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Everything posted by Walter

  1. They don't sell upper bowl until they sell a substantial amount if lower bowl seats....good to here they are selling well! Surprised you didn't know of this.....
  2. Bob Seger and the Silver Bullet Band - Greatest Hits
  3. 6 of them, really?? Next thing you know they're webbed too!
  4. I take this statement back - if one guy out brings this team down as far as it has fallen, that doesn't bode well for their future tourney hopes! Come on 'cuse get back on your game!
  5. Four Sticks for me - I never really liked the track until P/P did it in '94 on their reunion, since then it has been a "crank it up" mainstay!
  6. Great start! Thank you Strider for giving us such great recollections of those times, must've been one hell of a time!! Thanks to the others for giving good "side bar" information - multiple impressions are cool to help round everything out!
  7. Why would you make that earlier comment when you knew it wasnt the truth and easily found out? You know what, nevermind - this isnt worth continuing.
  8. .....the truth shall set you free!
  9. Great Performances - Tony Bennett duets Right now Carrie Underwood and Tony are singing "It Had To Be You", Amy Winehouse was just on...so sad!
  10. Jahfin, you said the man is mean spirited, which is fine with me if you feel that...but then you say it's inexcusable. I've read you to be very mean spirited to others and I guess when it's YOU doing it then it's alright!?! That's what I am talking about.
  11. Deb, first off thanks for your comment. Second, I really dont have a problem with Jahfin, other than his comment rubbed me the wrong way due to the hypocritical nature of it. There are only a few I will stand behind 100% here...you are certainly one of them! Third, Rick didn't admit it was him reincarnate until I called him out a few times in the NFL thread. I really enjoy chatting with the majority here, but I still don't get these idiots who keep reappearing under different names with the same BS attitude! They are OUR famous that I hate! Carry on....
  12. I agree with you there Knebby. I don't understand how someone could be that out of control to the point where they get banned and then come back, unashamed, and do it all over again. Life is too short to act like that! To clarify my earlier statement, when I first joined this forum in '07 Jahfin was the 1st member to rip me with a profanity laden response, for little or no reason. That is why I believe his earlier post was ridiculous about Stern being "mean spirited" and that it was "inexcusable" - when he did it regulary for years on this site.
  13. I think I might know one...... I'm glad the Pro Bowl is the weekend before the SB, instead of after. It's so irrelevant anyway, just get it out of the way and get on with the SB! Instead of being the Pro Bowl, it usually ends up being the 5 best player of that position Bowl!! I do LOVE Hawaii though......
  14. ZosoMafia, you have taken the words right out of my mouth.....
  15. Rick's wearing that poor horse out, isn't he......
  16. I still have a mono form single of WLL with Livin Lovin Maid as the B-side. It was my fathers' and supposedly he played it to me when I was in my crib.... WLL helped them cement their signature riff driven rock music, it certainly was a very important song in that transitional time in music!
  17. They played tough on Monday @ Cincinnati without Fab Melo. Hope they get his academic issues under control soon!! They will be awesome!!!
  18. I find these Stern comments to be very interesting! Two things, consent must be given/signed for anyone to appear on the show - especially when on a tv show. Second, it's a comedy show and should be taken that way, not seriously.....to each his own.
  19. That is only a couple of years into his career, btw. Plus he missed a couple of games this season with a knee issue, so his numbers are based on 13 1/2 games.....
  20. Giants 6-2 after their first 8 games, real slow start.......
  21. Even though it appears to be something that you and many others find to be offensive, nobody is made to do anything against their will and someone who could possibly be mentally challenged would have to have someone else bring them in and approve of what transpired. I am not going to argue, and I am not accusing you of arguing either, I just wanted to see what you despise about Stern. The Selena thing was completely misinterpreted....but again, if you want to dislike him that is your choice. I just wanted to know what caused your feelings to go in that direction. Thanks for answering my question.
  22. The first night (the 4th) is a really good, enjoyable show....especially what was remastered for the official DVD. The 11th is more like the '80 tour to follow...but it does have it's good parts!
  23. Happy Australia Day!! I am thankful for the John Butler Trio (yes Reg I know he was born in Cali, but didnt begin playing music until living there) and Xavier Rudd!!! Keep the music and vibes coming up from "downunder"!
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