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Everything posted by reswati

  1. "What we've got here is...failure to communicate." Cool Hand Luke "You have never experienced Shakespeare until you have read him in the original Klingon."
  2. Only going the 18th, but lots of great (new psychedelic) music for just 25 Euro. What more can a man wish for?
  3. reswati


    Alwizard is still posting (just seen his pictures of Y&T, nicenice) Dzldoc is no longer with us since he died.
  4. Which version of TSRTS? The old album version, the old movie version or the Kevin Shirley remastered new version?
  5. Wow, that's a long time ago since we saw you here (and I sure do remember you). You look fantascinating. Nice to have you back again!
  6. It's an improvisation based on "Mars, the bringer of war" by Gustav Holst.
  7. Always wondered how you looked like. Great picture, and great to see the man behind all the legendary stories.
  8. Dear doctor, I have some very paranoid joke sentences. Dear doctor, nobody takes me serious after my newest conspiracy theory.
  9. Spam from the same untalented nitwit that spammed this place before. What does the rest of the world think of mister F? "I ran across this moron when I was working in radio and he regularly spammed radio stations with his rambling diatribe and amazingly awful music. I have to tell you that we had great fun listening to his “music” when we were partying. It’s just bloody awful. If he put as much effort into his career as he did into pandering the same old tired “conspiracy” shit he might actually get somewhere. BTW Joe babe, it wasn’t John, Paul, George and Ringo who torpedoed your career. It was Elvis working with aliens from the 9th dimension. Of course being a graduated elightened piano tuner you probably already knew that." http://blogitude.com...oseph-ferrante/ http://www.seymourdu...ad.php?t=239241 http://www.rockero.c...&p=1&hlt=105154 http://forum.jbonama...ic.php?id=21572 This last one is quite funny actually, since the spammer claims that Mister Ferrante is actually "the 5th Beatle" and "the real king of pop" http://extratorrent.com/forum/topic/13061/hey+jude+recomposition+by+joseph+ferrante+extreme+guitar.html
  10. "Quasi paranoid scribblings" "I know, I know it sounds paranoid, especially for those...." And the word of the day is............
  11. To keep you amused and because you also make sounds with your mouth http://snd.sc/IckNdV

  12. No, I am not in a band, I only make noises with my mouth sometimes. http://snd.sc/IckNdV
  13. All hail to the lords of Gondor, this reply made me spit out my banana liquor.
  14. Why on earth would a doctor, who has a millionaire as a patient, want to risk losing his credibility and his job by deliberately sabotaging his patients health? This theory ranks next to "backward masking on stairway" and "2012 album" as one of the bullshittiest things that ever popped up on this site. Food for tin foil hatters.
  15. According to some insiders, rumors are that Jack sold Meg to Zeppelin as a replacement for Bonzo to play on the album. It's gonna be called Meg Zeppelin 1.
  16. My bet is that they will release a red and white vinyl record with Christmas carols, together with Cliff Richard.
  17. The old way was just easier/better to use.
  18. http://www.bbc.co.uk...player/b01l8qqn The lovely people at BBC Radio 3 recorded JUJU's unique set with Robert Plant at WOMAD. Begins at 16 mins.
  19. Also, if anyone reads this, feel free to send some cozmic energy and lots of love to my former neighbor Leonie who is just having a skull operation after the doctors found an abscess in her brain ( the abscess got removed but they have to redo it since there were some blunders made, and she didn't wake from the artificial coma). Chances are that she might lose her live on her birthday tomorrow.
  20. Lots of cozmic energy from Holland to your brother.
  21. Posting a pic goes as follows: Go to : more reply options------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> all in the corner there, and press it. You will now come to a new screen where you can attach files/pictures (underneath the writing area) Good luck.
  22. A very fantascinating birthday, best wishes and many many years to come. Rock on!
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