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Posts posted by IpMan

  1. 13 hours ago, WD52 said:

    Page as a lead guitarist? very hit and miss live (Ritchie Blackmore is far better lead guitarist, Rory Gallagher/Stevie Ray Vaughan played with more feel, even players like Schenker and Lifeson are more precise and dynamic soloists )-but as a rock music composer/songwriter/arranger Page is  peerless.

    Hit or miss, really? He was very good on a consistent basis until the end of 73. In 75 he was brilliant, even better than 73 for most of the February - May shows and I am sure he would have been better for the January shows had he not had a BROKEN FINGER! 77' is where Jimmy begins to go off the rails but again, 1/3 of those shows played he was brilliant, better than any prior year however when he was off he was horrible, train wreck, embarrassingly so. 79' has Page playing two absolutely brilliant gigs in Copenhagen, a mediocre gig on the 4th and a shitty gig on the 11th. The majority of the 80' European shows Jimmy is in fine form and playing well but again when he is off, he is a disaster. However, that being said, have a listen to the Rotterdam Heartbreaker from 80' and tell me Jimmy was sloppy or lost it. That is arguably one of the best Heartbreakers ever performed by Jimmy and makes every single 73' Heartbreaker sound average.

    The fact is Jimmy was a drug & alcohol addict from late 75' - 83' and thus was inconsistent as a player. Tommy Bolin was just as good as Blackmore was until he spiraled into addiction. Eric Clapton stopped playing for a time because of Heroin. EVH has played almost an equal number of horrible, what the fuck shows as he has played great ones. This is rock and roll and Page's era was an era of excess and death as a result. The fact that Page came out of it and became, once again, a brilliant guitarist is testament. BTW, if anyone thinks Page was never as good, consistently as 73' I suggest you head on over to YouTube and check out his performances from the 92' Coverdale / Page tour through to his stint with the Black Crowes in 2000; 98' P&P tour in particular should place all doubt to rest.

  2. Nobody won the estimated $500+ million dollar Powerball jackpot. 

    Powerball is played in 44 States, Washington D.C., Puerto Rico, and the US Virgin Islands.  The next Powerball drawing will on Saturday, January 9, 2016 (Jimmy's Birthday).  The new estimated jackpot at the moment is around $675 million dollars. 

    What would do if you won around $413.1 million dollars (the cash option value)?  Actually here in Texas, that amount would be an approximate payout of $309,825,000 after the I.R.S. gets their cut. 

    I would offer Jimmy Page, Robert Plant, John Paul Jones and Jason Bonham $25 million dollars to play a one-time 3+ hour private concert for me, my family, my friends and my friends here on this forum.  Any requests???

    Edited to add:  The only stipulation I would have is that I get to pick the songs that Jimmy, Robert, Jonesy and Jason would play.  The first song on that very long list would be "In the Light" (you will find the road...). 




    I second that. If I won I would give 95% of the net winnings to various charities, #1 on that list would be the $25 million donated to the Jimmy, JPJ, Robert, & Jason Play One Last Fucking Gig Charity with Kings stated stipulations. In the Light Live by the lads would be worth a good 10 mil on it's own, however for that cash I expect the expanded version.

  3. My money is on an electrical fire. Jimmy renovated the home significantly in the 1970's and I would assume he would have upgraded both plumbing and electrical at that time to industry standard. However, in the 1970's, there was a copper shortage which resulted in switching to aluminum wiring as the industry standard from the late 60's until the late 70's. Aluminum wiring is notorious for electrical fires and was discontinued around 1978, 79'. Since Jimmy supposedly only spent a couple of weeks there while he owned it, and then sold it in 92', I doubt the aluminum wiring was updated to proper copper wiring. Best bet to find out would be to access the public records for the town the house is in and pull all building permits relating to Boleskine for the past 45 years to find out. In fact it would probably be interesting to pull those permits regardless of the situation due to historical  significance and curiosity. Unless one lives in Calcutta, re-wiring a house requires a building permit issued and inspected, before, during, and after construction.

  4. Mildly interesting, but really only because Page and Crowley had lived in the house. And both have

    been wildly accused of things mired only in speculation. Never been to England, but supposedly

    because of the ancient age of many structures and history, more people in the U.K. accept

    supernatural events as a matter of course, not a symptom of psychosis as here. Oh well.

