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Badgeholder Still

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Everything posted by Badgeholder Still

  1. Yeah, i'd sleep with the band. Something wrong with that? All i did was post an opinion. Why do you take it so personal? Get a grip.
  2. That's funny, I don't remember seeing any Primus or video game music posts in this thread. Not sure how my post warranted a personal attack, but no problem. Memes, gifs and emojis bounce right off me. What else ya got?! Gaga is a singing/songwriting hack, which is fine and harmless. And "Million Reasons" is an anthem for the perpetual victim who refuses to accept that responsibility in a relationship is a 2-way street. I'm sure it'll be a big hit with a lot of people. On the other hand, she sure knows how to wear a meat dress!
  3. You got a hundred million reasons to leave? Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.
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