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Everything posted by Walter

  1. How does ANYTHING get "out of his hands"? Except for the Pink Floyd name, of course!
  2. Getting ready to pick up an 18" NY style pizza, with pepperoni and mushrooms, from our favorite place. Maybe some Kraken shots and the RAH DVD will accompany it - with some nice sticky red haired skunk bud for "dessert" later.
  3. That's what I need to seek out - audience 80 shows. Much like '77, I'm sure it gives a completely different perspective of that tour than the sb's do!
  4. Typical Cowboys hater! Read the end of the article.... I'm not saying Jerrah is anything that great, but a team that was that far over the salary cap (to the point they had to release their best defensive player and a face of the franchise), that was 8-8 the last 3 seasons and couldn't make the playoffs - then they change coordinators, add more staff, sign a bunch of no name players and players who'd been thrown on the scrap heap, and they become one of the best teams in the league. That deserves recognition. But all they want to talk about is him wanting to draft Manzel.
  5. This thread is quite the train wreck! Whomever has said Jimmy has played "Ramble On" thousands of times doesn't know the live history very well. It's one of few early Zeppelin songs that was never played, by the band, in its entirety - only as a small snippet in a medley and usually just a lyric thrown in. He didn't play it until some of the Plant/Page shows of the 90's and then again at the 02 and at a FF show. Never was it performed with an acoustic guitar, in a live setting. Plus as was said, who knows if the guitar was tuned to the right tuning, etc. Obviously some are just trolling here, as they continue to do in other threads.
  6. Yeah, watching LeBron push his coach around was something, right?!? He is such a loser, in pretty much every possible way....now his body is shutting down at what 30? PED's anyone? Self-proclaimed "King", my booty!!!!
  7. Same down here. Rarely see Tampa colors flying though!
  8. I'm glad the Cowboys have kept Garrett on, he deserves the chance to take the team to the next level. I was surprised that Miranelli re-signed as DC, I thought it was pretty much guaranteed he would join Lovie down in Tampa. But then again, Lovie may be out after this upcoming season if he doesn't get things turned around quickly! Now, what will they do with Dez, DeMarco, and Free this off season? I heard that DeMarco was offered a 4 yr/16 mil contract. That's the same deal they gave Emmitt back in '93 when he held out to start the season. I don't care whether his fumbling ass comes back or not. He put up great stats this year, but fumbles way too much and is still injury prone - especially after a 436 carry season! People seem to think Peterson is the guy that will fill his spot in Dallas.....if so, he'd better come at a reduced price. He's supposed to receive $15 mil from Minnesota this upcoming season. Draft a rb in the third round, I say. This year's draft is supposed to be the deepest for running backs recently.
  9. I hear ya, Strider! It's blasphemy to have a rival coach head up your team! Hearing Rex speak to the press reminded me of Rick on here - a lot of hot air about what the Bills are gonna do!
  10. Well, I guess there are two loud mouths in the Buffalo area now...... http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap3000000458828/article/rex-ryan-introduced-as-buffalo-bills-head-coach
  11. I've always enjoyed Cleveland, then I though New York topped it, and now I would think Ft. Worth would have to be the best - no question! Nutrocker, do you not consider Seattle as a soundboard?
  12. Larry Csonka from....Syracuse University!
  13. Thanks Strider! Never have scene it driving around here - but the area he was filmed in is not too far from where I work in downtown. I'll have to keep a look out for it - tell him it looks cool - and ask him how he did all of that artwork, but misspelled Led Zeppelin on the front!
  14. I agree, Kris. On both parts. Especially the compliments given to you! Hope you, hubby, and the family are doing well!
  15. One of my favorites: Whole Lotta Love Medley - January 22, 1973 - Southampton University
  16. Unless he wants to take less $ he won't be back. Lots of mouths to feed. I hope so and yes I heard he loves it and about his house. That coincided with his recent injuries/illnesses. I don't know what to think. I'm taking the Ducks by 10
  17. Walter Jr.'s favorite: The Song Remains The Same - January 22, 1973 - Southampton University
  18. Nice 4-0 weekend, jabe! Who is your pick for tonight? Rolando was a bust yesterday after suffering another head injury I the 1st quarter. Don't think he'll be back in Dallas.
  19. Fox is already being linked to the Chicago job.
  20. Black Dog - January 22, 1973 - Southampton University
  21. It's about 1 hour. Not far at all. We have always wanted to go, so we are in the mindset that everything that we can make happen, needs to happen. Leave nothing on the table, as long as we have the means for it! We are going the last week in March. Hope your golf trip is "smashing"!
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