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Everything posted by aen27

  1. I think you got him perfectly, Sugarplum.
  2. aen27

    Hot pics of Jimmy

    It has, but I love it.
  3. John Lennon Vivian Stanshall Brian Jones Jimi Hendrix John Bonham George Harrison Elvis
  4. The best song is the Rain Song, and though it's beautiful, there is something about Dancing Days, which is probobly my favorite, followed by SRTS and the Ocean. My favorite line in a Zep song is in the Ocean, "Now sing all my songs....that's a real fine way to start"
  5. aen27

    Top Five?

    I'll try, but 10 might be easier? The first 3 stay pretty much the same -- the rest, like said above, it's this week................. 1. Dazed and Confused 2. Since I've Been Loving You 3. Ten Years Gone 4. Houses of the Holy 5. Dancing Days (6. Kashmir) (7. Sick Again) (8. Heartbreaker) (9. Wonton Song) (10. Song Remains the Same)
  6. I could say, make an elaborate scrapbook, over half with pictures I've printed, etc. of Jimmy and Zep. Want so badly to be at this exhibit, though I'm sure I don't have the money for a ticket to fly over 'the great pond', and my passport not renewed in time.
  7. I own it, so I know what pictures are in it. Annie, the other robe sounds beautiful!!! But it was Jimmy's, so of course it is. I want so badly to be there!
  8. I think so. I'm pretty sure this is Jimmy's and Robert is in his. There is a color one I've seen of Bonzo and it looks like these and is red.
  9. That's a great picture of her on that site.
  10. aen27

    Hot pics of Jimmy

    Wow! I've never seen the last two before!
  11. Oh my god! I can't believe you really have it! That is so awesome! I would be squeezing it, Annie, or terrified to touch and just screaming too! I'm so excited. It's starting soon!!!!!! Thank you, the messages look fantastic. I've been telling my gutarist friend about it that loves Jimmy and he's going to check out the site, and probably sign too. Let out a scream for me too! Don't forget to keep us to date on everything. Thank you so much!!!!!
  12. aen27

    Hot pics of Jimmy

    Here's a couple more to add to that. I like that outfit too. He has that shirt on under his jacket in my picture from 1979 that's up a little bit and this concert was 1972/3 so he was still wearing it!
  13. 1. When you turn up the radio every time Zep comes on, even though you own all the albums. 2. Spend just about all day thinking about Jimmy. 3. Listen everytime Zep is mentioned, no matter how small.
  14. I know Jimmy was an only child, I'm not sure about Jonsey. Bonzo did also have a brother, I think it's begin with an M, it's Mark or Matt, who just work a book about him and Bonzo. I know Bonzo was the youngest of his family.
  15. aen27

    Hot pics of Jimmy

    I love that green shirt open too, and seeing his chest and his little necklace is perfect! He is dead sexy!
  16. aen27

    Hot pics of Jimmy

    I love how he looked in especially in '73. He was especially gorgeous!
  17. The blue one is so beautiful. I love that blue tinted picture of him in white anyway. So lovely!!!
  18. I love these Sugerplum, especially the last one.
  19. I can wait too, I'd love to see if I get a white one. They won't send it now anyway, because I pre-ordered Mothership, as well.
  20. I wasn't sure where to put this, but it was just sugguested to me. In Ginger Geezer, Chris Welch's biography of Vivian Stanshall, the Bonzo Dog Band lead singer, talks about how when he was trying to interview Viv at the begining of the '70's, and was running out of things to say as Viv was getting drunk. He than gave him a message that Jimmy had for him, who Chris just interviewed recently before Vivian, "Tell him to come to Pangbourne Abbey where the law is enforced." to Viv retorted for Chris to say back to Jimmy, "Tell Jimmy the cream of the owl will be poured on the bishop's trouser leg."
  21. This person didn't give a reason. In some articale I saw, this woman who used to work at Swan Song remembers a fight Charlotte and Jimmy had where she slapped him across the face with her rings scratching him.
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