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Everything posted by reswati

  1. Always wondered how you looked like. Great picture, and great to see the man behind all the legendary stories.
  2. To keep you amused and because you also make sounds with your mouth http://snd.sc/IckNdV

  3. Posting a pic goes as follows: Go to : more reply options------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> all in the corner there, and press it. You will now come to a new screen where you can attach files/pictures (underneath the writing area) Good luck.
  4. A very fantascinating birthday, best wishes and many many years to come. Rock on!
  5. The unresolved Steve mystery.............continues ?!? (edited due to alien tin foil hatters)
  6. We just had a thunderstorm and some rain.
  7. Still a lot of work to be done on my dronescape, the most important thing is to get a new computer to begin with so I can pit the pieces together that I already have. after that I will add some extra layers of scary noises and theremin blurbs to the thingy.

  8. Are you gonna go my way?- Lenny Kravitz
  9. http://youtu.be/A99nU5UkhFI A fucking piece of (trippy headphone music) art, WOW!!!!!
  10. If you might read this: the intergalactic party committee wishes you a happy birthday!

  11. Congratulations Becky, Great to hear that this thread had an effect on the other side of the planet!!! I also had my half year anniversary this month, it's amazing how time flies, isn't it? Stay healthy and happy, big hug to you!
  12. @April Lynn: you look adorable. since i posted my head last time on page 315 you might as well know what I look like, only the beard has gone due to hot weather. @Why-Att: you were right, in time people will show up on this thread as well. Great to see that a young person like you lets his hair grow, that makes perfect sense!
  13. Happy birthday, and long time no see...........how are you doing?

  14. Might you read this: Have an amazing birthday and rock hard today!

  15. The one with the pig on it is a bootleg. Since the thing is already repressed many many times before I can only conclude that you have found another new repressing which is limited (most possibly colour vinyl), these ones pop up since a few years as being releases by The Swinging Pig and The Great Kornyfone Record Label, even if these new editions were never made by the original bootleggers. Value: around 30/40 Euro at most.

    1. Alessandra Amati

      Alessandra Amati

      Thank you very much!!

  16. Have a nice birthday, wherever you may be at the moment!

  17. What is a picutre actually?
  18. This stuff made it easier (even though I now smell like one big peppermint at the end of the day)
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