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Everything posted by porgie66

  1. Aye! Bonzo also was mentioned playing along with Joni Mitchell's Court And Spark album. Maybe in Thunder Of Drums or Mick Bonham's book, I don't recall for sure .
  2. The bearer may be at the head, also he used a moleskin patch often , from what I've read so that would appear to be what is visible there. The pedal looks fine to me, but I can see why you'd see it another way. His heel is just off to the left, probably swinging his foot while in between strokes.
  3. I used to see Clyde pretty often. He lived in Madison WI, and played with some friends of mine in a band called the B3 Bombers. He had that incredible feel and pocket and was a very nice dude. Zep loved JB!! The theramin jam section in WLL basically became a tribute to him.
  4. Nice shot, hadn't seen it before. I would love a book of just photos like this, from behind his kit. There is another thread here with some photos behind his kit, have you seen it? It's always fun to see little things differently, like how he used clear heads occasionally. ( I'm convinced a snare head and maybe a tom at some point were clear )
  5. Ha, I think he's just tilted his foot a bit but the pedal is flush mounted. His heel is swung a little to the left. You can see the footplate is perpendicular to the hoop. It's a bit of an optical illusion.
  6. The taper said he is going to have the master digitally transferred soon, and he was very appreciative of all the interest and positive comments. He has actually returned to the Forum and has made a comment in the 6/22 thread. Hopefully , good care will be taken with his tape,...it's such an awesome new discovery. It truly renders the high voltage vibe in the arena that night. I agree, a matrix of the two audience source would be worth a try but I would think it would be very tricky to blend. It would most likely need to be majority Millard with maybe 10 to 15% gbauer tape. But, for now it'll be a thrill to hear the tape losslessly transferred and speed corrected!
  7. That vibe is indeed captured abundantly on your tape. Strider's story about being there , and your tape are very complimentary to each other. Its tremendous to have these documents in vivid detail. I'm glad to hear you intend to have your tape transferred with care. I think I can speak for everyone here when I say , your generosity in sharing the recording will be immensely appreciated.
  8. I thought this new discovery of the 6/21/77 tape that the taper recently shared on YouTube merits it's own thread here. Curious to see what some of the forum members who could help this gentleman with the transfer of his tape think about it. He states in the YouTube comments that he'd like to get a proper transfer to digital but he hasn't replied at all to my messages encouraging him to contact someone trustworthy and with integrity. There are several folks here that I can think of who would do the tape justice. I can understand why he chose to use YouTube as it's probably the easiest way to initially share it, but mp3s with a mixup of Moby Dick from Seattle is obviously not a great way to share this tape, if that's the intention. Several people including me have commented on YouTube and I pm'd him because he did make note of this tape several years ago here and he is a member of the forum. No reply yet. I may be coming off too stridently though so I'm hoping to get a little objective perspective.
  9. I PMd him here yesterday , encouraging him to contact Andy ( Winston) or I can point him to a couple other trustworthy people who will treat his tape with TLC. No reply back. I also commented on the YouTube video comments, but no response there either. I look at it like if you're willing to share it, share it the best way possible. That's a gem of a historical document for Zep fans and it should be preserved properly. We will see. As much as I love Millard's tape, it's really fun to hear how raucous and elated the crowd is, the energy is just insane. They gave the band a banquet of joy and enthusiasm to feast off. Talk about Cosmic Energy...yay, BASH!!!
  10. @ gbauer Thank you for sharing your recording on YouTube. Any chance we will hear more about your transfer ?
  11. I think it's really odd that Moby Dick from Seattle was spliced in, rather than use Millard's source, but the poster said he made a mistake and mixed up tracks on his itunes folder. Hopefully it will get transferred properly, lossless and shared . The tape has great atmosphere even though it's inferior to Millard's tape. My favorite part was hearing the roar of the crowd. Rock and Roll is way fast, it's a half step sharp!
  12. Hearing that crowd before the show gave me goosebumps, like reading your memory of the vibe before the show. It would be great to hear an azimuth adjusted , lossless transfer of this tape.
  13. Wow!! That's brutal. Oops, Page and Bonzo fucked that one up, then Plant skips right to the ending verses which really screws things....as opposed to Badegholders , which Jones gaffs in the same spot.
  14. Incredible. I wonder if the taper is a forum member. I left a comment on the YouTube post asking why he waited so long to share it. That audience before the show, holy shit!!!! It's almost more intense than Millard's tape in terms of the frenzied energy of the anticipation of the crowd. Makes me think of Strider's story about the show.
  15. Saw it at the Carnegie Theater in Chicago in fall of 1977, just after my 11th BDay. That's how I got hooked on Zep. Wish I had a Marquee pic, but here's the ad.
  16. Doesn't it??!! It's possible it's a dub of the same source , only degraded over the years so they had to do a lot of enhancement and noise reduction. I dunno. The shit sounds very different to me.
  17. See my earlier post. Yes, that was the story . Someone here with more specific knowledge could shed light on the discovery of the remainder of the tape. Who made the claim that this was the remainder of the 7th source? EV? Was it a dub of the master that was hoarded?
  18. Not exclusively, the interviewer asks him questions that are not related to his solo album.
  19. Very nice little interview, but I wish there was a bit more. Especially a question about Zep's 50th anniversary.
  20. Listen to the difference between Heartbreaker and WIAWSNB. Heartbreaker sounds natural, dynamic and your get a sense of space, you can hear the audience when the music is low level. WIAWSNB sounds dull, and noise reduced, , volume jacked up but none of the ambiance of the original 7th source tape. Maybe it is a transfer of the "newly found" remainder of the 7th source tape but in that case it's a shit transfer or the tape degraded, due to damage or time. Those first 7 songs of the 7th source are outstanding. Anyone know what's the deal with this?? For the full show I prefer EV's First Attack Of The Rising Sun (source 5) or Wendy's Meet The Led Zeppelin.
  21. It's hard to believe that the remainder of that show that Empress Valley released on Flying Rock Carnival is from the same 7th source. The story was the master tapes were lost in a fire, after an earthquake in Kobe in 1995. Someone who is really knowledgeable about tape sources can comment on this in detail but to me it sounds like they took another source and tweaked it as much as possible to try to sound close to the first fragment. That old 7th source tape which was released on Watchtower as Rock Carnival , sounds way more natural and clean than the songs after Stairway on the EV's Flying Rock Carnival.
  22. Yep, that's true. I forgot about that...been a while since I listened to that tape. Still a very enjoyable listen to me.
  23. Yeah, the rings were added after Tampa for the Jacksonville gig. That kit does look great in the sun, like orange candy. He made them sound better than they usually do. Magic touch.
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