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Everything posted by aen27

  1. aen27

    Hot pics of Jimmy

    SteveAJones shared this in the Firm thread. Courtesy of Tony Franklin. I love Jimmy here with Tony Franklin on the Firm jet Spring 1985 during the first tour.
  2. Wow! Thanks for this, Steve! I love it.
  3. aen27

    Hot pics of Jimmy

    He must have been at the premiere for David Essex's Silver Dream Racer in 1980. Steve talks about this somewhere on the forum. Can't remember which thread. This is the ad without Jimmy in front of it. http://www.thesoundtracktoyourlife.co.uk/image.php?productid=6360
  4. I can't wait for mine too. I love Jimmy on the cover.
  5. To have been able to turn his life around and be alive. I am sure his beautiful family was a big help.
  6. aen27

    Hot pics of Jimmy

    I had only ever seen it from a very small version from his book. My Japanese friend found a larger copy of this somewhere.
  7. I own the DVD Steve, so it's okay. Thank you and kenog for your information and background about this period. It's been helpful as always.
  8. The interview is from 2005 and is the copyright of the disc and his hair is still black. As far as I know, they were still together because she is in the audience with him at the end of 2006 for the UK Rock Hall awards which was his first appearance with white hair. I am not clear the details either.
  9. This must be the house Jimmy is talking about in his Hard Rock Treasures interview. On that DVD, he mentions that he just moved house and the DVD is around 2005-2006. He still has his short black hair. Unfortunately I have never been able to find the interview on youtube to share here, but it on the Hard Rock Treasures DVD where mentions this. I was wondering which it was because I knew he had sold Bolksine too, though I am not sure when. He is talking about how he never notice how much he had collected until he was trying to move house. Thanks for this, Steve and when he moved in. I was under the impression he lived in the the house before Kembworth. Thank you.
  10. aen27

    Hot pics of Jimmy

    I screencapped them. They aren't actual pictures. Thank you.
  11. That is my favorite part of the video as well as him backstage at MSG. I agree fans would eat it up. I know that I love it. Maybe he will include them in the boxsets.
  12. aen27

    Hot pics of Jimmy

    Me too, but there was something very fragile about him at this time, that makes one want to more than ever. I agree, it's one of the best.
  13. aen27

    Hot pics of Jimmy

    I know. Don't you just want to cuddle him during the Arms era? I love Jimmy's beard too. That was shared on facebook yesterday and was new to me. I love his 'duck pout' and hair flying in that.
  14. aen27

    Hot pics of Jimmy

    ^ I could never see anyone else wearing it that way.
  15. It's from one of the early tours. It's not 1975.
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