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Everything posted by Walter

  1. Yeah, it's like Thanksgiving....an annual occurrence! The Yankees have needed to dig George up and make some major moves for some time now! I mean WHEN are they going to improve their pitching and get a younger line-up? Hopefully some youth will arise from Columbus......
  2. You were also trying to explain your version of what you think the Tea Party represents. "Teabaggers" is used to describe one who puts their scrotum on another's face or, as I stated, "Tea Baggers" is used to describe some lunatic people walk around like they are part of the original Revolution and trying to claim they are liberating America like the Colonists did in Boston, with tea bags hanging off them. Different spellings, different meanings...... Stop trying to pass your interpretation of what was originally said.
  3. Picked it up over the weekend and it is a great, disc, IMO. I can see it becoming a "Grammy's darling disc", kinda the way the Plant/Krauss disc became. Great work Jack!!!
  4. Sorry to hear what happened Deb, glad you're alright though!! A family friend fell through their garage ceiling and almost died from the head injury. When you told what had happened all I could think about was that scene in "Christmas Vacation", when Clark is up in the attic. Glad your Zep goodies are doing fine as well!
  5. Well, good morning to you too! VERY NICE!
  6. Go away....up your post count somewhere else.
  7. If emotion ranks so high, then why was this picture not sold, errr surfaced, when the emotions were running highest? That would have made the most money for the owner, right?
  8. Yes, I do. I believe they will go to a different section of the state to find a jury though.
  9. Glitter and Grease ~ Lady Gaga, in honor of the start of her world tour today....
  10. Thank you Dandu, for clearing that up before I even saw your post - sorry for the poor spelling on the previous post, but my phone won't allow my to correct it!
  11. Type O, of course I wasn't speaking about you, just referencing your post. That psycho dude from the other thread who told us he sent the Benji to GZ's fund is who I was referring to. You and I have always been solid, even though we don't always agree - I am not going to publically disrespect you! Peace.
  12. Gonna Be A Long Time - John Butler Trio
  13. I Just Wanna Fly - Sugar Ray
  14. ^ We know where $100 of that $200,000 came from......
  15. Yeah, it's been since Parcells that they've had a good draft. This guy looks to be a keeper, plus gives the team 4 quality db's which is necessary in the NFL today, especially with the way your giants throw against their secondary. Jason Garrett is starting to make his mark with this team, I believe. They have some new quality assistant coaches and jones' ego has been bruised to the point where he will listen to someone who actually knows football..... Their schedule this year is pretty brutal though. I like that the first round is separated from the second round, etc. It gives teams time to regroup, look over the talent left and make some moves to get what they need/want. The pats did a good job last night with their first rounders. Steelers got a great offensive lineman deep in the first round also. Jets seem to continue to be the circus they have become. Buffalo is ready to make a move this year also, right LZ77fan? That RG3 looks good, but man he looked small when being interviewed on ESPN last night. It'll be intersting to see how much punishment he'll be able to take - especially running around like he does.
  16. It's gonna be HUGE! Won't be back to the states for awhile, but fans in the far east and Europe are in for some great shows, IMO. Big fan, Juliet? Peace.
  17. Learning To Fly - Foo Fighters
  18. Walk This Way - Areosmith
  19. Cowboys move up 8 positions to pick up the highest rated defensive player, Claiborne, DB from LSU! Between him and signing Carr from KC, the last 5 min of the game might not be such a nightmare this year! GO COWBOYS!!!
  20. Let's see that's 18,000 in a metropolitan area of over 10 million, not sure that proves anything other than there are at least 18,000 people with bad taste in music in the greater NYC area. Didn't the same area sellout shows for Bon Jovi for the last 25 years also??? To each his own... I also agree with the rascal flats comment earlier, btw.
  21. With all due respect, I believe we should keep the Casey Anthony trial out of this. That jury didn't even ask to see any of the mountain of evidence again after both sides rested their cases. That jury wanted to get out of there and head home. I am enjoying the banter going on since you joined the conversation Dandu. I agree that it will be a difficult charge to prove, but I am not so sure that isn't the reason why it was chosen. Act like you are doing something to appease others.... As a side note the DA just won re-election for her area last week, running unopposed. Zeplives also brought up a couple of things worth noting, the reason this blew up the way it did WAS because the authorities essentially closed the case a couple of days after it happened. We watched it down here and the news had dropped it as another death in crime-ridden Sanford and only picked the story back up when TM's dad started getting in front of cameras demanding questions be answered. Rightfully so. Also, I don't know those photo's to be of GZs head either. The cuts were previously described as vertical lacerations and these appear to be horizontal. Also, the "dark spot" that was focused in on his head when taken into police headquarters, isn't the same location as these cuts. Last, the hair seems to not be the same as GZ's. Seems like the photo would have been out much earlier when it could have garnered more $ for the owner, then to sell it when he supposedly did. That, of course, is all speculation on my part. I still believe this will be a difficult charge to make stick, but then again I don't know all of the facts...... Edited due to spell check changing TM to TIM -
  22. So he chases kids away with kitchen knives, then gets beaten up later by a group of kids and the authorities are planning on arresting members of the mob that attacked him later..... How does this have anything to do with the Zimmerman case? Because the sister said that a member of the group allegedly said something about Martin as he was leaving?
  23. Not a fan of her's either - plus the other two bands referred to in this thread - but she is at least a good role model for young girls, carries herself with class and she does write her own material. Respect for that!
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