    Well, don't know about the psychosis part in the states, after all some of the most popular programming here is based around the supernatural and hauntings in particular. All things not being equal, that would be the exception. Regardless, the UK or the States, people believe what they do and superstition dies hard. Shit, people still believe in the Amityville Horror and that was debunked over a decade ago. Don't even get me started on the Gettysburg Battlefield, The Dakota, or 90% of the mansions in New Orleans & Savannah.

  5. JJ is not exactly know for his amazing character development. JJ make things blow up, JJ make movie move fast, JJ see no reason to have original story when old story perfectly fine.

    Anyway, for those who liked it, good news, they will be making sequels & prequels for the next 200+ years. Bad news, they will be making sequels & prequels for the next 200+ years.

  6. I guess those "demons" had errands to run, or had a hard time finding a book of matches since it took 115 years, from the date of the summoning, to torch the joint.

    So, in summation, old house burns down. Let's see, could it have been electrical? Maybe a lighting strike? How about some asshole flicking a cigarette butt into some dry-rotted lattice? Naw, must be those pesky demons. I knew they should have called the Ghostbusters.

  7. Mark Shanahan Globe Staff  October 08, 2015



    Continue reading below


    The indictment last week of five members of Teamsters Local 25 on federal extortion charges got us thinking about, of all things, Led Zeppelin. Why? Because the allegations against the Teamsters, who are accused of harassing and intimidating the “Top Chef” staff, including the TV show’s host, Padma Lakshmi, are reminiscent of a story Stephen Davis tells in “Hammer of the Gods,” his best-selling book about the British rock band. Davis, who lives in Milton, was music editor at The Real Paper in 1973 when he found himself backstage at Led Zeppelin’s concert at the Boston Garden. He recalls: “In Boston, the Zeppelin roadies went into action against a Teamster union goon squad that had appeared backstage in an attempt to shake down Led Zeppelin. Peter Grant [the band’s manager] and his private army bloodied the Teamsters faces, knocked out a few teeth, and sent them packing.” When we called Davis Wednesday to talk about the incident, he chuckled. “A bunch of young guys, South Boston and Dorchester types, got backstage and started asking for money. Grant, who was enormous, a former professional wrestler, turned to Richard Cole, who was Zeppelin’s tour manager, and said, ‘Get the lads together and meet me in the loading dock.’ Zeppelin’s roadies were notoriously violent, but only when provoked. They were provoked. And they beat the crap out of the Teamsters.” Davis, who’s also written books about the Rolling Stones, Aerosmith, Bob Marley, and Levon Helm, is currently working on a book about Stevie Nicks.

    What is the probability the mob (who supported the teamsters and got a cut as well) pulled the NY Drake Hotel heist to get back for the Boston debacle? According to sources the Drake robbery was indeed an inside job with mob involvement. If this were the case I could see why Grant & Cole were so evasive about the whole thing.

    Any insight?

  8. Here's another pic of it


    So much for simple research. He is wearing a shirt which was not marketed or available until around 1984 I believe. From what I remember, all Zeppelin shirts pre-1981 were either official concert t's or they were actual pictures of the band in a live setting ironed on the shirt itself with Led Zeppelin underneath. I got one of the latter in 1978 with a picture of them on stage at the Forum in 73'. 

    I attended the Firm gig in 85' in Phoenix and bought a shirt which I had for about 20 years, stored. The quality of the shirt was pretty bad, half of the shirt shrunk up significantly after the first (and only) washing. I never wore it again after that. Somewhere in 95' the shirt disappeared. The quality of those shirts sold at the concerts in the 80's were really hit or miss, mine was obviously a miss. The shirt I bought had The Firm logo on the back with the tour dates and Firm logo on front with the musicians names.

  9. Also, I have the following Jimmy Page and Robert Plant dvds:  in chronological order:

    1.  Milwaukee, Wisconsin:  May 1, 1995 (?)

    2.  Glastonbury Festival:  June 25, 1995

    3.  Albuquerque, New Mexico:  September 29, 1995

    4.  Irvine (Meadows), California:  October 3, 1995

    5.  Buenos Aires, Argentina:  January 25, 1996

    6.  Tokyo, Japan:  February 13, 1996 (the same dvd as the above clip for "Tea for One").

    7. Osaka, Japan:  February 19, 1996

    8. London:  No date given.  The cover of the dvd says, "Jools Holland Later", BBC TV Studios, White City, London, England...

    I have not watched these in a long while but I do seem to recall that all 8 of these dvds are of very good to excellent to professional video quality.  I suppose I just might have to watch these dvds again in the near future.  I also seem to recall that I paid no more then $20 for each of these dvds.  Well worth the money or money well spent. 

