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Badgeholder Still

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Everything posted by Badgeholder Still

  1. Allen Klein is long dead. Who cares where the money goes. The Stones are rich and the fans have the music.
  2. Would've preferred the Toxic Twins stayed toxic.
  3. My only complaint is it could be longer. If it's not this one it's the 23rd. If it's not the 23rd then it's this one, depending on which one i'm listening to.
  4. "...one of the finest percussionists ever to join Led Zeppelin..."
  5. I don't understand comparing Hendrix to others when you have such limited knowledge of his work and his story. Discrediting JH by way of listening to as little of his music as possible and not understanding the context in which he created just doesn't work.
  6. Reinvented is probably more accurate. Before Hendrix, Clapton was God. But all he really did was master Chicago blues and play it well. He wasn't and still isn't capable of the diversity and imagination Hendrix showed in 4 short years. It's not just about skills but employing originality in applying them combined with fearless delivery. Comparing Chuck's "Johnny B. Goode" with Jimi's version clearly shows the fresh ideas and approach he brought A lot of people don't hear it, but that doesn't change the facts. He set a new standard which still exists today.
  7. A missed opportunity for more German performances. Unfortunate.
  8. Strolling through the cactus? Anyway, there's nothing wrong with acknowledging "Taurus" and it's possible/probable influence on "Stairway". What difference does it make when or where it was played live or what influenced "Taurus"? Zep were clearly aware of the band and their music. That said, this lawsuit is a pathetic attempt at a money grab. What's in question is whether this courtroom will be able to employ common sense when considering the similarities and differences of these two songs.
  9. As per the thread title, i've given this some deep thought and yes, it's a real mystery why anyone wouldn't listen to your advice on relationships and life. If only those chicks and dudes knew what was good for them.
  10. Rock music, by definition, should at some point, rock. It's one of those things which continually has its definition watered down by those who can't hang but want to. Margo Timmins? Wow. As far as female rock vocalists who actually rock, Janis and Wendy O. Williams lead the way along with the likes of Patti Smith, Joan Jett, Kathleen Hanna, L7, The Beeders, Exene, Shonen Knife, Polly Styrene, Mia Zapata...
  11. Gimme a break. You spoke your mind, now step back and let me speak mine. That's exactly what you said. Man up and stand behind your words. This forum supports plenty of raggin' on the '77 tour, ITTOD, the '80 tour, biggest fails, etc. And endless groundless speculations about decisions the band members made during the Zep years and after. The latest '77 thread went from a tribute to "why '77 sucks" in less than one page. There's surely a little corner of space in this forum for a fan to call bullshit on bullshit. Very recently, i'v seen you disrespect the skills of JP and Keith Richards. Who's really spending more time being a dick here?
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