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Badgeholder Still

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Everything posted by Badgeholder Still

  1. Despite his contribution to the distinctive sound the band had on the first two LPs, Redding overestimated his role and was replaced with another sideman. I've always felt it was very gracious of Hendrix to include Redding's crap songs on Axis:Bold As Love and Electric Ladyland. Noel Redding and Billy Cox were as different as Mitch Mitchell and Buddy Miles were both personality and style wise. I think he was most comfortable with the 1970 line-up of Mitchell and Cox as they were the most supportive and in touch with his musical direction. And they didn't complicate things with personal agendas.
  2. No, I already pointed out that the two are different experiences which don't have enough in common for a fair comparison. I'm wondering to what lengths a modern game will go to recreate reality, to put the player in the boots of the hitman. I hear video games have come a long way since Pole Position and Double Dragon. Just curious.
  3. I'm not convinced this is a direct reference to Led Zeppelin. Or that this is destined to be as timeless as The Godfather. The GPS instructions are somewhat lifelike and engaging. Does this game require the player to shift the transmission while operating the firearm? Is there a button for the clutch?
  4. Kudos from the gaming world are interesting, but have any film experts extolled accolades on games for existing on the same level as Kurosawa, Peckinpah, or The Godfather. Is there a mutual appreciation happening or is one using the other to create credibility? I have to question the challenge of making moral decisions in a virtual world. What are the real consequences? Having to start over? I'm not sure these two experiences are comparable. They both exist on their own terms and have their own merits. Finding Zep in either is, of course, always a bonus.
  5. Jimmy Page doesn't owe you a god damn thing. He's given plenty. Gratefully accept what he offers and say thank you. Loving fans don't make demands.
  6. The reissues are about the sonic improvement of the original albums and the companion material is gravy which is provided at very little extra cost and is completely optional. There are no hooks because none were needed. If you can get by without these releases and keep that greedy Jimmy Page from stealing your money, well that’s a win for you. If you can’t hear and enjoy the significant sound upgrade as well as the awesomeness of “St. Tristan’s Sword”, among other gems, well that’s your loss.
  7. Collecting, sharing, enjoying music on your own terms is a waste of time? If you have to wonder whether your love for music and how you celebrate and share it is valid, you’re obviously experiencing it on a very shallow level. Nothing in this world could make me question the effect music has on me and it's importance in my day to day life. It’s not deep thinking. Either you feel it and believe in it or you don’t. And you do what it takes to experience it. Second guessing yourself, for years, because of what you perceive the general public and Howard Stern to value is, on the other hand, a red flag.
  8. Let me get this straight. You have a wife and a job and a life and are more invested in those important things than reactions from this forum. OK. For the record, Hitler had some ties to modern conservatism: 1. Spent a boatload on his defense/military 2. His anti-semitism somewhat mirrors modern conservative pro-Christian attitudes 3. Didn't accept gays or any sexual permissiveness 4. Hated anyone who wasn't white Probably just pure coincidence.
  9. Is this the thought police in action? Post what you want. Just don't expect everyone to be impressed by or value your opinion. What part of this don't you understand?
  10. Considering what any serious JP fan understands about the level of seriousness in his attention to detail, this is what would be expected of him. Dave Lewis openly assumed a falsehood as truth, was ready to spread it as a truth and even implied that JP might be somehow mistaken. As the only band member who gives a hoot it about the details of LZ's recorded history it comes as no surprise that JP would nip misinformation in the bud. And he doesn't have much of a history of cracking jokes in interviews. When has he ever joked about Zeppelin? Why would he start now?
  11. Europe 73 is JP's career high point as a live guitarist. He was focused, creative, and with the band set the standard by which themselves and all rock bands are judged performance-wise. Once the band landed in America for the 73 tour and went Hollywood the performances were never the same. Entertaining the press, working on a movie, escalating drug use, and becoming celebrities all distracted the band and changed the on stage dynamic. LZ went on to other great things and have special moments but never again played like they did in Europe 1973. You want to play like JP in Offenbach? It's a simple formula: skills + focus + inspiration + living in the moment. When he wasn't at the top of his game and considered sloppy, one or more of these cylinders wasn't firing due to some distraction. As it turns out, a distracted JP is still more interesting than many guitarists firing on all cylinders.
  12. "Clank your chains and count your change and try to walk the line..."
  13. Once upon a time this wasn't all that uncommon. Back when following the Dead from show to show was a serious lifestyle choice. Scoring doses and chasing the next "Dark Star".
  14. The sound of a band conquering the world.- Killers World Tour 1981
  15. Anybody familiar with Bobby Fuller? Permanently silenced by the local mafia for speaking his mind and refusing to play along. Interesting story.
  16. "May this be love or just confusion born out of frustration wracked feelings of not being able to make true physical love to the universal gypsie queen of true free expressed music. My darlling guitar, please rest in peace. Amen." "Forget of my name. Remember it only as a handshake...introduction to my belief which is God. Ride instead the waves of my interpreter. Music, sound - hypnotic if you choose. But truth and life regardless of your questionable timid compromises...which i intend to erase...which i will erase without hint of reward as i am only a messenger and you a sheep in the process of evolution. Almost at death with yourself and on the staircase of birth. Soon you may almost forget the smell of your family..." "And what you witness will not be from my own limbs direct. But by proxy. Straight from your own script that you have. Your own Devil's toil." "I am you searching to be free." "The story of life is quicker than the wink of an eye. The story of love is hello and goodbye. Until we meet again." - JH
  17. You can't get past the production values to enjoy "Emerald Eyes" or "Writes of Winter"? If you're really listening to the music you should be able to get past the production values of anything. Same concept as bootleg ears.
  18. So what does that mean, too 80's or too 90's? Are you referring to production values of those eras or do you mean to imply all of the music of those two decades sucked. You know better than anyone the only time Primus mattered was the early 90's. Seems interesting you'd slag that era of music. Coverdale/Page isn't bad but in general consists of weak material considering the caliber of the legends involved. I don't think they really inspired each other. It's not like anyone is clamoring for a reunion project from these two. And for me the CP songs are he weakest moments of the Plant & Page Shows. I do enjoy the CP show I have (1993-12-22 Nagoya) more than the album. Coverdale doing "Kashmir" and Page doing "Still of the Night". Strange but fun moments in rock & roll history.
  19. Hooray for force feeding animals in the name of overpriced bourgeois slop. I just caught San Fran's own Flamin' Groovies shakin' some action - sweaty rock & roll and bottomless PBR. with some fine ladies who know what's up. Fuckin' amazing to hear this music come alive.
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