    Thanks King, now I know what to look for. Happy New Year!!!

  10. Well there are great live versions of this song, IMO more so 95' and further ??? Anyway I have never heard

    a live version with the studio "blast-off", that is as someone posted a overdub and even if Jimmy tried

    something like that live the Strat would likely go way out of tune and wreck the rest of the song. If there

    is a version with that amazing blast off live, surely post it here.

    Could have pulled it off with a Floyd Rose setup, however it was not around until the 80's.

  11. Led Zeppelin won a Grammy Award in 1969 for the cover/artwork for Led Zeppelin II. 

    I know that you hail from Canada, but awards (Grammys, Emmys, Oscars, etc...) mean a lot in the United States of America.  Here, in the U.S.A., these kind of awards and winning such awards translate into professional accolades and achievements that goes to prove that winners of such accolades and awards won them because they/them deserve it. 

    How many awards and accolades did SCTV ever win in Canada? 

    I am not going to continue to disagree with you but to compare "Breaking Bad" to the "Doobie Brothers" is beyond stupid and has no bearing on what I was trying to prove or make a point of.  I don't know you but your reasoning and comparison is one of the dumbest things I have ever read (and I have said some dumb and stupid things myself).  The main difference between you and I is that I am not ashamed to admit such things. 

    What I find amusing is how you always wind up getting the vapors over the smallest, stupidest things such as a TV show. I am from the USA, I served in the USMC and attended university in the USA, and am an American citizen so I understand about awards, however everyone knows awards such as grammys, emmys, the oscars are pretty much bullshit popularity contests among a small minority...who cares. The acid test is in what the people like and the continuing historical impact, nothing else really matters. So, if it gets your panties in a wad the likely fact that Breaking Bad will in no way, whatsoever, in ANY universe, be considered in the same context of say All in the Family or even the original Star Trek (due to plots dealing with social issues), too damn bad, the world does not revolve around your opinions.

    As I said before, Breaking Bad was a good show, a great show even, however it will never be considered an important, influential, or groundbreaking show and that is truth.

    I dig the LZ winning the grammy in 69' for an album that did not come out until October 1969...BTW, they NEVER won a grammy until 1999 and that was for a Hall of Fame award. The only grammy Zeppelin ever won which was not a lifetime achievement award was for Celebration Day in 2014 for best rock album. Anyway, who cares, after all if Milli Vanilli won a grammy for best new artist in 1990, it proves how meaningless the award is, as most awards are.

    So, let me add this correction: Breaking Bad = Starland Vocal Band. There ya go, better than the Doobie's right?

  12.  Is he still alive?  If so what is he up to? Did he do a lot of speaking about Bonzo and their relationship after Bonzo's death?  

    I believe he died about three years ago, not sure how vocal he was about their relationship but they did have a strange give and take from what I have read.

  13. I really miss watching new episodes of "Breaking Bad".  I have noticed that strider never responded to my above post. 

    Canada's SCTV a better show than "BrBa".  Please.  Read what I reposted above and back up your ridiculous statement that SCTV is a better show.  How many Americans who know and love "Breaking Bad" compared to those same Americans who have ever seen or even heard of SCTV. 

    There is a very huge differential.  Name one person from your show who has a greater name recognition then Walter White or Jesse Pinkman?

    Never mind the countless Emmy nominations and wins that "Breaking Bad" has.  That is a fact that you or any disbeliever can look into and see that this is a proven fact and not just something that I made up just because I happen to be a fan of the greatness and influence that "BrBa" will have on future generations of like-minded people such as myself and millions of others from around the Planet. 

    With that being said, Breaking Bad and Led Zeppelin have something in common:  UNIVERSAL APPEAL


    I think what Strider was pointing out is a historical perspective and I believe he is correct. Explain how Breaking Bad is influential in ANY way. Sure, it was a great show but it was neither groundbreaking nor influential and will likely be forgotten in time. Awards mean nothing, Zeppelin never won a grammy yet they are one of the most influential bands of all time. The Doobie Bros won grammy's but ask any teen to name a Doobie's song and you get "Huh, who the fuck are the Doobies?"

    So, Breaking Bad would be akin to the Doobie Bros Michael McDonald era and shows like SCTV and All in the Family would be akin to Zeppelin.

  14. Cheers, Kiwi! Happy Hols to you and yours :D 

    Just found out Abrams isn't even returning for VIII. That's too bad, but he's read the script and regrets not being involved so it bodes well...

