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Everything posted by Walter

  1. Steve - the plan to film and record the shows in NYC at the end of the tour came together during the final leg (July '73) of that tour, correct?
  2. There's an algorithm on youtube for that too...
  3. Past history with the OP I presume. Plus it appears by his last post, he still thinks he is correct.
  4. Yeah I saw those pics too. Glad that he is not just bed ridden, but the recent photos definitely look like a guy going through some serious chemo treatments. I just hope he is able to make it through with the quality of life he is currently showing. Music/touring be damned. We're all pulling for you EVH!!!
  5. Since they had to have a last minute comeback to defeat a winless Cincinnati team - at home - and then had to return an onside kick against a winless Miami to win by more than 3 - at home - I wouldn't take any Bills game as "favorable". The combined record of their 5 wins is 6-27 (.182 winning %)....and you're bitching about the Pats (again)? The record of the teams they've defeated is at least 12-32 (.273 winning %).
  6. When are the Bills going to win the AFC East over the Pats again? Still waiting for that prediction to come into fruition....a couple of decades now.
  7. Not this weekend, Rick - November 3rd. Hot as Hell down here.... 5:47 pm and heat index over 90.
  8. There are very few certainties...Rick making wrong predictions is one of them!
  9. and they reload again, trading with Atlanta for Sanu.
  10. I said day one that the Yankees didn't have enough pitching to get over the top in the AL and they didn't. Not pissed, just crazy that we all could see it but ownership didn't. Or at least didn't do anything about it. Cowboys are talented, but injuries - especially to Tyron Smith - will reduce any team to mediocre or worse... Glad we beat that Eagles ass though. 3-0 in the division. Now onto a bye week and time to get healthy, hopefully.
  11. Sorta. Beating Washington 9-0 doesn’t mean much, but they do look balanced!
  12. Junior: La Lambs Buffalo Sacksonville Detroit Green Bay Indy NY Giants San Fran SD Chargers Chicago Baltimore Dallas New England
  13. L.A. Rams Buffalo Jacksonville Minnesota Green Bay Houston N.Y. Giants San Francisco SD Chargers Chicago Seattle Dallas New England
  14. Don’t let those pesky facts get in the way...🤣🤣🤣 If it’s Washington and Houston, it’ll be the least watched series since...🤔 Either way the AL is gonna win, sorry ebk. 😘
  15. “Listen To This Eddie” RULES!!!
  16. We suck, but still n first place....🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
  17. Seattle Kansas City Washington Minnesota Jacksonville Baltimore San Francisco Atlanta Denver Dallas Chargers Green Bay
  18. Junior: Seattle Kansas City Washington Phili Sacksonville Baltimore Lambs Atlanta Tennessee Dallas San Diego Green Bay
  19. Me: Carolina Mrs Walter: Carolina Jr: still asleep.....Carolina
  20. Let’s go Yankees! Let’s go Yankees! Let’s go Yankees!
  21. Still quite warm here - 88 degrees, but I can feel a faint cool/dry breeze in the air trying to make its way down to Central Florida. The coast must be awesome today. I see there is a subtropical Nor'easter heading up to New England....nice start to fall, eh?
  22. Easy there Dick. You're acting like "why is he out if he didn't take a hit" and I'm answering you. Chill the fuck out. My team is fine and in first place, thank you.
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