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Everything posted by lzfan715

  1. thank you, I have one now. It's a speech from our genious president, George Bush. I need to find on more.
  2. I can't say much a bout long distance relationships, except that they are hard, I"m reading Sarah's story too, so that why it takes some tie. And does anyone have an interesting articale about stem cell research?
  3. It doesn't show up, but they can be hard. It's hard to be friends with people over a distance, so dating must be terrible.
  4. I'm okay, thanks. My neck is a little sore, but I'll be fine. So whose relationship?
  5. So, what the topic everyone? How is everyone?
  6. Good Robert isn't the skirt type.
  7. Kashmir Bob, does Robert have on a skirt in that first one?
  8. I'm doing all right. Better than before. And I"m listening to Robert talk. You?
  9. Thanks for the link, I love listening to them talk. They're all intellegent, and I love the accents. Oh, I finally found the magazine at a music store.
  10. I don't have any tickets to offer you, but it's so niec of you what you're doing for your Dad.
  11. Um, as sad as it is to say, Page would've died. Unless he became really clean really fast. He says he saw a doctor in the early 80's and was told he was living on borrowed time. If he cleaned up they'd still be around. Like The Rolling Stones, only better.
  12. Right now mine is Words, but that could change.
  13. It's not a big secret. I love the Monkees.
  14. I'm here for about 40 minutes, then I'm off to bed.
  15. I have to go eat dinner so I"ll be back in about 10 minutes. Bye Rabia.
  16. Bye. You look like Jimmy's kid. Sorry if you're a Pagette, and just say hi to him.
  17. Which guy. I'm sorry and I'll go look at your picture.
  18. I'm doing better then yesterday. How are you?
  19. Thank you. I hear that a lot. I don't know where I get it. Most advice I give I"ve never needed to use.
  20. Yes, but if a girl is really that in over her head she is too.
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