    Have to disagree here, thank god Abrams will be gone as he is one of the most unoriginal directors out there. He pulled the same shit with this new Star Wars as he did with the second Star Trek movie, essentially rebooting and old idea and placing a few new twists. Now I know this would never happen but imagine Ridley Scott or David Fincher taking over for Star Wars VIII...that would be a frigging amazing movie, or a complete disaster. Better yet, how about David Lynch? Just imagine a whacked out Star Wars with psychopathic Ewoks running around dicing people up in an acid trip scene while the new Dark Lord is huffing nitrous oxide and playing with a blow up sex doll.

  15. The only two I skip almost every time are Moby Dick and Guitar Solo.  Some of the older tunes get skipped in later years, especially Rock and Roll and Communication Breakdown; although Black Dog and Heartbreaker get the boot fairly often as well.  This is because, as a general rule, I have found that the newest material gets the most interesting and soulful renditions on any given tour.

    1977...I usually start those shows at Nobody's Fault but Mine since during The Song Remains the Same and Sick Again you can usually tell the band is still warming up and there isn't much variety in the performances night to night.  And it's a rare mood when I feel like continuing the show past Achille's Last Stand.  It's just such a powerful climax, and beyond that are a bunch of songs they've done a hundred times before.

    Dazed and Confused is trouble because the song kept on growing whether or not they had anything new to add.  There are definitely some forty minute renditions where every second is fantastic (like 21 March in Seattle) but there are also times when it goes on that long and it just bores you to tears.  So I end up skipping to the next thing if it's a drag.  No Quarter has the same issue, but to a lesser degree.  I'm someone who finds the LA 1977 performances of NQ to be real snoozers (best one I think they ever did was 24 July 1979 in Copenhagen, and that's only ten minutes or so.)

    I've said it before and I'll say it again and again and again: Zeppelin needed someone to fix their setlists.  These guys should have been doing main sets that were ninety minutes long, with encores going to two hours at most.  And Song Remains the Same should never, ever have been the opener.  Not only was this song perfect to reengage an audience after a slow tune like Ten Years Gone or Since I've Been Loving You, but putting it at the start of the set meant the band simply wasn't ready to play it half the time.  Plant's voice would almost always be incredibly rough and Page's playing was usually sloppy.  Misty Mountain Hop would have been a much better choice.

    Anyway, I'm just glad we have so much to listen to that some stuff gets skipped every time. :D

    You make excellent points there. I always thought Wanton Song would be the perfect opener which, incidentally, was the set opener for the 98' P&P Tour. This is just a great number to warm up the band and get the audience moving. GTBT is also a great opener as well. Neither are complex arraingements yet both sound great and are fun songs. TSRTS is a tough song to play and sing, always a bad choice for a set opener.

    I usually skip Moby Dick unless I know it is a special version, after a few minutes I just can't take it unless he really mixes it up. I thought TSRTS version of MD was the perfect version.

  16. What is with this place, I believe this is the third fire at that location over the few centuries structures have stood there. Funky. What a loss, what a shame. This was an important piece of history.

  17. My wife, her niece and nephew and I drove into town tonight to see the thing. The kids and my wife loved it, of course, whereas for myself -an old Star Wars anorak from way back- I thought it was good, but not great. Didn't quite live up to all the hype IMO. Sorta like comparing Zeppelin's 2007 reunion show to the April 28 1977 gig :lol: It was better than the prequels, mind ya, but nowhere near of the same caliber of 4,5 and 6.

    Good gawd, Harrison Ford looks old :lol: and the years haven't been too kind to Carrie Fisher, either (I know: to paraphrase Yoda, "When 72 years old you are, look as good as me, will you?"). I liked the new characters and as far as I'm concerned BB8 stole the fucking show. But, Jesus, I think JJ Abrams took just a few too many aspects from 4 for this new one...it seemed just a little bit contrived...a bigger, better Death Star kinda thing? A new villain that they are obviously trying to make more evil than Vader? I dunno, guys, I enjoyed The Force Awakens for what it was but I think the filmmakers played it just a little too safe here. That said, Episode 8 is gonna be fuckin' awesome, I think.

    Spot on Nutrocker, my sentiments exactly. 

  18. Yes that is Brienne of Tarth from GOT.  In the GOT books she is described as fairly unattractive and given the name of "Brienne the Beauty" as a way of mocking her looks.  I agree that she is a very attractive woman. 

    Thanks King, she seems like a lot of fun as well. I love it when a woman can just let it ride, have fun and not give a shit.

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