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Everything posted by lzfan715

  1. My favourite version is the Days Confused. (maybe Dazed Confused, it's from '75 in Dallas.)
  2. I have some episodes on VHS. The tapes ends right when Davy got captured, so I have to get the Monkees on DVD by the seasons, but it cost $80 a season. Which my dad doens't think that's too bad, I have no idea why though.
  3. I have a Lucky Brand top and it's so comfortable. It's really soft, and it's tie dyed with soft peach, green and blue. It's loose and the sleeves are loose but have elastic on the end and the neck line is scoop but has a tie in it so you can adjust it. I also have a Lucky Brand purse, I got it at Macy's. It's really big and it's made of patchwork coudoroy. Only I'm carrying my one of my Vera Bradley's right now. My bathing suit is Lucky Brand too, it's really rich shades of purple, orange, greens, and blues.
  4. I don't think it's lame, but someone might. I have about 20 Monkees songs on my ipod. I love the Monkees, I even watch the tv show.
  5. I've seen pink Zep vinyl, but never green. That is a really cool find.
  6. That's stupid, the girl from Thank You is Robert's then wife Maureen. I realize they are divorced, but I doubt he's in love with her or even knows her.
  7. For the shirts I got they were $20 a piece, which is pretty reasonable. The concert was great, and I'd pay that much again to see them.
  8. No problem. The stuff they sell at the concert isn't very expensive either. It does add up quickly, I spent $90 but I got a tour poster, 2 tshirts, and a really nice program.
  9. I don't know how much they are where Ev is at, but when I saw them the tickets were $65. You can check out the info for tickets on their site.
  10. Thanks for the link. The first time it says Mr. Plant and Ms. Krauss I accidently read it as Mr. and Mrs. Plant. I thought I missed out on something big.
  11. I'm looking for a first pressing (first run) of the first album. The only places I could find them is on ebay, and they run from $200. I don't have a job, since I'm not old enough to work and neither of my parents will just hand over that much money. My dad does really well about buying me music stuff, but there is a limit on the amount of money, which is understandable.
  12. They'd be really cool to have, but like Hotplant I am more than happy with my lps.
  13. I noticed that too, it looks like he's lost some weight. He looks fantastic. Younger now than he did in some photos that were taken a few years ago. I'm not suggesting medical work, just that he's taking care of himself,.
  14. I got that too. When some of the Zep songs were played Robert seemed really excited and ready to let go of the limits that were set by the music of Raising Sand. He looked happy to be performing those songs. I wasn't at the show, but I've heard of the incident and that's the way I took it. Allison doesn't seem like the type of person to make fun of people from a state for no real reason. I don't personally know her, but from her interviews and the way she acted when I saw them she seems very polite and quiet.
  15. I don't have it now, but I have had it. I took Claratin 24 Hour, and it worked really well. My mom bought me the Wal Mart when it ran out, and it didn't work as well or nearly as long. I also drank lots of tea with honey.
  16. I coloured my hair once and I won't do it again. I have brown hair, but in light it's really red. It's hard to explain but when you look at it, it's dark brown but turns red. It's all natural though. When I coloured my hair I used some bright red and it got messed up. It was heavy with colour on top but my normal hair colour on the ends.
  17. Mandy, I love your hair. I couldn't do anything like that, I don't have the personality, but it looks great on you.
  18. All of my vinyl is in great shape, except for a few Beatles. I have the early Beatles stuff on first pressing and that's when my dad was little so they are playable but not in great shape. And yes, college it is. I'd love to go to Berkley.
  19. I've not seen his clothes but I'll look them up. Designer stuff is expensive though. I'm not into names brand, but there are some I like.
  20. I love Lucky Brand. It's my favourite line of clothing. Everything from them I've had or tried on is really comfortable. Right now my favourite perfume is Love Kills Slowly by Ed Hardy. I don't have any because it's really expensive but it smells wonderful. My favourite perfume that I do have is Princess by Vera Wang.
  21. In one picture they look like they taper tighter towards the bottom. I think the ones from the O2 were more straight in the leg. I'm no clothing expert and won't claim to be, I'm just guessing. I'm looking at Wembley pictures and he has on almost the exact same outfit he had on when I saw him.
  22. I don't have any autographs. I collect a little bit of everything when it comes to Zep though. I'm really close to having all their albums on first pressing. I only need LZ1, but I can't find an affordable copy of it. I'm not made of money and can't afford a few hundred for a first pressing of LZ1.
  23. I'm glad I'm not the only one to notice that. Does he have on leather pants? they look like they could be, but not as much in some light.
  24. I have a book about the album and everytime the name is refered to it shows the symbols. I think I remember someone asking Jimmy what the band called the album and he said that the called it The Fourth Album or Led Zeppelin 4.
  25. I like Fleetwood Mac with Nicks/ Buckingham. I love Rumours. I just got Fleetwood Mac: Fleetwood Mac, and I think it's great. Rhiannon is one of my favourite songs. Your taste in music isn't bad, just expand it a little bit. You should check out Jefferson Airplane and Janis Joplin, but I reccomend her to everyone. Also you spell it Yngwie Malmsteen, it's a w not a u.
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