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Everything posted by reswati

  1. Here's the complete docu, (with German subtitles, in case you might wanna learn the language that brought us the word "Arschgeiger") http://youtu.be/mj-tNf5aK8M
  2. Keep bleeding and use it as a show element. Maybe in time you can learn to squirt out streams of blood and shoot people in the first row with it. Would be kinda cool, like the thing Gene Simmons never did.
  3. Very well observed and very true. I guess Tolkien and Robert's fantasy sequence were a main influence for me to.....uhmm, chase dragons.
  4. Let's vote for Karen Carpenter. (Are they planning to resurrect the winner by some magickal spells btw?)
  5. ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Best song of the record. Great that the track is finally back on youtube, since it got deleted some weeks ago. The keyboards are very Floydish at times, but there is certainly a lot of CK vibe in this one as well. (ps, the splattered vinyl version of this record is just beyond beautiful)
  6. I am momentarily reading "Star Trek movie memories" by William Shatner on the toilet.
  7. For badgeholders only, due to the noise solo, Kashmir, and Achilles Last Stand. Great sound and great performance, got me hooked.
  8. He is for sure suffering of Space Oddity. Please send him back to ET (who still hasn't paid any phone bills)
  9. Our mutual love for the benefit of Mister Kite. (Including Henry the Horse)
  10. Something COMPLETELY different.......sounds like a lesbian ceremony.
  11. That quote was "invented" by Robert Johnson some years before.
  12. See you on the dark side of the moon, Neil. Rest in peace, you were a true hero.
  13. Led Zeppelin invented songs and whole concerts dedicated to badgeholders. (Does that count?)
  14. The spaceman make-up rights are owned by (of course) Simmons and Stanley.
  15. http://youtu.be/pfaS_r5hxnE Possibly one of the best prog bands right here and now.
  16. I am a singer/composer from (of all places) Venlo. Momentarily am I forming a new experimental band and am writing a piece of undanceable music. You can find some of my older compositions here: Greets, Res.
  17. I still seek for an instrumental version of ALS. If anyone can provide me with such it will be much appreciated.
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