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Everything posted by reswati

  1. Thanks for your friend request, Stefania. Hope you're doing fine. I am just finishing a bottle of wine right now so....cheers to you. Do you also play drums? (just wondering). Hope that my english is readeable, since my knowledge of the Italian language is beyond minimalistic, although it sounds very beautiful.

  2. Kiss, jeez....the band that I saw most I guess Lick it up tour, Essen Germany Animalize tour, Germany - concert taped, but tape lost Reunion tour, Rotterdam Netherlands - concert taped Reunion tour, Utrecht (the riot concert where they stopped after a few songs only to return after half an hour)- concert taped Psycho Circus Tour, Utrecht - taped but confiscated by security due to some idiot with a big camera next to me Would I ever go again? Just to get my daughter the kick of seeing Gene, she likes his stage moves, but she is too young yet.
  3. Lol, yeah but you gotta look very closely to study the intricate details of the entire pic.
  4. Even though I am twice your age (well, almost) lemme be the first to say that you look stunning. Nice turtle too, does it have a name?
  5. Lol, I woke up this afternoon...........waking up early still sucks after all these years.
  6. E-cigs are so terribly artificial, tried it once and threw it out of the window. Anyway, good luck to you, if I can do it, you can quit too. May the force be with you!
  7. One smoke-free month gone.....yippee. Just the amount of money that didn't get spent on cigarettes is amazing, also my voice benefits from my decision to quit, I can now reach notes that I lost years ago.
  8. Also purchased the I am Ozzy book, signed edition. I must admit that it is very very funny, and even has some nice anecdotes about Led Zeppelin in it. Very worth the read, recommend it to everyone here.
  9. Have a wonderful birthday.....you rock!

  10. A bit odd, but I can't change it.......that voice/melody is so fucking enchanting.
  11. The hollow carrot vibe as presented to you by the humble furry writer of this writewrite. Since old habits die hard I tried to set the carrot on fire due to automatisms (which didn't work, Cthulhu be thanked for that) Vegetables are good....gna
  12. First of all, thanks for all the reactions........feels good to be not alone with this vibe. I could not stop it going cold turkey so I used chewing gum, but the taste of it is so amazingly beyond disgusting that I reduced it to a minimum to begin with. Today I went to see an Alice Cooper concert to keep me busy, and to reward myself as well.......works better than alc and pills indeed, just danced and freaked out. As soon as I can hollow out a carrot I will do that, until then I will have to use a cucumber.....easier to hollow out and it looks more impressive, lol.
  13. After smoking since my 18th I have put this habit to an end four days ago. I must admit that the first two days were rather beyond fucked up, today it feels a little bit better, although it's hard to break old typical habits (Like staying in the kitchen in the morning, I used to sit there and smoke my first cigarette, so that the whole house wouldn't smell of it) or the urge to have a smoke after breakfast, lunch and dinner. Yesterday evening I got so hyperactive that I could only sleep after an amount of alcohol, combined with a sleeping pill. Hope that this will not happen every night now......hence I decided to write this shit here to deal with my extra smoke-free time and the withdrawal symptoms in a positive way. Are there any other people here who do have gone through the same experience and how did you deal with it.....feel free to share your stories, that would be very inspiring to read. Greets, Res.
  14. This actually made me happy yesterday, but it was impossible to get a decent picture of it due to bad lighting. These are some results of the model work that I have done, one of the artists was kind enough to give me two of his sketches......
  15. Well, happy birthday Harry....rock on!!!!

  16. Edited to add the second video. Lisa Hammer is heavily influenced by eastern music combined with Dead can Dance like vocals. Eclectic and enchanting.......have a nice trip, lol.
  17. Here is another cool bar that I found there.....die Bar mit dem Fluss im Tresen (lots of cool jamsessions going on there)

  18. Ow fuck.....just saw you had your birthday not so long ago, well best wishes to you even if it's a bit late. Hope everything is fine in Berlin, have you already been to the Tacheles??

  19. I just discovered this show as well, and must admit that I was hooked after 5 minutes already. Great actors that portray great characters ( I must admit that I really hate that arrogant brat boy-king, hope that he will have his ass kicked in season 2) A good watch for everyone who likes Tolkien, this comes close to LOTR, only waaaaay more grim and gory. Who here is also watching this series and what are your favorite characters?
  20. Soundtrack lp from the film Clockwork Orange, German pressing, hence the odd looking title.
  21. Just a sign of life from me and of course my inspired daughter, who of course grew a little bit bigger than the last picture of her.
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