread thing. Best we don't comment on it in this thread so as not to get any squabbles here. Yeah, getting caught between rivals gangs or 1% M.C.s is not a good spot to be in. Out here the Angles and the Mongols have had some exchanges with their ongoing war that has had incidents from SF, Reno, and here in SoCal. When it gets to throwing shots on freeways---not good. But I have to be honest, I know the Angels play for keeps, and I know that when they go after someone they are very brutal. But from my view if you don't mess with them they won't fuck with you. Dumbest things I've seen people do---especially your weekend warrior motorcycle club types from the suburbs--- are when they start approaching 1%'rs and saying dumb stuff. Like asking to pose for a photo with them next to their bikes and shit like that. Want to compliment them on their ride--- sure be cool about it. But if they are with their people, best to just acknowledge their presence respectfully without gawking at them and then keep your distance. I've experienced the same with the Mexican gangs--- especially the older "veteranos". Play it cool and you won't have a problem. Best way to act around gangs is just imagine you are in the prison yard with them and have a clue about "the rules". You just don't roll up on someone in their turf without it clear what your intentions are. Accidentally bump into some gang member or his girlfriend...say "sorry, my bad". Any perceived disrespect left unresolved can turn deadly---and fast. A reason why they call "vida loca" (crazy life)--- it can be crazy.
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