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Everything posted by Walter

  1. Have a great time at the ballpark, ebk!
  2. ^ True dat! Enjoy brotha! Boiled jumbo wild tiger shrimp with fresh cocktail sauce, extra horseradish. 5 ounce lobster tails, with drawn butter. Large Cherry Neck clams, steamed, with drawn butter. Wife made some peach sangria, with grapes, apples, and strawberries. Not bad... Lots of green w/ Jr. at Grandma's house.
  3. Congratulations to Juan Pablo Montoya for winning his 2nd Indianapolis 500, in only his 3rd attempt. Great race and finish! Bring on the 600! Let's Go Harvick!!!! :cheer: :cheer: #4thewin
  4. They certainly f-ed him over in a number of ways! Oh well, that's racin'! Suck it up and move on....
  5. First off, whomever called Hamilton into to pit leading the race, where tire wear doesn't matter, and it's tough as Hell to pass, should be fired from that position immediately. Next, did Rosberg and Vettel maintain safety car speed when it was a virtual safety car? Otherwise, how they made up that much distance under that speed limit is beyond me. Red Bull penalized their own, if Rosberg didn't follow the rules and wasn't called on it -,they should've followed suit. We didn't get to see the post-race interviews over here as they went straight to the football (soccer) match.
  6. MONACO!!!! Qualifying on right now. Today is Christmas Eve for race fans... Tomorrow, Monaco in the morning, Indy in the afternoon, Charlotte all night long!!!! Bring it on!
  7. Happy (belated) Birthday to slave to zep and Super Dave! Haven't been on as much lately, so I apologize for my tardiness. Hope you guys had tremendous birthdays!
  8. U2 performing at the Amnesty International concert, June 1986, Giants Stadium This, along with their performance at Live Aid in '85, really turned me onto them. Caught them in concert in '87 and have been a fan for life since. Good memories!
  9. I hope you enjoy the games. Classy fans that will let a star the level of Geddy Lee, in Canada, enjoy himself and the game.
  10. He is a HUGE baseball fan. They used to plan their tours around spring training and played Central Florida every other year for about a 8 year span back in the 90's. Mrs. Walter and I were at every one of their shows back then - great memories and amazing shows!
  11. The color photo looks to me to be Jimmy playing "Nobody's Fault But Mine", based on his hand gesture, guitar, and lack of sweat.
  12. ^ Good memory! Man, is the East weak or what? Cleveland would've swept right through, if they were at full strength. Only a team from the West can stop them now, I'm afraid...
  13. Do I really need to?
  14. "The leader in troll control since 2015" - Abraham Lincoln That's a good one!
  15. http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap3000000492361/article/wells-bradys-agent-wrong-to-criticize-my-integrity
  16. Agreed on all of your points. There used to be something so special about the ASG. Just another example of the legacy that is Bud Selig...
  17. Michael Vick - crime was not football related. Ray Rice - crime was not football related. Tom Brady - was completely tied to the integrity of a game(s). As far as the NFL goes, I can totally see why they put the hammer down on the Pats/Brady. When you have the history the Pats do and then are uncooperative and have the attitude they did towards the league, it was a slap in the face to the league. It's their league, their rules. NASCAR has been this way for a long time, so what the NFL is doing doesn't faze me at all. They have to do what is best for their league and this is what they decided to do in the face of what has transpired. It's not a court of law.
  18. http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap3000000492259/article/lack-of-communication-hurt-brady-patriots
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