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Everything posted by aen27

  1. aen27

    Hot pics of Jimmy

    I can just watch that menu for MSG over and over, he's so gorgeous in it!
  2. aen27

    Hot pics of Jimmy

    A little more.. He is so so beautiful in this last one!
  3. Happy birthday, John and Sean! (Sean is turns 33 today, he's a few months younger than me).
  4. aen27

    Hot pics of Jimmy

    I love that picture. It's part of my Zep collage poster on my wall. I gaze at it everyday.
  5. aen27

    Hot pics of Jimmy

    These are from the DVD that comes with the special Zep issue of Classic Rock Presants magazine. The one I ordered came today. The DVD has three interviews I have never seen before. They are not even on YouTube! He is so adorable as usual!!!!! These are from 2 of them.
  6. The DVD the Third Eye made is fine for now.
  7. I love it when Jimmy visibly gets irritated with Robert at one the questions. I think it's the one for how they began in the studio. Robert is making cracks and not answering properly and Jimmy cooly just blows the smoke out from his cigarette. It's adorable watching Jimmy looking for his cigarettes too. It's very interesting how he talks about how his friend ruined the guitar he painted by trying to re-paint it. I wonder what happend to it. Also about the Victoria and Albert measum cutting and giving Rock and Roll Hall of Fame one of his costumes without telling him. All that was really interesting. I have the DVD.
  8. aen27

    Hot pics of Jimmy

    One more. This is so cool. I love this.
  9. aen27

    Hot pics of Jimmy

    ^ Could you save the clip itself or is it all gone? I tried to look last night YouTube and couldn't find it. I hope it's released soon! These clips from the film are pure torture, but lovely!
  10. I don't know if it's his favorite, but it certainly is the song that got him to want to play in the first place.
  11. I can't wait to see it. I can only go by "She Just Satifies" and I love his singing. It reminds me of Ray Davies a little. I wish I had gotten to see before it was taken off!
  12. It's fantastic. Many I haven't seen before. Some I have, but it's worth it.
  13. aen27

    Hot pics of Jimmy

    He is the most fascinating person on the planet---at least to me.
  14. Here you are.... http://www.amazon.com/Whole-Lotta-Led-Zepp...3190&sr=1-1
  15. aen27

    Hot pics of Jimmy

    And we thank you most kindly, my darling! I love them all!!!Think of those pictures in I think '69/early '70's, where he has albums in piles all over the room at Pangbourne. I'm sure his collection is even bigger now.
  16. aen27

    Hot pics of Jimmy

    It's okay. I'm still learning lots of things about him too.
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