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Everything posted by reswati

  1. I wish you and your beloved one many golden years, lots of love, peace and harmony. Congratulations.
  2. Ah, saw you looked at my profile. Funny, your birthday is one day after mine. Greetings from a fellow cancer.

  3. Quite artistic what you pulled there (including the other splitscreens) Malacum salaam to you as well (Peace)
  4. Welcome to the club, I once encountered some guy here who threatened to beat me up. I am still wondering if he has ever figured out where the virtual violence button is on his pc.
  5. Waking up without coffee is truly a crime, hope you will have a better day after the appointment.
  6. Waar kan ik hun cdeetje kopen/bestellen?

  7. Zag net het kanaal van uwen zoon, hopelijk is hij goed thuisgekomen......Zijn band is erg fantasierijk en inspirerend!

  8. Lol, thanks for the beer comment....

  9. (lol, we had that one already, post 14747) Two tribes- Frankie goes to Hollywood.
  10. Happy birthday, Inga May. Hope you are doing well since we haven't heard in ages from you.

  11. Happy happy birthday Strider, have a great party there man!
  12. Oh wow, I finally found out I can write something here!

  13. reswati


    I found that this beer was sold in the grocery store next to the Novotel, so I bought some bottles for after the O2 concert. Needless to say that we all had a great time while consuming it.
  14. Hi Steve, can you verify if this one is real, it looks a bit different than most Jimmy signatures I have seen:

  15. Freedom fries- Robert Plant
  16. Wow, just saw you in 3D. Very cool indeed, too bad the icon is so petite.

  17. Thanks for the add, with regards from the nethermost caverns.

    Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn.

  18. Well, greate thanks for ye add, oh thou who liketh ye mighty Zeppelin. With regards from ye Netherlands at ye mouth off nowhere near ye place off Nothingville.

    (Bla, getting a bit freaked while typing an old manuscript into the computer, it gives me blisters on my fingers and a fucked up old fashioned lingo)

  19. All men play on 10 - Manowar
  20. If you want to hear some decent ones try the boots that were remastered by the DPAS: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space_Vol_1_%26_2 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Live_in_Stockholm http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/California_Jamming http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perks_and_Tit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/On_the_Wings_of_a_Russian_Foxbat
  21. It's good to be friends with people that make sense, even in a virtual way. So greetings from the far side of this planet, hope yer allright and have a nice day.

    Shoobiedoowah pom pom.

  22. Wow, noch 7 Minuten, hoffentlich lohnt es sich.........Grüsse aus Venlo.

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