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Everything posted by aen27

  1. Welcome! And I love Pagey too! Do look at his pictures. It's lots of fun, but JAL is right about her warning!
  2. aen27

    Hot pics of Jimmy

    I think its around the Coverdale/Page album......but still........... I don't know if you all have seen this actually. You have to if not--- to see him in this with David. He's so adorable!!!!! Talk about smouldering! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wphGxbxQlfs
  3. aen27

    Hot pics of Jimmy

    I wish there was more of him in that outfit. He is so so sexy in it!!! I'm sorry your dream was interrupted. It sounds lovely.
  4. aen27

    Hot pics of Jimmy

    I love these two. I think he has on cufflinks......oh, why does he have to be so utterly gorgeous in every single way! Catherine James is right. He is dazzeling! Oh, I better stop before I start getting naughty!
  5. aen27

    Hot pics of Jimmy

    You can't see his face, but what a outfit with those tan and black shoes!
  6. What's this look? He looks way too good in this!
  7. aen27

    Hot pics of Jimmy

    You're welcome for the pics. I really like that about him getting away with both. You're right. I can't picture any 'rock star' now doing that. But, then again there is no one like our darling, either, who still wears scarves, I might add and is still very very classy. As to Miss Pamela, I don't remember her mentioning his beard, either. I think he had it when Scarlet was born.
  8. ^ I love that too. But he must have a vision walking into the pool at the Riot house in this, according to BP Fallon. I love this.........
  9. aen27

    Hot pics of Jimmy

    I actually found the jimmyjunkyard one on another board, it wasn't my title. But isn't such a cool pic? I think he looks so sexy in the second one, that I about fainted when I first saw it on line and bought it. I think I would die if he really looked at me like that.
  10. aen27

    Band Photos

    ^ The "Vancuver" poster is very unusual of them. It makes them look even more mysterious. I love the ones were they are adults too. Like this one.
  11. Mick Wall's book might be good, as he has become friends with Jimmy since around Outrider. It's called When Giants Walked the Earth. I'm forward to it myself. It's coming out I think around the 16th of this month. I love the new Whole Lotta Led book. It's beautiful.
  12. aen27

    Hot pics of Jimmy

    I highly doubt it...well, it might be arranged if we could be revived by Jimmy himself.
  13. aen27

    Hot pics of Jimmy

    Awwww!!! Cute Jimmy with his polka scarf....
  14. ^ Lucyinthesky, have you heard Robert's song "Calling to You" from Fate of Nations? At the very end he's screams "Oh Jimmy!!!" I want to cry everytime I hear it. It's so sweet!
  15. aen27

    Hot pics of Jimmy

    I have one of those old stats cards that says they're green.
  16. I thought they did, but maybe it was only guest appearances, like Jimmy and Bonzo with Roy Harper and launch Swan Song?
  17. I wish I could have lived in London during all of Swinging London, but I would settle for this.... As for a specific performance, the one that is in SRTS or one of the LA Forum ones in '77. But as for a fantasy, I would go to see them at Madison Square Garden and fly back to LA with Jimmy, (who is at his absolute hottest) on the Starship circa 1975 and go back to the Riot House with him and make love among all his tapasties and candles in his room after the parties. End of fantasy.
  18. I forgot! Thank you! I should have remembered because they both fancied her too!
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