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Badgeholder Still

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Everything posted by Badgeholder Still

  1. Yeah, i'd sleep with the band. Something wrong with that? All i did was post an opinion. Why do you take it so personal? Get a grip.
  2. That's funny, I don't remember seeing any Primus or video game music posts in this thread. Not sure how my post warranted a personal attack, but no problem. Memes, gifs and emojis bounce right off me. What else ya got?! Gaga is a singing/songwriting hack, which is fine and harmless. And "Million Reasons" is an anthem for the perpetual victim who refuses to accept that responsibility in a relationship is a 2-way street. I'm sure it'll be a big hit with a lot of people. On the other hand, she sure knows how to wear a meat dress!
  3. You got a hundred million reasons to leave? Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.
  4. Clowns are smelly, drunken, pedophiles who look stupid and should die. Ok, you might be working with some repressed memories.
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