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Everything posted by reswati

  1. Long time no see Diana-Loura.

    Well, since you are logged in right at this moment, here's one to inspire you.........hope you haven't seen it before.

    Great picture of you btw.

  2. Thanks for the friends add, and for the extravagant taste. Beefheart is indeed something completely un-mainstream, but it is, in my vision, always good to look beyond any musical borders.

    Greetings from the Netherlands, have a drink on Beefheart tonight....so will I.

  3. @ Magic: Your nickname here should be "Magic fills your hair"
  4. Absolutely mindblowing concert, too bad I missed that one since Tilburg is just around the corner.

  5. I still owe ya the pot pics, so they shalt appear one of these days.

    Greets from the frozen wastelands here.

  6. Queen Of Hell Mark Alan Smith Hecate is the first of the Gods. The Dark Goddess in the void, She who created Lucifer, is the source of all magick. This work embodies the primal current of the Witchcraft of Hecate. The first part of this book opens the Dark Path of the Witchflame Goddess in soul transition and elevation through initiation and the chrystalline transmutation of the subtle bodies in sexual magickal praxis. The Gods of the Witchcraft Trident are met in inner plane congress and physical plane evocation. The second part of the book deals with the transmutational journey of the soul through the Nightside realm of Hecate. The shadow paths of the Qlippoth are explored through many different portals in soul transition as gateways to Hell are opened and ancient familiar beings are conjured to assist in the work. Through the Lore of Malefica the awesome Draconian power of the Witch Gods is fully manifested and the darker side of the craft is seen written upon the Pages of Damnation in the Book of Rofocal. The third and final part of this work contains the Book of the Inner Sanctum. This is the path to the higher powers of the Witchcraft of Hecate. The dark spiritual crossing of the Abyss is covered here in depth. This substantial text has many detailed illustrations of the sigils of all the Gods and spirits of the Craft which are contained within its pages. There are 11 beautiful full page illustrations of the Witch Gods, their Universe and their kin.
  7. Just trying to type a somewhat longer mail, which will freak over the ocean this night/tomorrow morning.

    Thanks for the picture, you look great!

  8. (same name)

    Yeah, that's cozmik coincidence indeed :-)

  9. "they were charging at least 15$ for Justin Beiber" And there was no peadophile who bought him, truly amazing!
  10. To keep te spirits connected, here's one from the singing mailman from years and years ago, and one of the few ones ever filmed.

  11. Hmmm, why can somebody only type 400 characters at once here....grrr.

    Well anyway, breakfast is ready here right now, so I gotta stuff some food inside and than deliver the mail, even though most mailmen are on strike today.

    kind regards from Holland,

    Michael Q Reswati

  12. In fact I was playing the Lateralus vinyl disk just yesterday for a friend, since he didn't know Tool. Turned out to become a long and intoxicated evening, right now I just finally woke up again, about 10.18 in the morning, time to add you to my virtual friends list here. Reading your post I can only conclude that you also have a great taste in music....nice to meetcha

  13. Thanks for introducing me to Astra....."The weirding" is fucking brilliant!

  14. Muchos thankos for the compliment.....I try my best to stay as freaky as possible (I guess I stayed 25 years old forever or something like that)

    Is your nickname based on the Tool song, btw?

  15. Well, just by way of motivation, here is my most awful composition. (Actually it is an a capella piece, recorded in the middle of the night after consuming some good absinthe.....my neighbors luckily did forgive me for the sounds)
  16. Thanks for the add and for Achilles too.

    Hope yer doin' fine.

  17. Could you post some music Reggie, just wonder how you guys actually sound like....
  18. And condolences to you and your family because of your brother.

  19. Well, welcome back, and good to see ya again !

    Whatever happened to your band, since I can't see you on any of their recent pictures? Did ya quit them...

  20. Merci beaucoup. (There are more colours yet to follow in the omniverse, lol)
  21. Thanks for the add, since it's great to read your posts.

    Greetings from the Netherlands.

  22. "Would you trust a guy named Bong-Man to fix your toilet ?" Of course, he can even smoke a bong on my toilet if it pleases him. @Bustle....you look absolutely fantastic, and posing with a vinyl record makes even more sense. Anyway, here's another one by ëLizardbeast, for whomever it pleases, since I finally found a somewhat decent recording. As you may see, we have a very happy bass player, gnagna.
  23. We had a chance to write Dio a get well note on the deeppurplehub. After some weeks these notes were bundled into a book and given to him which he very much appeciated. As far as I can remember I wrote to him that the first thing I ever heard his voice on was "Love is all" and that it took me years to figure out that he wasn't a frog after all. So here we go, will everybody sing along...haha
  24. To be honest I have no clue who you are or whatsoever, but saw that you looked on my profile. Just wanted to tell you that you look great on your profile picture!

    Greetings from Holland.

  25. The sound quality of the video leaves to be desired, since it was filmed with a cheap camera by a friend of our special guest who did backing vocals.

    hope ya can dig the vibe anyway.

    Greets and lots of love to you.

    Michael Reswati

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