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Everything posted by Plantpothead

  1. Barclay James Harvest - Song For Dying.
  2. Barclay James Harvest - Song For Dying Al Jolson - When you Were Sweet Sixteen Led Zeppelin - Tangerine. Roger Waters - Late Home Tonight.
  3. You better you bet - The Who.
  4. Geekfreak, get yourself some Barclay James Harvest albums and relax!!
  5. Man took his children to the zoo last weekend.....He was absolutely disgusted, said there was only one animal and that was a DOG!!!!! He said it was a Shih Tzu..........Ba Boom.
  6. After careful thinking I've decided that life is SHIT.I'm sitting here listening to Loudon WainwrightIII,and thinking who gives a toss?
  7. Seasons in the sun - Terry Jacks
  8. I love Zeppelin cider.... in moderation of course, my family think I'm a sad bastard. They are probably right.
  9. If you are teetotal, you wont have, hey a darkened room with headphones on is how I spend a lot of my life.....like now.....but I'm listening to six Barclay James Harvest Albums I just bought. By the way Zeppelin Cider is a drink for sad bastards like me. Which is the great song from HTWWW? I think they are all great.
  10. Get yourself to bargain booze and get a bottle of Zeppelin cider, drink it slowly and listen to Going To California from How The West Was Won.
  11. I have had my "life" read by a so called white witch, she told me many things about my life, and she never even asked me a question. Now trust me I am a strict NON BELIEVER in things I can't see. This woman completely changed my opinion on things I do not understand. She did not charge me any money, no favours, she just thought that I was an intriguing person........No bullshit here, she really did tell me things about my life. All this was over 25 years ago. It was actually a bit scary for me.
  12. That sounds like the start of a new thread geekfreak!!!!! Go for it.
  13. Sorry this post is late, I feel for you, my Mum and Dad both died within a few months of each other, both aged 84. Believe me, and I am not a religious man, when you go to her grave, all your thoughts will be happy ones, you will spend ages talking to a gravestone, and you will walk away feeling really good. Heartfelt codolensces from myself. She will be with you forever.
  14. Tarot cards is on my list along with christ, flying saucers and ghosts.
  15. Song For Whoever - Beautiful South
  16. Me,Myself,I -Joan Armatrading
  17. Where Do You Go To My Lovely - Peter Sarstedt
  18. I had the opposite experience many years ago, I was walking through Liverpool city centre, a youth was sitting on the floor with a dog and a sign "Hungry and homeless" I didn't have any money on me, but I had a large Mars bar, I offered it to him and he told me to "fuck off I don't want your food" so I took it back and went on my way. Also a Liverpool local radio broadcaster who regularly took people in need to local cafes and bought them meals once said that most of them ask for his money instead of food. Just another side to the story.
  19. Received a phone call...I start work on Monday morning 07.15.Mon - Fri 07.15 -14.25 for approx six months .(all on minimum wage of course)But a job.........Well fuck my old boots!!!!!!!
  20. I think I'll read a Charles Dickens novel, it will be easier to decipher, and to understand, come on mate, talk in language we can comprehend.
  21. So you had a happy moment and an unhappy moment in the same day?
  22. Run Rabbit Run - Flannagan and Allan
  23. Off to yet another funeral, had two to go to today, unfortunately one is too far away for me and I don't drive.Going to Cousins funeral, it was expected he's had cancer for quite a while now, and then pneumonia set in...
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