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Everything posted by Walter

  1. No, not the original. It's in Celebration, if you know where that is. Same menu and great ambiance like the couple in the Tampa area we've been to. Thanks!
  2. Heading out to dinner later at the famous Columbia restaraunt, with another couple. The lady of the couple works for Mrs. Walter's business and was hugely responsible for keeping it afloat while Mrs. Walter was sick and receiving treatment. Good food, good friends = great evening ahead!
  3. Walter

    Sky Watch

    This year will be the first full moon on Christmas night since 1977.
  4. Very cool that you two met up! Have a great weekend everyone!
  5. Arizona Buffalo San Francisco Detroit Tampa Bay Jets Pittsburgh Seattle Indianapolis Kansas City Chicago Carolina Denver Green Bay New England Miami
  6. Kinda like an avatar I saw hanging around here recently....
  7. Clowns didn't scare me, just freaked me out. Mimes also freaked me out. Movies about paranormal activity scared me a lot! After watching them, I would sit up at night thinking I was hearing things. Ouija Boards also scared me - even though I knew they weren't real.
  8. Yeah, I also go by my middle name - because my father and I shared the same first name, so they called me by my middle name (they didn't want big Charlie and little Charlie, for some reason - the weird part is he was out of the house by the time I was like 2). So every year when they would call our names, I would hear every variation of my first name "Charles" that could ever be thought of. I hated it, but eventually embraced it and now use it in professional circles. Still go by my middle name with family. Strange, but true.
  9. Yeah, I thought his pick might arrive from another interesting location... He sent one in from an obscure place in Michigan and then from down here in Florida - all while attending college in Alaska. Oh well...
  10. I like your analogy. Well written, as always.
  11. Well AD is on track to do better than I predicted so far. 10-10 at the half.
  12. somewhere in between. I think he's good for about 100 total yards and a touchdown. About 60-70 rushing. The Cards should put them behind early. The Vikes D is banged up. Nothing you don't know already.
  13. Arizona - IMO, they are the team to beat in the NFC. I'm excited to see David Johnson at rb tonight. I was very pissed when Dallas passed on him in the 3rd round this year.
  14. Agreed! My son and I were singing "Good Times Bad Times" as we rode into downtown this morning, after I informed him today was the anniversary of the show. This is also my 8 year anniversary of officially joining this awesome community. 8 years ago today, the mighty Zeppelin took flight once again!
  15. So do I. You guys should do fine this weekend against Philly. They were extremely fortunate last weekend against New England. Shady McCoy should have a HUGE game this week.
  16. Plus, 4 discs per show would only be 20 discs - where are the other 11 coming from? Wondering if there will be any other soundboard recordings coming out with this release?
  17. Happy Birthday, Kiwi! Hope you have a great day!
  18. Well Paul, having won 2 out of the last 3 is a hot streak in the NFC LEast! I also just read that if the Cowboys are still in it come time to play Buffalo, Romo has a shot at playing in that game. With that said they have a game at Green Bay Sunday and then home against the Jets next week before even thinking about that possibility. It just kills me to know that if Romo and Dez hadn't been injured, we'd easily be leading the division right now. Whatever....reloading with some high draft picks to go along with this year's good draft could pay dividends next season. That's the real hope here.
  19. Jim Rome says Dan Bailey is a national hero for making that kick and ending that game!
  20. It's good! Dan Bailey 54-yarder to make it 19-16. Special teams, don't screw up!
  21. I'm too much of a die hard to not see the rest of a Cowboys game. Like you said earlier - intervention is needed! Cowboys recovered! Wrong thread I guess!
  22. This is very bad - just like I thought it would be. Cowboys just recovered a fumble?
  23. It never fails. This season is very, very good though. We watch it on the dvr on Friday night with candles lit around the bedroom. Adds to the theatrics.
  24. Against his better judgement, Cole puppy is ready to root the Cowboys on tonight! Turnover by McFadden already...oh well!
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