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Everything posted by porgie66

  1. Jonesy gets into a little Ska groove on the Steinway there during the guitar solo!
  2. I don't have Winston's version of that show but I do have Afterburner which was allegedly a rip off his matrix and to me it sounds like a board only except for the audience patches and songs at the end. I'd like to ask Winston if he truly matrixed the sources. If he did then maybe he just used s very slight bit if audience tape as ambience. I think that's the Rain Song where the mellotron craps out so he finished it on the Rhodes. Great show, one of my all time favorites .
  3. I am not sure but I thought they can be heard outside the US. I didn't take them down.
  4. I prefer the original LP mastering to the remaster but I can understand why people like the amplified, high eq sound of the remaster. The best way to listen to the whole show IMO is the Heywood remaster. It uses the best versions of Celebration Day and No Q, no missing beat in SIBLY and adds missing sections to Dazed and Whole Lotta Love. It was really confounding that Jimmy didn't remaster the album soundtrack or simply give us a complete concert from the multi tracks.
  5. I agree with you , but apparently the original soundtrack couldn't be altered due to copyright issues so it had to be as it is in the film. Not sure what that means specifically, I'm sure there are people here who can edify us.
  6. Thank you , I appreciate the feedback. I agree with you...I wish I could've smoothed out the highs more, I probably could've done a little better had I spent more time on it but it is a fairly limited dynamic range board tape.
  7. Seriously though, the samples should be fine. It can take a bit for the file to load.
  8. How dare you ask such a personal question???
  9. Thanks! Yeah, that makes sense. In this case the big ambience of Freezer's tape does compliment and contrast the dry board tape very well , IMO. I'm sure a more skilled person could align the sources closer but overall I really like listening to this show now. I have the complete show done for a while now. Again, this is by no means meant to be definitive , I did this for my own pleasure and there are micro cuts and some overlapping but it's nearly impossible to align every note from each source. As I said, I can send it lossless via wetransfer if you like. Just pm your email addy.
  10. Thanks. PM me with your email addy and I'll send it to you.
  11. I'd love to hear your opinion. I think it sounds fuller, with more dynamics and a better sense of space but it's hard to hear objectively when you work on it.
  12. This is a matrix of the Tarantura Witch Queen soundboard and audience sources. I thought I'd share a sample as there has been some discussion on the boards lately about matrix shows , and it's always surprised me there hasn't been a good matrix of this show attempted... as far as I know. It's a great candidate because there is a near complete aud and sbd tape which is unusual for '73 . I did this for my own enjoyment, to try to bring more ambience to the dry board tape of this great show. I'm by no means an audio expert - I just blended the two sources using Audacity ( I know, go ahead ..laugh) . I tried my best to sync them up but there are glitches here and there though I think I did an ok job aligning them. The board is usually dominant in the mix with the audience as a lower mix level support. If anyone really digs this sample I am happy to share the whole thing lossless via WeTransfer.
  13. Far out. It looks like he's stepping down on the snare while hitting it. Hopefully that old Atlas stand never gave way...that'd be a Spinal Tap moment.
  14. Well, the expensive titles aren't being yanked like premium labels EVSD and Tarantura...it's been the lower budget labels. That's what raises a flag for me that someone is ratting out lower priced alternatives.
  15. Re: Bootlegs . Something odd going on at discogs. A bunch of titles from labels like Godfather, Eat A Peach are being deleted due to "copyright infringement" , whilst Empress Valley and other titles are not affected...yet. Wonder if another boot company (EVSD?) is flagging a bunch of other label's product. Discogs has been very accepting of unofficial live recordings, so it seems odd that all of a sudden so many titles are being yanked. Anyone else notice this?
  16. WTF?? I will never understand this psychology.
  17. Thanks for sharing these, from a fellow Chicagoan. Wish I had been old enough to see them there, and hear Bonzo basically acoustically as well as amplified. Rare air.
  18. Yeah, a terrible waste which resulted in the death and oppression of thousands. More like weapons relief than hunger relief. Did Bob Geldof ever acknowledge how misguided his plan was to give a guy like Mengitsu all that dough? He may have had the best of intentions but he seems like a self aggrandizing wanker.
  19. Whole heartedly agree!!! Alchemy was gone when Bonzo died. Absolutely the right decision.
  20. I hear this often and I can't help but wonder if that's because you don't hear all the sonic warts on an audience tape. Most sound boards are very unsparing, and you hear every little missed note, open string etc. I find that's the case especially with '77 shows. The audience tapes are much more forgiving of Jimmy's playing and since Bonzo and Jones are pretty much always spot on, it sounds more cohesive than the board tape.
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