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Everything posted by porgie66

  1. Agreed! That's an often listened to show for me. Early versions ran slow but speed corrected , that is a bitchin' show!! I don't have a low gen to compare but TDOLZ version sounds as good or better than any other release I've heard, it just needs to be sped up quite a bit. I had EVs latest low priced release and it was at correct speed but sounded like a much higher gen tape or poor transfer. Dull and hissy. There is a no label cdr release that sounds brilliant, bright , clear, no noise reduction or heavy EQ.
  2. I wonder if Bonzo had played these drums in England before coming over for the tour, or if he met his Vistalite kit in the US , at this soundcheck?? Notice the bass drum doesn't have the 3 rings yet .
  3. RAH 70 is the best but it's basically officially released so I don't count that show. The soundboard / multi track fragment from Long Beach 72 is my favorite, sonically. With audience tapes, I have several favs, of course Millard recs, but I think 2/12/75 AUD source is actually better than Eddie (ok, here it comes) ...it sounds a bit cleaner and more distinct, though perhaps not as atmospheric as Eddie . Copenhagen 79, Baton Rouge 75 , Bonzos Bday, Munich 73, Blueberry Hill stereo source 5. Then there's 9/23/71 ...the partial 7th source which is only the first third of the show. That may be my fav! Too hard to choose.
  4. I like this post. But I hope you're just a little wrong and that they (EVSD) unveil some real treats for the 50th year. 🙁 As much as I love those 75 board tapes, I have heard enough for a while from that tour, especially after the outstanding 3/21 show release. I find I'm often listening anxiously to SBDs from '75, hoping Plant and Page won't make too many mistakes. Japan '71 would indeed be something else entirely.
  5. Just record whatever song clip you want to use to your phone, assuming you have a smart phone with an audio recording function. You can then save the file as a ring tone.
  6. Yes, exactly. HTEWW!! An early 75 show would be a treat, but after being teased with that Black Dog...come on for chrissakes! Let's have it!
  7. So no word yet. If they do have the full 928 board then they may wait until 2018 as a 50th anniversary type thing. Now that would be something to look forward to for 50th Zep bday, a board tape from 71!! I don't care much if it's going to be another 75 board. It feels like they're saturating the bootleg scene with 75 shows , so if there are truly board tapes in their possession from other years, please ....a little contrast and variety!
  8. Has there been any more info regarding a possible release of this SBD tape? The Black Dog teaser is so tantalizing. Empress Valley, I implore you ...please put this one out next, in an affordable version if you will!
  9. Totally agree. This starts out as a damn fine show, and Freezers tape makes for a really great atmospheric and ballsy sounding recording that rivals Millard tapes, IMO. Disc one of this show is a favorite of mine from 75. Something changes after Dazed and the show loses steam.
  10. That's where I read it! Damn shame. I'd still love to hear what was recorded!!
  11. Since it appears the JB Memorial Fund has raised enough funds for the monument/statue then I assume this kit doesn't need to be auctioned for that purpose. If £ 50,000 was the goal then this drumset's auction would very likely come close or exceed that mark. Since the memorial was meant to be a tribute by Bonzo's home town , that would also negate the grass roots sourcing of the funds. I still find this photo shoot with Plant and the statement about the kit being used for Zep 4 as being very odd.
  12. It's very hard to tell what's going on in that photo and I haven't seen any other pics on a Google search. I think the whole idea is wonderful and just hope whoever the sculptor is, he has a sense of taste and can render the feeling of Bonzo playing. I hope it's not a cluttered up mess. It really depends on the artists aesthetic. In some ways I think a relief would make more sense if it's going to be an action shot because there is so much air space between drums and cymbals. This could be very moving if it's done right , in Bronze. Bronzo!
  13. I seem to recall reading that the tape ran out on Heartbreaker and no tape exists for TY and SIBLY. Anyone confirm this?? Regardless, this should be an official release. However, it's great having what's available and I fear an official release would get chopped up , altered, etc.
  14. Yes, very astute observations on both Marquee pics. The tom tom does look like a 12 in that pic from behind! That's a swivo holder too, which ain't on the BDP kit. That's a Slingerland all day long. Maybe another drummers kit or house kit at the club.
  15. The people who do this type of audio matching are freaks of nature when it comes to being able to sync the image to the audio location. Some shots are more obvious than others to figure out but it is pretty incredible work.
  16. Cheers , you too! I just edited my comment. Appears it's only 11 mins. Odd.
  17. Check argenteum astrum for stuff like this. Good resource for finding tape source info . Seems odd but he shows only Ten Years Gone from that tape. 11 mins.
  18. Good grief, I give up. I still want to know who made the statement that the BDP kit was used for the 4th album ? That kind of nerdy, drum geek lore is of interest to me. I know it rates lower than Fruit of the Loom vs BVDs for most. 🕵️
  19. Second night in a judo arena!! Fantastic, so great to see this. Thanks.
  20. Ah, ok. I guess I overlooked the fact that it's a grass roots, home town sponsored gesture.
  21. If you're a drummer, you'll notice...the tom mount in this photo from the Marquee gig is a Roger's Swiv-o-matic, not Slingerland. So the mount is actually different than the one on the Scandinavian gigs. I bet he owned that kit, and swapped out the original tom mount for the Rogers . He seems to have preferred Roger's hardware. He used their stands, and he used a Swivo mount on the maple tom eventually. Clearly the Ludwig BDP kit Plant is standing over does not have a swivo mount. That is not this kit.
  22. That book is not gospel, no book is. The story about Bonzo playing a Green Sparkle Ludwig kit comes from a musicians memory in that book if I'm not mistaken. Someone he played with in the way Of Life or Band Of Joy or whatever. That person's memory may be wrong, it could be in fact he was playing the Slingerland green sparkle back then and they thought it was a Ludwig kit. Who knows, maybe he had Ludwig and Slingerland green kits?? You disagree and that's fine, but in those pics from the Marquee club he's clearly playing a Slingerland kit. I pointed out the distinctive features, the 'setomatic' spurs, the rounded hoops, the lugs, the greenish sparkle color. I doubt that was a rental and if it was then it was rented until Dec of 68 when they played the Marquee. The main question I raised here is anyway is who made the claim that this BDP kit was used for Led Zep 4? That seems to be an important claim given the provenance...it seems specious to me.
  23. Thanks for the reply. Doesn't look like any more clear pics of the drum kit. Wish there were some pics from the other UK 68 shows but it seems like there are none...?
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